Clan Ferguson
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Posts posted by Clan Ferguson
The second stage of my First cache is actually on the grounds of Lansing Municipal Airport in Lansing, IL
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by kd7mxi:this is america not mexico
GEOCACHING --- It isn't about the treasure --- It is about the adventure!!!
Thank God for Free Speech and the internet!!
Wait... One question, What do they speak in Spain?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by kd7mxi:this is america not mexico
GEOCACHING --- It isn't about the treasure --- It is about the adventure!!!
Thank God for Free Speech and the internet!!
Wait... One question, What do they speak in Spain?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I was checking out the website when the movie came out. they were running a promotion using Geocaching.com.
I saud what the heck is geocaching.
and the rest is history.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Eric O'Connor:I pute up a http://tinyurl.com/utx that explains a little about what happened.
I want to add more as people submit their thoughts.
I openly admit I hoped she was. but as I have done this same ruse on several occasions in my youth (BBS, Compuserve chat rooms so on. Basicly while the general population was still figuring out what the internet was) and had trouble believing it.
I also openly admit writing e-mail to attempt to engage "Mitsuko" in to a conversational trap.
given the responses and my previous experiences "she" reponed just as I had figured "she" would (but you did do good reseach Eric) in the finial e-mail I even let tell that I assumed "She" was fake but that 'my wife gave me a tounge lashing' over the thought. this was a complete lie as the wife after reading posts and the e-mail conversation concurred with my assement. But before I could get a response the shrade was over.
Good gag Eric.
I concure with your observations on the web site as they too have been my experience.
What does this say about us as a speciecs?
I gave up hitting on women on the internet. all to often the slender, hot, 21 year old, red head from Backwater often turns out to be the overweight, sweaty 45 year old "live with my mom", balding, man in Sububraia.
A lesson learned
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
This time last year the wife and I went on our first Cache expidetion.Wolf point
But we went at lunch and were slightly unprepared what to exepect or even what we were really looking for. So Not found.
Three days later I rounded up what would become Clan Ferguson. Big Dog(me), Mother Hen(My wife), Little Bird(our daughter),and Kracktar Hunter(My brother). We headed out for Shoolhouse Cache bound not to fail. on the expidition we learned what Bushwacking means not to mention the importance of long pants, good shoes, and knowledge of local trials and terrain. We spent nearly a hour searching the tall grass. little bird did not want to venture in to the tall grass (she had seen JP2) Kracktar hung himself up, litterly(his foot got caght on a limb)in a tree trying to get a birds eyeview of the parire we were in.
Sucess we found what would become the standard for -Clan Ferguson caches, the 4" pvc tube.
Since then we have found an addition 49 caches in 3 states and missed only 2. Placed 4(1 event 2 active) and adopted 1.
Our method and tools have greatly improved with each hunt.
I want to thank everyone for thier input.
We decided what were are going to to do.
We are going to revisit our first cache find and plant a special SWAG. We will then proceed on a 1 day frenzy of 5 caches with a friend of Kracktars to try and pull him into this addiction we call GECACHING.
Happy First to everyone who already has or is soon to be.
To all you new folks Welcome to the best way to spend time since the Channel surfing.
as always....
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Started with changing our Account name to something more encompassing.
Bought Shirts for whole team.
Bought seperate digital camera just for caching.
Bought Travel bugs for whole team.
Created Logo which has since been printed on labels and slapped on just about everything we own. Including Trademark Leave behind.
Logo was then trans lated to a embroidered emblem and hats where bought for whole team.
Bought Geocaching hat for Team leader
Geocaching Stickers for car windows.
Bought scooters for caches near paved trails
Design and created GEOcards for our caches.
Designing Cachercards as leave behinds.
Included Groundspeak dude in design book for facepainting(side job)
Plans to purches mounts and adapters for laptop, eTrex and Palm for car.
That's about it for now.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Does anybody have any idea how many bugs are MIA?
I know a lot of people here keep talking about thier bugs not moving or gone missing I was just wondering if we have an numbers on this.
