Clan Ferguson
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Posts posted by Clan Ferguson
I don't know if this has been posted before, but I was wondering if anybody or Jeremy and the gang has thought of this.
I like to collect the booty nuggets (wife loves that term) but after a while I agree Mctoys just don't cut it.
I think Geocoins like Moun10Bike's are really cool. I have priced these though and they are a tad out of my budget range. ($4-6 each with order of 100 minium)
I think it would be really cool if every cacher had thier own coin. Now that would defiently be something worth trading for. (coin for coin that is)
So I was thinking that if some group or indivual, not saying it has to be Groundspeak, could get with a coin making company and have them do up a coin for us (color is not important) using the ground speak logo for one side (i think it's on Moun10bike's coin). Then people could order say 30 or more at a time with thier logo on the other side. I think if we could get an agreement with a company to be the primary vendor of these we could propabbly get the price of these coins down below $4-5 a piece with a minium order of less then a 100. Heck with the price low enough you could make several logos or have a differnt coin for every year or member of a group.
I think this could also end (or at least quell) the quailty/quanity arguements, keep caches from degrading. Get more people back to trading and away from TN/LN/SL (that bums me out, but that a story for another thread),and give some more creditabily to the sport.
What do you think?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Peanuthead:Here are the Top 10 Geocache finders who have not placed a cache for the rest of us to find. Otherwise known as Freeloaders !! I don't care if they are Charter members or not, if they haven't placed at least 1 cache for the rest of us to find, then they are Freeloaders !!
I don't recall it being a requirement to hide (or find for that matter) to be a charter member. Just a monatery donation.
Personally if folks don't want to hide, fine by me that just means Less Virtuals, Locationless, micro, urbans, or lame traditionals.
IMHO, people just tossing them out there with no though or care to the hide (or maintence) is worse then not hiding.
Try this, look up how many people have More Hides then Finds or No Finds and few hides that have never been maintained since they were placed.
It is things like that that make Park Rangers/Forest Perserves say that Geocaching is nothing more then littering.
How many people find this site get all gunho about Geocaching find 2 or 3 then never come back fo one reason or another. Now you want to alienate people because they don't hide????
okay I'll close the vent now.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Now the hikes we go on aren't that grueling or terrain intensive. But I have dropped my E-trex more then once. Thank the maker for laynards and impact resitant plastic. I am pretty sure my PDA would not take the same abuse.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Now the hikes we go on aren't that grueling or terrain intensive. But I have dropped my E-trex more then once. Thank the maker for laynards and impact resitant plastic. I am pretty sure my PDA would not take the same abuse.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:just because a person's answers are short and they type with only one finger dosn't make a person stupid!!!
neather does improper grammer!!!
It was more the content I was refering to.
and I said "say stupid things" NOT "you are stupid".
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:just because a person's answers are short and they type with only one finger dosn't make a person stupid!!!
neather does improper grammer!!!
It was more the content I was refering to.
and I said "say stupid things" NOT "you are stupid".
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Is this just me or what?
I was looking through the closet caches to my house. and notice some cache pages normally under were it says "# of people watching the cache" it usally says something like "This is a NORAML size cache"
But as I was skimming through some had this description and some didn't. age didn't appear to be a factor.
I didn't think there was an option to remove this description from the cache page. and I hope not because this is one of my deciding factors as to the priority in which I will hunt the cache.(I perfer Normal size over Micro)
Or is this because the whole Locationless thing???
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Sorry this is off topic but...
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:IS IT TRUE THAT GOTHS DRINK BLOOD WORSHIP THE DEVIL AND RAPE PEAPLE?
Are you Serious???
I am aware that everyone has a right to speak thier mind (otherwise I would be writing this now) but I have been reading through the posts and everytime you write something it is either shorter then your sig (you have had a post that is one word)or seems to lack common sense.
I know I can say some pretty stupid things (this is proably one of them) but at least I try to put some consideration to what the possable responses are going to be before I write it. (boy, is this gonna get me flamed).
I apoligize at offending in public but it appears from other responses in other posts, other people have the same opinon.
Side note: do a search on the internet for "chat room etiquette" see what it says about using ALL CAPS
Okay I'll get off the soap box now.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Sorry this is off topic but...
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:IS IT TRUE THAT GOTHS DRINK BLOOD WORSHIP THE DEVIL AND RAPE PEAPLE?
Are you Serious???
I am aware that everyone has a right to speak thier mind (otherwise I would be writing this now) but I have been reading through the posts and everytime you write something it is either shorter then your sig (you have had a post that is one word)or seems to lack common sense.
I know I can say some pretty stupid things (this is proably one of them) but at least I try to put some consideration to what the possable responses are going to be before I write it. (boy, is this gonna get me flamed).
I apoligize at offending in public but it appears from other responses in other posts, other people have the same opinon.
Side note: do a search on the internet for "chat room etiquette" see what it says about using ALL CAPS
Okay I'll get off the soap box now.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
What do they mean by "properly disposed"???
