Clan Ferguson
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Posts posted by Clan Ferguson
Attention the following is my opinion not a personal attack on anyone.
If you TNLN weather alone or in a group, your not geocaching.
As quoted from the geocaching.com FAQWhat are the rules in Geocaching?
Geocaching is a relatively new phenomenon. Therefore, the rules are very simple:
1. Take something from the cache
2. Leave something in the cache
3. Write about it in the logbook
Take and Leave that's what I am getting at.
Why or what you take or leave is up to you.
We do it as a marker of the journey. Kind of an monument to that cache and the adventure associated with it. We try to choose things that represent the cache, the location or some bit of the adventure. Our third cache was ravaged by anamils and weather so we took a pocket poncho with teeth marks in it. When we did a particulary dificult cache "ahh ahh MARKWELL" We took a small puzzle. you get the idea. We keep them in a box along with a card describing where it was retrived. We bring this out when we can't go caching so we can remanice or when people ask us what caching is all about.
I consider myself a bit of a purist. I always trade and I normally only hunt Normals and Multi Normals. I feel if we're not trading we might as well call this letter boxing. and just sign logs QJLWBS ( a joke my brother is fond of. It means "Quit Job, Left Wife, Bought Stamp" It was a refernece to our addiction and how we think the high finders are doing it)
I feel part of the degratation of a cache is that we nobody is willing to trade, then other folks after reading several TNLN in the log book, think there is no point in it, so they just hork the good stuff before its gone. then people come along and see nothing worth trading for then TNLN. and soon finders are complaining about the cache and people leaving trash in a cache.
Here's what I ask of TNLNer out there. Please trade even if that means buying one thing from the dollar store and trading for something in the cache then taking that to trade at the next cache. you don't have to keep it. Sort of a distrubit the wealth thing.
So please...
Trade up or trade down I don't care Just Trade.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Hello out there in Cache-land.
I have issues over TNLN as it relates to geocaching. I don't want to get in to it here but what I do want to know is...
When you find the cache,
Do you TNLN or do you trade?
(virts/locationless and Mircos aside.)
Me. I always trade.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Cire Yamel:Just wondering if anyone know of someplace I can look up where the sun will rise and set at my coordinates on a specific day? The GPSr knows where the sun is all the time, so there must be some simple way to find it. A link would be appreciated!
I am not trying to down play the request. or be a troll. I don't understand the request.
The Earth is, for the most part, a sphere. and it orbits the sun. so how can you get coords for an event that is ,for lack of a better term, always on the horizon?? It's not like the sun dives into the ocean and you can go there to watch it sizzle out. and then go elsewhere and see the sun being spewed forth from a dormat volacano.
When I first saw the topic title my first response was "Duh! Sunrise - East, Sunset -West"
But now I see it is something different.
Or do you want to know what angle from some fixed point it sets at everyday?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Come on. I'm not asking you to trade up or even keep a theme. is it that hard to carry one item to a cache, swap it with something else then carry that to the next cache??
and as for Virts. I just think there are WAY too many of these.
IMHO, If your not trading, your not caching.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Come on. I'm not asking you to trade up or even keep a theme. is it that hard to carry one item to a cache, swap it with something else then carry that to the next cache??
and as for Virts. I just think there are WAY too many of these.
IMHO, If your not trading, your not caching.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
You know what. I have a e-trex Yellow and I love it. it's slowness to respond as someone else mentioned is only noticable in batt-saver mode.
as far as the crazy arrow. it has helped me more often then not. I follow the dancing arrow untill boom oh look the cache. this usally takes no longer then 20-30 minutes on a bad hunt.
Personally I don't want any more accuracy then is currently afforded me. I feel it will take the fun out of the hunt. matter of fact I have considered stop using the GPS one I am with in .1
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
It's called Letterboxing
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Given that information, not asking to have it done, but would it be possible to set up something to allow the owner to remove milage??
Just curious...
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
you are a varitable fountion of geocaching knowledege! Thanks.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
If the TB owner deletes a log. does the milage that log added get removed from the count??
-Clan Ferguson
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I just lost not one but possibly 2 travel bugs today. I have laid 1 to rest in an archiveed cache of mine that also when MIA
Mother Hen the Chicken was the Travel Bug
She moved only once (129 miles) and existed less then 2 months.
she is laid to rest at
I also visted the graveyard which I think is a great Idea. I think the graveyard should be noted on the TB faq pages if it is not already.
-Clan Ferguson
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
I haven't been on the forums for a while. SO I was back reading stuff. and I keep coming across the same problem.
Folks making references to website and not giving URLs.
So I have a request.
If you mention something on a website or something you've seen on the internet PLEASE post a URL so the rest of us can easily follow along.
Or at the very least gives us enough information to look up the URL itself.
Some threads become quite uninteligabile when the poster and only a few "power searchers" have any idea what you are refering to.
I usally check the forums at work. so if I have to hunt down URLs based on vauge descriptions it cuts down on the time I have to read forums.
Thank you for your time
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Team Golden:What are the Geocoins and where can you get them from? They look really nice and I have never seen one before.
If you've never seen them, how do you know they look nice?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Team Golden:What are the Geocoins and where can you get them from? They look really nice and I have never seen one before.
If you've never seen them, how do you know they look nice?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
But if people are going to just harvest them. then why do we have them.
I mean if one person grabs a dozen, hops a plane to hawaii. has the bug really traveled that distance? if thats the case, why don't we just assign one person to move all of them then?