Also I like the Idea of a Graveyard and a way to but control back into the owners hand without the milage.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
We are quickly coming up on 1 year of geocaching and we are trying to decided what to do?
so I am looking for suggestions.
A cache frenzy?
Place a special cache?
Find a cache by the same hider as your first one?
Find one at mirrored coords?
Return to the first cache and release a travel bug?
throw a party and invite all geocachers with lots of food and cake, take pictures of every one then hide a cache with the picures as swag?
Thanks for your suggestions in advance.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
[This message was edited by Clan Ferguson on July 16, 2002 at 09:57 AM.]
In that case why not just relase the bug itself.
The tags are thin small should fit in most Mirco-cache containers.
Just a thought.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I too was wondering on what was comming of this.
I have even designed my own (not finilized yet. I hope it is as popular as my Geocards (thanks PonyBoy)While waiting for some sort of decision.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Misguided I fully agree, Please don't dig to any depth to Bury a cache find a better way or where to hide it.
See My rants Here
But I think this Hider would proably (like others) defend this by saying it's buried in sand so it makes no impact. (me I say neigh)
Don't bury no matter what the costs!!!
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Make a seperate Section for them as they are not caches. Nothing to seek with a GPS nothing to Find, trade or sign.
They are like benchmarks.
They need thier own section.
P.S. Can we get a seperate listing or Icon for Mircos?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Has anybody else noticed that this indiviual has only been a member as of this month. and has no Hides or Finds under thier Belt?
Now they may have another account or don't even bother having an account to hunt. (thier busniess)
But I see someone who apperantly has never cached, selling Ready-made-Geocaches to cachers to me makes them look like opertunist(sp).
Not that it's wrong, just a little... well off.
One more revelation. If www.Geocaching.com or the Ground speaklogo is on the can doesn't that mean copyright infringment or something???
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Web-ling:Since I usually attempt most caches GPS-less, I always have aerials and topos attached to the cache page printout.
How Many have you found this way??
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
As cool as an Idea as that is it has the same effect as relesing dozens of postcarded balloons. the ones that don;t get collected just wind up as litter on the ground and in the trees/power lines, etc, etc.
I think that this could be easily considered littering.
and I don't think we what the choking of our waterways with intentional trash connected to Geocaching.
Sorry to sound like a killjoy but thats my 2 cents worth.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Owenses:I would have thought by now there would be a neck mount for an eTrex; sorta like a parachuter's altimeter. I now use a RamMount eTrex clip on a bent coat hanger.
Cool hands free for climbing and clawing through the bush. then one false step and AHHGGGGG!!!
I can see the headline now
"Mysterious coathanger strangler at large. Apperent motives a dislike of GPSR and thier users."
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Owenses:I would have thought by now there would be a neck mount for an eTrex; sorta like a parachuter's altimeter. I now use a RamMount eTrex clip on a bent coat hanger.
Cool hands free for climbing and clawing through the bush. then one false step and AHHGGGGG!!!
I can see the headline now
"Mysterious coathanger strangler at large. Apperent motives a dislike of GPSR and thier users."
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by irresisti:That one is great.. but I can't read the display now.. So second tought would be adding a mirror so you can read the GPS display
But besure to carry one mirror in each hand one to reflect the GPS on your head the other to reverse the image again to read it.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by irresisti:That one is great.. but I can't read the display now.. So second tought would be adding a mirror so you can read the GPS display
But besure to carry one mirror in each hand one to reflect the GPS on your head the other to reverse the image again to read it.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I was just talking about lame caches. when I remembered that the Haunted house event cache I mention. My brother asked me if we should reactive it or instatre a new one. or ditch the idea all together.
Here's the description you'll need to logged in to see it.
So I turn to you my fellow cachers for consul.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Hello folks it's me again.
Once again I am at arms with my Little Brother on Geocaching and Geocaching etiquette. I won't bore you with details but I am looking for a community defination of "Lame Cache"
I am not looking for example (e-mail if you really want it off your chest) Nor am I looking for finger pointing or public ridicule.
I am looking for what you consider a lame cache.
I'll give a couple of choices but feel free to add you own.
I define lame as
A poorly thought out and excuted cache. Example blaze orange thermos set on forest floor with no cover/camo of any sort. Single stage with coords that is less the 300 feet from parking lot. or hiding location visiable (un obscured) from home or public gathering spot.
Confession: I am guilty of the last one but that because it was a event cache based on our free haunted house.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I would like to read the story but the current URL goes nowhere.
Yes Eric I caught the humor and was just responding in kind. I normally only read threads that either mention my name or have titles that intrest me. this one had the latter. but given responses it now works in the former.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Eric O'Connor:Actually, I liked the story too but was wondering why they didn't give the troll a nickname... "Clan Ferguson" has a nice ring to it.
Troll??? isn't that what they call someone on the internet thats just tring to goade someone else into reponding to things that the Troll just wants to argue about??
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
worst encounter while caching?
in General geocaching topics
the worst times oddly enough have all been in indiana. and all on the same day no less
First (least worst) A cache we were hunting on was not far from a new houseing development. the cloest entry point was the end of a dead end street it lead into a forested area. No 'No tresspassing' signs so off we went. there were peopl in thier garags watching us park and enter but no one said anything execpt a guy who was bulldozing a plot about 400 ft from the cache. when we came out he was talking to my wife who was tring to explain to him the concept of geocaching. when My brother and I emerged with the cache. he spun on me asking mhat I was doing? Why I was doing it? Who gave me permission? Every time I tried to explain my self he would just wave his arm about and say 'I Own all this!' I finally calmed him down enough and proved to him we wernt on his land just cutting through a undeveloped part. Apoligized and said we could remove the cache. after all that he said 'Naw, as long as you ain't doin nuthin wrong like drugs and stuff'
Out at Indiana dunes we were going to hunt 2 caches the first one was about 3/4 mile from the nearest parking. Now mind you we were still fairly new to caching at this point. The gps said 3/4 mile that way so off we went! Over the largest sand dunes we had ever encountered. Up Down up down up then up some more the down a little then back up then down a little more. the cache was veeeerrrrrryyyyy ssssllllooooowwwwlllyyy getting closer. finialy after almost 1.5 hours of climbing and sweating with 3yrd old in tow we finially decied to walk along the beach. (which we should of done in the first place) we finally reached the point where we could dive in only to encounter MORE sand dunes. Just as we reached the cache it started to rain. and rain and rain!!! Now we had a 1 mile of beach to walk down carrying a very tired 3 yr old. did I mention we were on sand, wearing sweat soaked hiking gear, carring 40 pounds of dead weight in the rain!
Finally, after a luch of hotdogs and a new shirt for the daughter. The rain eased up we closed on the final cache for the day. the cloest paring spot for this one was one mile. No mind you we have already had a long day we were tired and as I said before were still new to caching. We jumped out of the car grabbed the walkies and headed off. the wife opted to stay in the car with the child. she asked 'how long will it take?'
Not thinking I glanced at the eta on the GPS and said 'it says about 5 mintues to target 10 to find and 5 back about 30 minutes.' I failed to relize the ETA was still taking driving spead into account. Well we started walking about 1/3 mile in guess what. It started raining. execpt now we where on a 1/2 mile long moss couvered wooded board walk in hiking boots. that means no traction!! and as a topper to that My brothers friend kept calling us via cell phone to annoy us with hair-brained schemes to open a night club. When we finally reach the cache site the rain was in major down pour. GPS reception was spotty at best. after an 45 miute walk out here we searched for 35 miutes in a monsoon. only to come up empty handed. we headed back over the slip and slide(at least the phone calls stopped)and the rain dogged us till we were less the 1/3 mile from the car. the wife only said 'Guys you said 30 minutes it's been 2.5 hours' we grumped and headed home. We e-mailed the hider he assured us the cache existed. because he just removed it and archived it.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson