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Posts posted by Crazedllama

  1. Just like undertaking a T5 cache is at the geocacher's discretion so should going to an event during this time. If you don't want to go, don't.

    I've attended several events in Korea while this has been going on and I've had no problems. I would definitely go to more without anticipating any problems.  


    Edit: Turns out Korea is about the safest place in the world right now. If I were anywhere else, I would be in isolation. 

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  2. I noticed a while ago that the finds listed in the Adventure Lab app and my finds listed on Geocaching.com don't match. First the app didn't update for a few weeks when I made new finds, now it is saying I have six more finds than I actually do. 


    I reinstalled the app and it updated before, but I don't really want to reinstall the app every time I want to use it. 


    I am using an android device, Galaxy S9

  3. What you should probably do is report the adventure. I believe this is the equivalent of a "Needs Maintenance" log in regular geocaching. 

    The owner of the Adventure lab should be able to change the answer or basic elements of that stage.  There have been a lot of logs complaining about that stage. Maybe someone should act on it. Or you can also contact the owner directly. It is listed as created by CCGT


  4. On 2/21/2020 at 7:41 PM, pchappuis said:

    Hi. With iOS, no problem.

    But with Android (we was 2 to try with differents devices) Very often the first code is mentionned as wrong, but it is the correct code. We always must quit and reopen the App, sometimes many times to make it pass.

    After this one passed, all the rest works not bad.


    I had that same problem on my first test. 

    I deleted the test and then started a new test. I haven't had any problems after that. 

  5. I was creating my lab and noticed that when I entered the coordinates and clicked the "view on map" button nothing happens. I was using Chrome browser on windows 10. 

    I switched to my android device and can click the button with no problem. 


    Entered coordinates stay saved, when I update the location. The map just stays as a global projection and I cannot view a zoomed in map with the pin showing its location. 

  6. Using the Map Hidden Date option in the tools tab on Project GC will help you find a cache on a day and month you haven't. You can also loop that using the add filter option if you have found a cache on that particular day and month already. 

  7. I do most of my geocaching in South Korea. One day while hiking south of Seoul, I was looking for a geocache under a footbridge halfway up a mountain when a Buddhist Monk from the nearby temple saw me and accused me of being a North Korean Spy. 

    I rolled my eyes and tried to explain what I was doing, but just ended up walking away with a dnf because of the situation was so ridiculous. 


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  8. If I hadn't started geocaching I wouldn't have met many of my best friends. I'm from Utah, USA, but I started geocaching in Korea. Living in Seoul, I've met and made friends with geocachers around the world. 

    Before geocaching I only went to a few tourist places in Seoul. After geocaching, I've been all over the country and discovered amazing things that most Korean people don't know are in their own country. Then I visited family in Utah and was amazed to discover things I didn't know about in my own hometown. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Goldenwattle said:

    With an earthcache I wonder how some COs would accept say five hands wide. Hands do vary in size, so not an accurate measurement.


    I've used a measurement app on my phone in the past. Obviously that could only be done for small things though. 


    For my earthcaches, when I ask for measurements for big things if the cacher gets anywhere in the ballpark of the right answer I let it slide. Those usually aren't the most important logging requirements on my caches. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, bdp said:

    Those same 10's of 1000's of geocachers probably are also not aware of China's issue with GPS offsets.

    My issue with with not being given the tools by the technology we have available in the Geocaching App. A simple pop-up in the APP telling me that I'm in China

    and I should use the Open Source map would have saved us hours of agony.

    Any accurate map is actually illegal in China. If you're caught using one they may confiscate it and send you to a local police station. 

    Geocaching follows the law, so they only provide to you the maps that are legally used. 

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  11. I didn't get this message but a few years ago I saw something not so family friendly in a profile photo and username. HQ locked the account deleted the photo and renamed the account within minutes of my email. 

    The people at HQ work really hard to make sure everything is family friendly and fantastic. Ill always remember that prompt response. 

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  12. I think that I'd probably just let it be, if I had a suspicion like that on one of my Earthcaches. Geocachers helping each other out with answers to mystery caches and Earthcaches is probably fairly common. 

    A suggestion if you really care about maintaining the log. I would require that a photograph be taken somewhere near the Earthcache. It's difficult to prove that someone plagiarized answers, but its much easier to prove photographic evidence.  

  13. On 10/4/2019 at 4:41 AM, The A-Team said:

    I don't get it. What did they feel they were cheated out of? If they didn't have any plans to go to Vancouver and find the cache, then they don't need the final coordinates. If they did have plans, they can get the final coordinates once they go there. Were they expecting that they would somehow be gifted the full coordinates for helping someone local to the cache get a piece of the coordinates? That doesn't make any sense.

    I apparently wasn't clear enough. Many geocachers solved this cache. Contacted 60 or more geocachers around the world, just to be told by the checker they had to physically be in Vancouver to get final coordinates. This is also a place that the owner themselves had likely never been to. Furthermore, you have to be connected using a local IP address without proxy, so if you are using a foreign phone or foreign data plan, coordinates are literally impossible to get without talking to a local. 

    When I plan vacations to foreign countries I need to meticulously plan my vacation because I'm always with muggles. A big change of plans to go to a place I didn't expect because I could only get coordinates near the spot means that cache won't be found. After all the work getting to that point, it'd be really frustrating. 

    I'm not advocating for sharing final coordinates to most mystery caches, but this one I don't see the problem because literally only a local can obtain final coordinates. 

  14. I think that a few of the people posting above may not have actually worked through this puzzle. It is designed in such a way that even if you do work with people from around the world that the final coordinates cannot be obtained unless you are physically standing in Vancouver. 

