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Clan Doyle

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Everything posted by Clan Doyle

  1. We were lucky enough to have ufgatorgirl pick ours up (and we still need to get her the money), but it's a good thing you are doing to let someone get in on this awesome coin.
  2. Wow, I can't believe we got picked! Our address has been sent, thanx for the cointest!
  3. Here's my thought, and it has proven true over and over... "That which does not kill me...usually hurts alot and tends to tick me off"
  4. My fav is Georgia Coffee. Unfortunately, you can only getit in Asia, or at a HEFTY premium in asian markets.
  5. Many Coins in the mail yesterday: A Celtic Cross, TeamECCS21 Personal, River Cacher, Peters Trio Personal, and two Earth Turtle Oceanas.
  6. Thank you for the explaination, Tsun. The fact that you care enough to do so, even though, as a business person, you are doing quite well without any explaination, speaks volumes of your character. There are several vendors who mint less than 100 of a desireable coin, just to make sure they sell all of them and make a profit. Most of us know you mint as many as you think are necessary, and the fact that you underestimated probably hits you in the pocketbook much harder than it it hits our collections. We all like presales, and trust you enough to enter into that agreement with you, but it's your business. Do what you feel is necessary. People may grumble, or cast stones, but let them. The next time you put out a coin, they will be there in line with hte rest of us. And if theose (very) few decide not to do business with you, so be it, More for the rest of us!
  7. Congrats to all, I hope to add my name to the list of evil! This is a great coin, and a great concept. Sometimes we take this whole craze too seriously, and get our feelings hurt more often than we should.
  8. Excellent answers, jackalgirl. We activate our collection, as "show coins", so that we can share the discoveries. Personal coins, we are leaving unactivated, but only because we haven't decided whether to activate or not. Since we're not collectiong to build value, this is the way to go for us. Of course, this doesn't mean we haven't bought some just as traders, either. As for proxies, we used to hate them until we realized the amount of theft. But like so many others, the thrill of opening a "treasure chest" and finding actual, heavy metal coins is way better then finding a picture of the coin, no matter how hard and round it is. We do move the proxies, since that's what they are for, but if we think we really want to release a coin, we buy two. Or just go with the travel bug if you want a higher chance of the mission being accomplished. We haven't lost any of those yet!
  9. joranda's personal: Thanx for the trade! With the number of trades I've been involved in lately, I think I'll start posting on a weekly basis. I'm sure you will all be relieved!
  10. Sweet! Thanx, Team Amaroo! Of course, this will no sooner get into our hands than it will probably get sent out as a Todies Wild Ride coin. Always wear a helmet (and never flipflops)!
  11. In the post today were these two lovelies. The round one was a gift for being on the Cache-A-Maniacs podcast (there's a link to it on our profile page, if anyone is interested). The other is owned by the podcasters, and has a breif synopsis of the interveiw in the descrition.
  12. Mine was when my wife (she does all the bills so theres no lapse when I travel for work) openned the quicken and gasped, "OH MY GOD!" Yep, that put me in the dog house for a week. She put me on a coin budget, and that helped alot. I don't do ebay anymore, either. But when one comes along I really like, she still lets me indulge...as long as she checks the quiken first.
  13. I like it! Very tribal, and we love the colors. Please tell me you will be willing to trade for other personals!
  14. We have also had a gift from this mystery sender: It's a very nice coin, and the message that came with it is awesome. Remember, the coin isn't a mystery, but the sender is. Thanx, whoever you are!
  15. Someone call the fire department! Steph is buried in emails! Wait....I guess that's not really life threatening, just sanity threatening
  16. Someone call the fire department! Steph is buried in emails! Wait....I guess that's not really life threatening, just sanity threatening
  17. For those of us who are combining orders, we like to have the limit enable us to buy for others. Of course, the more coins in each order, the smaller amount of invoices, right?
  18. I've posted this in the trading thread, but I just wanted to give those that don't frequent it a look: The coin is trackable, and has a unique icon. The writing on the front says "Not all who wander are lost" in Gaelic. We would like to trade for other personals, but will entertain offers (take a look at our trading list for offers we can't refuse ). Also, if you have a trade, and know you are going to GeoCoinFest, drop me a line, and we'll meet there to trade.
  19. Yesterday, we received the coin below, from an unknown cacher: The letter that accompanied the coin was very touching, and used a term the sender's mother coined, YASS!, which is short for You Are Someone Special. The letter stated that the purpose of the coin was to make us smile, and we could do what we wanted with it. The letter itself made us smile more, but we really appreciate the gift, and have added it to our collection. Mostly we would like to thank the generous gifter, and let them know that thier message was very much appreciated.
  20. I still have my personal that I would like to trade for other personals (or what you may have that interests me, especially a March 2009 Geocoin Club Pot o' Gold). See my trading list for my wants. Also, if you want to trade, but are going to be at GeocoinFest Salt Lake, drop me a linw, I'd love to trade in person!
  21. Too true. Yes, there is a chance your coin wil go missing (sadly, the chances decrease if it gets leaves or never comes to the USA). But the collectors will not add your coin to their collections. I still send out coins, even though they come up missing often. The ones I really like, though...I buy 2.
  22. Always wear a helmet! 2) None with helmets
  23. I've searched the forum, with no luck, so I'll just ask. Is there a way to grab multiple TB's at the same time. I have several trackables that I place in events, but it's a pain to click through and grab them back out individually. Is there any way to make this simpler? Thanx.
  24. Very nice coin. I'm definately watching this thread.
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