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Everything posted by TeamK-9
How bout a hollowed out cactus?!?!?!?
Did Geocaching Sprout From Everquest?
TeamK-9 replied to CacheCreatures's topic in General geocaching topics
Oooh, that sounds fun, we could call it GeoWar. You place a cache, and then go out and camp by it day in and day out with a paintball gun and try to shoot people as they come near it.... Then and again, that would give my two favorite sports, paintball, and geocaching a bad name... -
Did Geocaching Sprout From Everquest?
TeamK-9 replied to CacheCreatures's topic in General geocaching topics
It's a massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMPORG) just do a search at ebgames.com for everquest. Anyway, I just needed my chance to get a good one liner in here, but sadly I can't think of one. But I forsee in the future people seeing geocaching as an RPG. and soon, we will no longer be geocachers, but green menace ammo can bounty hunters... -
The tadpole question while slightly off-topic is something that will disappear after you make a few more posts...
I'm a member or "non-member" as the guys like to say of TRI-GO the Three Rivers Informal Geocaching Organization We're actually a disorganization of non members who like to cache around the Western PA area... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tri-go/ That's the website. Like I said, I'm not important member or anything, in fact no one is we're just sort of a bunch of geocachers...
I was out caching at about 6pm EST, but I didn't actually find the cache, so I guess I don't really qualify...
Send an email to your local approval, or just send an email to the general email address for geocaching.
Olar, I truely wish I had been that lucky with my trip the other day. All the caches I tried to find hadn't been visited in a month, at least...
ONE, BOOYAH Yah, I just started like the 28th of December and so I definately hope to get more this year...
No offense dude, but that thing looks ancient....
I can help out with anything in Western PA around Greensburg/Westmoreland County if anything pops up...
I think the best solution would be to ask around with local cachers and try to find people to adopt all of them. And if you can't get them ALL adopted, just pick them up and archive them.
I was planning on doing this for my website even before this post. My idea would be to just post after every cache adventure, no matter how many caches I visited and then just post sort of a log summing up the logs of all the caches I visited just sort of giving a narrative of the day and each cache in particular...
In my opinion, through my experience yesterday, it's not getting the satelite fix that's really the problem in snow, it's actually finding the cache which cuold be burried under several feet of snow, and it can be a pain to dig especially when you don't know exactly where to dig. But really, if you try and cache every once and a while when the snow isn't around you'll get experience....
I don't know exactly how to respond to the Where's George debate, but Bookcrossing, it's not just seeing how books circulate when left in the wild, the purpose is more of letting people read books, review books, and overall become more literate, not just watch books as they move around...
"If you prove to me that that really is a GPSr and that you really are in some kind of game, I'll call off the bomb squad before they get here, you have 20 minuets. GO!"
Yeah, as corny as my whole spiel is, I love the fact that geocaching gives me a way to use my creative talents (making sig items) my love for gizmos (using GPSr) and is a great bonding experience...
I knew somebody would have a joke before the first reply. LOL...