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Didn't get the response I was hoping for so I bumped it to try again.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
For those in the know, TOJ does not require the driving and does not contain the mind-benders that Hard as PI does. Yet Hard as PI is had about the same Finds/Month since placement. This was one of the things that prompted me to post this poll.
The question is CF, do the people that find Thicken enjoy it? If the answer is yes, then it's a worthy cache.from the logs I belive those who have found did enjoy it. So thanks for the confidence booster Markwell. (hope you make out to TOJ)
p.s. My first Travel Bug is starting from here. this would be my other reason.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I did one during my morning walk just because I could. Not sure if I would look for more then that. I would suggest using them as Newbie training aides.
As for reporting I don't think it would do anygood unless you worked for the organizations involved. I can't imaginge them being that worried about those things moving.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I did one during my morning walk just because I could. Not sure if I would look for more then that. I would suggest using them as Newbie training aides.
As for reporting I don't think it would do anygood unless you worked for the organizations involved. I can't imaginge them being that worried about those things moving.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I ask this because My first cache ,Thicken Orange Juice, is a short Multi that has been hidden since Sept. 4 2001 and has only been found about 12 times and last one was more then a month ago. I want to hide a couple more but I don't want them to go as unnoticed as my first one. I am pretty sure there is no lack of cachers in this area. So I am not sure if it is geographic location, name of the cache, or type of cache.
I am betting on cache type, So what type do you prefer to hunt?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
After some very heavy rains we have to wait for the waters to recied, then we will be placing one under a bike path bridge.
I say as long as anybody can reach the hidding spot and the surrounding area isn't to dangerous.
go for it.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
once again don't want to start the Quality/Quanity argument
(note: when I say "you" I am not refering to thread author or last poster I am refering to the community in general)
Okay I have read several threads on this and I am asking myself what exactly (or where are you finding) are you putting (or want) in the caches.
We should never leave:
Food of any kind, This includes Dog treats
Tabacco product of any kind
explosives of any kind
We don't want:
Golf balls
Tennis balls
Golf tees
Religous litature
Open used McToys (some say NO TOYS PERIOD)
any used Item from your glovebox or junk drawer
We keep requesting things of a more adult nature, but at the same time keep spouting "Local Dollar Store" Honestly, what in a dollar store do you want or need, that could be stored in a cache. a cheap tire gauge that breaks after the first use. a sponge holder shaped like a frog, a cheesy screwdriver set where the tips bend once you use them. Any toy you find in a dollar store would be out as most of them are more cheaply made then McToys.
Most, not all, things in a dollar store are cheap thats why they cost a dollar.
Besides do you honestly use the items you found in a cahe?? I don't I put them in my trease chest, a physical record of my finds.
Now I am not against Dollar Store Booty Nuggets But I am against people who think that what I have in my junk drawer is less intresting or valuable then what is found in a dollar store.
I am also against the concept that people think I am going to spend more then a dollar a trinket. I have more then 30 finds under my belt and if I had spent more then a dollar a trinket, I have trouble feeding my family.
I leave a coin magic trick they cost me $0.35 when I bought a gross.
I take things that are intresting or somehow refelct the adventure.(after finding one cache that had been rain soaked and animal ravaged we took a emergency poncho that had teeth marks in it)
I think it's great that some people make things to leave, I am not that talented.
So What I am asking is...
What do you want me to leave? Try to be specific.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I don't want to sound like a nay-sayer, because this sounds like a great way to get milage on a Bug. BUT....
If (God forbid) the cache got looted or removed, quite a few Bugs would go missing in one shot.
Just a thought.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I don't want to sound like a nay-sayer, because this sounds like a great way to get milage on a Bug. BUT....
If (God forbid) the cache got looted or removed, quite a few Bugs would go missing in one shot.
Just a thought.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I started this thread regarding that subject.
How many Find should I have before hiding?
I didn't hide my first one untill after we found at least 12. We now have 32 Finds and 3 hidden.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by tatoeba:After what happened in rural parts of Illinois and Iowa I am wondering if it is still a good idea?
What are you refering to??
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by tatoeba:After what happened in rural parts of Illinois and Iowa I am wondering if it is still a good idea?
What are you refering to??
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
These areas , while being abandoned, still belong to someone ,or some company, and therefore are priviate property.
So anybody doing caching would be tresspassing. This might cause an increased involment of local authorithies thus indangering the cache and or the Rep of this Sport.
Not to mention that at any time the area could be cleaned up by road crews and would wisk away the cache without giving a second thought to what it was. I know thats what happened to our second cache.
Just my opinion
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Geocoins from Geocaching.com
in General geocaching topics
I looked up the poker chip thing. Looking at about $0.35-$0.80 a piece minium 300.
But they are printed not engraved.
I still say if somebody(s) could get something like the coin would be great. even if we could buy them with the Geocaching Logo on one side and blank so whe could engrave/stamp our own. then they could be sold one or two at a time like the travel bugs.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson