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Everything posted by TeamK-9

  1. Those are awesome...
  2. We learned about this in science just a little while ago. I guess when the poles switch there's a time lapse where like the ozone, and a bunch of other protective things just sort of disappear, and scientists have proved that extinction of alot of species have been linked to magnetic pole reversal in one way or another, but I don't think it will happen...
  3. So what's the big concern if they're national parks all of a sudden, doesn't the National Park rule only apply to US maintained National Parks?
  4. Actually, the moratorium only applies to locationless, if you're smart enough, and you're virtual is a cool enough idea, you can get it approved, but not unless it's good...
  5. The answer to EVERYTHING is definately 42... But then you have to wonder, what is the question?
  6. Well, you're posting right now, so obviously you're signed in...
  7. I just posted a link here in the other thread, because neither of these really make that much sense alone, but when together, they make a lot of sense...
  8. Anyone seeking more information should see this thread. Reading the one your reading now and the other won't make sense alone, but when you read the two, and put two and two together, you will understand, read the other topic. Click Here
  9. Actually, for me, I'd rather see the design before I knew the cost. Basically, our group is just ordering whatever everyone wants, and then people pay for what they ordered at the event for whatever the total of their items were...
  10. Wow, that's really amazing, was it a BIG, popular theme park?
  11. I guess I could tell my story a little better. My first find, not my first DNF, I wasn't quite sure how exact the GPS was so I relied on the hint. I got to a sign that the hint said I was supposed to see, and the hint also said x marks the spot.... Well, me being the idiot that I am, saw an X carved into the sign, and some small xes made by little trees in the area. I was going crazy looking around for it, until I even checked that I had entered the coordinates in coorectly several times. Me being such an idiot though, I didn't actually check to see if the GPS said I was close to the cache, it was 300 feet in the opposite direction. DOH!
  12. That sounds really kind of cool, but how much is the coin actually worth?
  13. My first attempt was a DNF, but I now know that even if I would have found it, it would have been frozen in the ground. After that, I had three more DNFs all in one day, but then I finally found a 1/1 cache and I was happy...
  14. I sense hyperbole, but it was a good story to read nonetheless...
  15. I believe that it is possible that Jeremy is asking us about this, for possible inclusion in GC.com v 2.0?
  16. I was going to vote yes, but I accidenlty pressed the null vote button. I think this would be a cool idea. Would the number of areas cached out be in the stats area along with caches and benchmarks found? However I don't know if you'd specifically need too logs. Is there some kind of way you could add a cached out thing to a normal find log?
  17. Maybe the guy who takes his GPS and then never looks at it, just looks under every rock and in every tree in the park...
  18. Are you sure you two are talking about the same thing? There are MiniDisks, and they are mostly just mp3 disk type things, they're small cds and they're only good for sound, but Insp. Gadget was talking about some king of Mini CD-R is it possible these are two different things?
  19. Yah, but the bahamas are a territory aren't they?
  20. You would probably want to use flash for that, but it would take a lot of work learning how to do what you want to do...
  21. You aren't the only one ranting about this my friend, but it's just life. I mean, some people just don't understand how to trade fairly, but don't worry about other people, worry about yourself...
  22. I'm pretty sure the rule applies to the beginning cache, (not sure about the end cache) but other than that you're okay about putting them close to the intermediary steps of a multi cache...
  23. You could make it just music, but you could possibly record a special greeting at the beginning if you had a microphone...
  24. Are you saying that one of your caches is on national park service land?
  25. They say that almost only counts in horseshoes, lawn darts, and hand grenades. I say almost counts when you were close. I seem to be the only person who thinks this way, but I still say email the cache owner and ask him wether he'll allow you to log a find or not. I'd say if it were my cache, and a guy just posted a log telling your story, and saying he found it, I'd delete it, but if the person had emailed me and explained the story, knowing what you were doing, I would have allowed you to log a find, but not necessairily to say in your log that you didn't actually find it. So I still say see what the specific cache owner's thoughts and views are on it...
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