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Everything posted by TeamK-9

  1. Well, first I tried that but it didn't work so I used the normal exe file, but the download window thing didn't pop up, but I ended up downloading an older viewer. Also, stunod, thanks for the help...
  2. That's pretty funny, especially number one...
  3. I've seen multi's that require you to get numbers off of a grave or something similar to get the coords for the final, so I think it's allowed...
  4. Can anyone help me with Plucker. I've got the one version for on the PDA on the PDA, but I can't figure out what to do with the other thing. I keep downloading a file with an extension I can't use...
  5. Okay, so I got Spinner in, but I'm having problems with Plucker. What exactly do I need, and how do I get it onto the palm/installed on my comp...
  6. Finally, the palm desktop thing came and I can hotsync. Now I just need to get plucker and spinner and everything...
  7. Which ends up being easier to use?
  8. I still don't know if there's any way for sure for me to kow what model is, but I think it most matches the specs for the Vx. So that's what I'm going for. So after I download the hotsync software, what do I do?
  9. I found out that it runs a 3.5 operating system... And it seems to look a whole lot like a Palm V, or Palm Vx... How would I tell, I can't find it anywhere, and I can't remember where I left the manual last I had it...
  10. Okay, that works out. Umm, do you guys have links? Also, like I said, it's a "Supra" I think they make real estate stuff, I got it from my dad. It's old, but it runs a palm os, I think it's a least 2.xxx
  11. Okay, so I recently got an older model Supra PDA. I think it runs a Palm 2.xx operating system. I don't have software for the computer for hotsync, but I have all the cables and it's hooked up to the computer at home. Exactly what do I need to start basic paperless caching? If you need or want more info to answer my question, just post. Right now, I'm at school and I'm a little rushed for time, and I don't have the pda with me so I can't tell you much...
  12. I was having problems yesterday but I haven't even tried today...
  13. Probably to trade even, up, or don't trade at all...
  14. Luckily, it was a no dogs allowed park so my dad stayed back at the car while I went out, and so other than this post, there's no real proof... I didn't even tell this much about my "adventure" in the cache log...
  15. I don't remember if I said this already, but my two coolest items were a FTF of last years CITO shirt in my size, and a TB that I was actually able to get to it's goal...
  16. I guess I have to confess. I pulled into a local park and parked at what seemed the closest area. I bushwacked for about 150 crawling through heavy brush, and I wast literally crawling through and under it. I then came upon an opening that was actually next to where I had just started. So I climbed over top of this giant 7 foot pile of trees towards where the cache was, and where there was no brush. After climbing over the tree, I noticed that there was a nice little path around it, but the path didn't go into the woods. And so I start heading towards the cache. And I come upon a rather steep ravine with a creek at the bottom and a trail next to it. Thinking that I wanted to be somewhere near the trail. Once I got to the trail, my GPS settled back down and said I needed to go back up the steep ravine. And did I follow the trail up? Of course not, I whipped out my mini grappling hook. (It's actually just some kind of tie down that you'd use on a truck.) And I lassoed a tree up at the top of the ravine. I climbed up and found the cache inside the tree I had lassoed. While I was signing the log, the cache slid down the ravine, and the contents were spilled all over the trail. And so I had to go back down the ravine, cleanup all the stuff, and then climb back up ammo can in hand. Needless to say, I followed the trail back up, and even though it winded back and forth a lot more than my trail, it ended up being no more than 50 feet from where I entered the woods originally, and no more than 100 feet from the car....
  17. I still say you need something reguarding dogs just to round the whole magazine out a little bit...
  18. I think maybe making micro a cache type with the distinction being anything smaller than about 3"x4"x2" or something around maybe a sandwich sized tupperware container...
  19. In my opinion, I don't think it's wrong to log multiple finds for finding multiple caches as long as the event owner says you can, but I don't think you should be allowed to log more than maybe 3-5 finds...
  20. But who's to say you couldn't reinvent micro as a cache type...
  21. But hopefully, if this works out, I'll have a small event, maybe limited to 5 local cachers in which we will hike in, clean up the area and take out the cache. Everyone invited to the event will be invited to bring something for the replacement cache, and we will put it in and also salvage anything not garbage from the original cache. We will then return home, and I will disable the cache, pending getting permission from the park's directors, after giving a good explanation of what geocaching is, the letter will finish with something like this, "I have recently aquired ownership over a geocache that was at one time placed in your park. The area the cache was placed in was incredibly dirty and messy, but we cleaned it up. When I got ownershipo of the cache, I promptly removed it pending your approval of it's location." Blah blah blah blah.... If they don't approve of the cache, I'll see if they'll let me place a new one in what they might consider a less delicate location. The new cache would be the new container with what was salvaged from the older container and stuff brought by cachers from the CITO event. And if they completely disalllow geocaching, I'll just post it in another nearby park that may need some cache attention. If I get permission, I will replace the cache to it's original location and reopen the cache.. The one thing that's sort of setting back my plan is the whole idea of getting permission, I mean, being denied for a new cache isn't so bad, but adopting an older cache and trying to get permission for it, but getting it thrown out instead, that would be really bad. But I guess I can't back out now, I jsut emailed the cache owner...
  22. Okay, I think I've figured out the plan. I'll email the owner telling him that the area immediately surrounding the cache is a mess and with his permission, I'd like to organize a small, impromptu CITO event to clean up the area. And oh, by the way I''ll tell him, "I noticed you're not so active in the geocaching community anymore, if you'd be interested, I'd be willing to adopt the cache for you."
  23. I'm actually right now, using my own, combined with geotrailblazers combined with a little my mom wrote to make something that I'm submitting to a local paper... It should be good...
  24. Yah, basically you need permission from Zoo officials to hide it, and even then it might be shady under current gc.com guidelines restricting commercial caches....
  25. I was going to suggest possibly a print version that could be mailed out to those who would want it, but I now see that you actually have the magazine as a pdf....
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