    Many of the geocachers who worked on that puzzle felt cheated when the checker told them to visit Vancouver for the real final coordinates even though they had helped get the answers for local cachers. 

    The real kicker is... The CO of that cache likely has never been to Vancouver themselves. 

    Personally, I would share coordinates with anyone who had helped work through this kind of puzzle with me. 

    Other types of puzzles, probably not. 

  15. On 9/20/2019 at 7:38 PM, Malix007 said:


    En Argentina tuve el agrado de interactuar con:





    Our reviewer in Korea is GeoAwareEU1 too. They are a great reviewer whoever they are! 


    한국에서도 GeoAwareEU1 어스캐시 리뷰어 돼요. 진짜 좋은 리뷰어에요!

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  16. I thought it was strange that even though they're Ninja Turtles, there wasn't a single event in Asia... Then I looked at NYC where the Turtles are from and there wasn't even an event there. I guess most of the world just gets skipped this time. 


    However, I am happy that I can enter the drawing to receive one this time. We always get left out of geocaching promotions here in Asia. 

  17. I recently received a log for one of my Earthcaches. All the answers are correct according to the logging requirements. I also have a photo requirement for the cache because it was recently published in line with new guidelines. The geocacher also posted a photo in line with what I ask. 

    However, the geocacher gave the answers to the other Earthcache questions in the titles of the photos. I asked them to rename or repost the photos, but I don't expect this geocacher to actually do this. I was going to just delete the photos, but then in the future, other geocachers may question why they must post a photo when this cacher doesn't have one. 

    What would you do? 


    Thanks for the advice. 

  18. 5 minutes ago, coachstahly said:

    However, I still don't understand how this really affects things for other cachers, either local or visiting, other than the FTF side game (again, not an official thing) or the competition aspect with regard to the most finds.  

    The FTF thing is really just an annoyance. The bigger issue is that this cacher wasn't using a puppet account, but actual people's accounts to hide their activity. Also, when they were caught and called out they archived hundreds of caches, that they shouldn't have been able to access to in the first place, which are now more difficult to find. It's also been near impossible to keep geocachers active after they see the #1 cacher acting this way and getting away with it. Just isn't as fun any more. 


    Also, you're right Japan has similar customs, but somehow they've been able to avoid similar problems. They've also been able to grow their community of cachers, something that Korea has been unable to do. 

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  19. On 7/31/2019 at 12:05 PM, coachstahly said:

    While the actions of this CO are certainly "shady" and I would never even consider doing something like this, you can bet I'd call them out on it if I saw them at an event or anywhere else.  

    This seems nice, and I would definitely call out this cacher if I saw them somewhere, but I'm the odd one out in a country where the culture almost strictly forbids calling someone out in public. Shaming someone in public, even for something that everyone knows they did, can actually get you sued for slander. Reputation is everything in Korean culture, but publicly calling someone out for something wrong they did is considered even more shameful. I know, seems weird.... 

    A good example of this is when we had a different cacher a few years back hiding caches upwards of 80 meters off coordinates and just supplying a photo spoiler. The Korean geocachers would log only positive things or quick logs like tftc, when the foreign cachers started complaining, the cacher archived 1000 caches countrywide to avoid the public shame. 

    In reality, I think only Groundspeak can do something to stop this kind of behavior and I think previous suggestions from above like making adoption logs a new log type and locking them like a publish log would be locked will help. There would still be ways that this cacher could log their own caches ( ex. team/puppet accounts), but everyone would know it was him so I doubt he would continue. 

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  20. On 7/31/2019 at 7:48 AM, Max and 99 said:

    Similar to my area. Honestly it doesn't bother me very much since their finds don't affect me. I get the impression from the OP that the community is bothered that their logger is claiming FTF on his own caches, and my first thought was why would Groundspeak get involved in that matter. I also read that the community is upset that the finder's activity makes his rank  #1.  Thank rank would mean nothing to me anyway, but especially considering the logging behavior. I wouldn't take any notice of his rank or FTF stats. Meaningless.


    In the USA, I agree, I wouldn't care so much because it wouldn't affect the general geocaching population. That and more cachers are likely to call out the bad behavior. However, over the past several years we've seen the geocaching community shrink to around 15 geocachers Korea-wide because of these kinds of actions. Also it has become near impossible to recruit new geocachers and keep them in the game. They start playing and then quit soon afterwards when they notice the "#1 Korean Geocacher" puffing up their numbers so much. 

    I think this is a case where Groundspeak has misunderstood Asian, especially Korean, culture where being #1 and the actions of the #1 person in a community really matter a lot. I think the reason this geocacher has done it in the way he has (by placing a cache, adopting it over to a previously legitimate account, deleting adoption logs, changing the name associated with the cache, then logging a find) is to #1 avoid scrutiny from the reviewers who knew about the previous players' death or inactivity. #2 Avoid scrutiny from the geocaching community by using a name they all recognize. #3 Avoid the shame of cheating and being found out by the community. 

    Our local reviewers (who understand Korean culture quite well) when they found out what this cacher did permanently locked the adopt notes on all the caches he had adopted so as to expose the shame. Then Groundspeak locked the account as soon as they knew what was going on. Groundspeak's biggest mistake came when they allowed him to readopt all of the caches back to his original account. In the short time span they gave him, he archived all of the account's original caches (close to 500) and then adopted all of the other caches with locked adopt notes to another puppet account and archived them too (to hide his shame). So now, there isn't any proof on active caches that he had ever done it. In the end to avoid the shame he archived hundreds of caches across the country just to avoid being shamed. 

    So maybe meaningless to you, but if Groundspeak actually wants to attract new geocachers in Asia who will pay for subscriptions, they're going to have to deal with this kind of behavior more aggressively. Otherwise, the community will continue to decline. 

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