When you saw this topic, I bet you thought I was gunna ask how many people cache with their dogs. Except, I wouldn't do that because it's already been discussed here, and here, plus about a quadrillion other places in this forum. Really, it was just an interesting ruse (sp?) to get you to read my little essay that I handcrafted on the way home today after a caching experience. Okay, so today, I went geocaching at a local state forest, I was with my mom and my dog, and I tried to hit three caches, but I had printouts for about twenty in the area. Anyway, the first one, my mom ended up hanging back with the dog while I risked life and limb climbing on an icy ledge, trying to get to where I thought the cache might be. In the end, was I anywhere near to being successful on that cache, hell no. In fact, I turned back with ten feet to go, even though my cache senses were tingling. The second cache was actually two caches that were probably as close as they could be while still following geocache regulations. I walked down an icy trail to get to an area that was actually completely bogged out. In getting to where I thought would be closer to the cache, I stepped in three sinkholes. Eventually, I figured I was too far away to salvage that one without walking the whole way back up a hill and trying a different trail. And so, I went after the other identical cache closer to my location. I went through 100 feet of snowdrifts before I came to a big rocky hill, the cache was supposed to be somewhere on one of these boulders. My mom and I walked around for an hour or so at times even lifting out golden retriever up onto rocks and over tree branches and in the end we found nothing. After three hours trudging through swampy woods looking for three separate caches, we trudged back to the car. (Sorry trudger, if I'm over-using your verb) Anyway, the ride home was an interesting drive back down the mountain, and during that time, I talked with my mom and petted my dog as if I was still enthusiasticly awaiting a cache adventure. And yet, I wasn't, I had just suffered through my worst caching day ever, (that's one out of three for your info.) I had a great day, just walking through the woods with my dog, on trails that I'd walked hundreds of times before. What was different? Nothing really, but today I had bonding time with my dogs and my mom, and it made me think. Everyone, who's anyone, who's a real geocacher says that geocaching isn't about the find, it's about the hunt. And after today, I truly believe that, I spent a whole day walking through the woods trying to find a geocache, but I didn't, but I had a great time, and not once did I notice how unsuccsessful I had been. I guess this is sort of in response to the thread about cheating, and just about can somehow be related to every thread in these forums. It just goes to show you, that certain cachers may have hundreds and thousands of finds, whereas you only have one, but the question really isn't how many finds you have, it's how much fun you had, and I guess that's what Jeremy and TPTB are trying to show us by not allowing advanced stats or anything. Really, this is my New Years Speech, every year for the past three years, I've picked one of my forums to just write a post sort of writing one thing that caps off the whole year. And if you read this post really carefully, you'll sort of notice how it fits into every major conflict in the last few months. Anyway, happy new years, and if anyone like snoogans or sparky decides this will be their thread of the year to mock, I'll kick your proverbial butts...
Awwww, darn.... Hey, maybe they should give away free Canadian beef... (Once again, no offense to any canadians...)
I'd like to throw in my proverbial hat, (or real nickel design.) Question, do you want it to include the GC logo?
The Best Christmas Present Ever
TeamK-9 replied to team walkingsticks's topic in General geocaching topics
I enjoyed following this story, ad thought it was a great way to spend my forum time... -
My first find was actually a not find, mainly because of instincts, I used my GPSr, to get me to the general location, which from a clue, I knew was the bottom of a small rock outcropping, once I was at the rock outcropping, I decoded the rest of the clue and saw that it was in a ice cream container right at the bottom, and so I just sort of started looking around there looking for it, sort of trying to find it through instincts only occasionally looking at the GPSr. I guess if I go back in a couple days, I'll know where I want to look and I'll try and rely on the bearings of the GPSr more, but I dunno. But then my second find (which was a find, mind you) I ended up walking around the park on a trail and my gpsr was leading me into the woods 500 feet, but I knew there was supposed to be a trail to get into the woods and closer to the cache location... So anyway, I walked around, eventually not even reading my GPS until I found a trail and started heading a way I thought seemed right according to my earlier readings. I got to a sign that had been mentioned in the clue, and it said x marks the spot, now there was a giant x carved into the sign, so I figured it had to do with something around the sign, so I looked around quite a bit, and then I started wigging out, knowing it had to be around here somewhere cause the clue said look for this certain sign and x marks the spot... So I reread the cache page looking for something I missed about a zillion times. This goes on for quite some time, during which, I didn't look at my GPSr at all, then for some odd reason I looked at it, and noticed I was still a hundred or so feet away, I started heading towards the coords and then I saw several dead trees fallen on top of eachother making an X. I made a bee line straight to the spot. And so that just goes to show you, it all sort of depends on the cache, sometimes, you want to rely on your GPSr sometimes you want to rely on instincts, either way. Actually, I don't even know if that's what it shows you, it might just show you I'm a dimwitted person who can only really think about one thing at a time. But seriously, it was supposed to show you my theory on the GPSr which is in the paragraph above the paragraph above this one...
What Hazards Do You Have In Your State/country?
TeamK-9 replied to hedberg's topic in General geocaching topics
I agree with Criminal, hazards around here, include Police and Muggles... But also, snakes, bears, poison oak, killer bees, bobcats, the occasional pirahna, and the most dangerous thing of all, YOURSELF -
Or from your "My Cache Page" you can set it up to send you a weekly cache notification with new caches in your area once a week...