I always thought the concept of the bug was to Hop(as in short distances, 30 miles or less unless the next one in the path is farther) from cache to cache. Not rocket!
My wife has one. it's goal is to get near a cache in Bend,Or the first person to find it was going to do it in ONE JUMP!!! (luckly it has made a shorter move and if the person who moved it is reading this. this is my opinion not my wife's)
If a Goal is to travel 2400 miles and it does it in a single jump, how is the bug supposed to pick up stories?
BUG NOTE: Picked up bug from its release point in chicago. Flew it to Los Angles. Flight attendant was unimpressed by my show of dog tagged Beanie Babies. signed Bug Harvester
This is not what I want to see on My Bug logs. But then again I have no control over what an individual will do.
My vote is
No Harvesting
No Long Jumps (Unless it's part of the Goal)
p.s. Somebody please bring Big Dog the Dragon back to one of it's homes!!
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Lets stop talking about them and giving them the notirty they want and maybe, just maybe they quit. Unless of course this was done to attract trolls. The I have nothing to say.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
It's not Gin I can tell you that much. (hic!)
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
The harder you make it for the finder to log on line the less likey they will log online.
No online logs and people might not what to hunt the cache because its been out so long with out a hit.
Just a thought
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Team Screamapillar:It's when people have no pride of ownership and no future stake in things that they especially abuse them (as in the cliche "beat him like a rented mule...") A quick way to degrade pride of ownership is to start banning reasonable, responsible activities like geocaching and kite flying and to scold park visitors rather than enlighten them.
I think the key term is responsible activities like geocaching
You are of course assuming EVERYONE (100% of all) who geocache are actually responsible as much as thoese of us who here give it eaqual lip service. or for that matter aren't just knuckleheads with a GPS unit.
Who says ALL geocachers are responsible?
If we make up less then one percent of the population. then by logic isn't safe to assume less then 1% of us actually care enough to Trash out! and other Earth first ideals? Just because we all share an intrest in geocaching doesn't mean we necessarly share an intrest in the nature portion of it. Some are here for the technology. some are here for the novilty. some are here for the trolling.(yes that was sarcasim)
It only takes a few bad abpples to spoil the barrel, as the saying goes. Only here(geocaching.com) do we have no ability to weed out those bad apples. so we must unfortunely leave to THEM to try and do.
I agree we should take a stand and have a say in what the THEM say we can do. What I Have a problem with is people thinking that geocaching is being singled out and that as a geocacher and a tax payer you can do whatever you please on YOUR land and THEY can't say otherwise.
THEY get to make the decisions in the Short term it is up to US to enlighten them for the LONG term, which ,sad to say, takes longer to take affect then it does for them to implement policy.
Thank you
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
Originally posted by Team Screamapillar:It's when people have no pride of ownership and no future stake in things that they especially abuse them (as in the cliche "beat him like a rented mule...") A quick way to degrade pride of ownership is to start banning reasonable, responsible activities like geocaching and kite flying and to scold park visitors rather than enlighten them.
I think the key term is responsible activities like geocaching
You are of course assuming EVERYONE (100% of all) who geocache are actually responsible as much as thoese of us who here give it eaqual lip service. or for that matter aren't just knuckleheads with a GPS unit.
Who says ALL geocachers are responsible?
If we make up less then one percent of the population. then by logic isn't safe to assume less then 1% of us actually care enough to Trash out! and other Earth first ideals? Just because we all share an intrest in geocaching doesn't mean we necessarly share an intrest in the nature portion of it. Some are here for the technology. some are here for the novilty. some are here for the trolling.(yes that was sarcasim)
It only takes a few bad abpples to spoil the barrel, as the saying goes. Only here(geocaching.com) do we have no ability to weed out those bad apples. so we must unfortunely leave to THEM to try and do.
I agree we should take a stand and have a say in what the THEM say we can do. What I Have a problem with is people thinking that geocaching is being singled out and that as a geocacher and a tax payer you can do whatever you please on YOUR land and THEY can't say otherwise.
THEY get to make the decisions in the Short term it is up to US to enlighten them for the LONG term, which ,sad to say, takes longer to take affect then it does for them to implement policy.
Thank you
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
It's not "their" land, it's ours. If we want Geocaching bad enough, it'll become mainstream and accepted as the norm.Before I begin
I am not for the closing of Public land to caching or the subsquent removal of caches by authorties without notice.
I am so sick of that line.
Yes It is OUR land.
Yes we all pay taxes to have THEM maintain it.
No we should not let THEM dictate our lives
But it is also Our forefathers land and our children's children's land. and dispite what you might think or feel, only a very small handful of us give a hoot what happens to it. Most folks just go where ever by whatever means the see fit and do whatever with no regard for the surronding or future generations.
There are, what 200 million people in the US?
and there's what, 100 thousand Geocachers (minus sock puppets and trolls). that doesn't make 1% of th populace. and how many of us HONESTLY (not counting those here that say they do) Trash OUT!
Heck, I get discouraged when I see the mas of trash in some of our forest preserves. but I still try to remove at least a bag of it every time. But I have to Kick my brother, who caches with me, to do it.
And so we use OUR tax dollars to help THEM do what most of us will not; Preserve the land for generations to come so my great grand kids can Geocache. So until you can get everyone to packout what they pack in we will need THEM to help maintain OUR lands
As for Geocaching to going mainstream, I will need a defention for mainstream. With so much media coverage and so many memebers. not to mention some 20000+ caches avaible aren't we alreay there?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
It's not "their" land, it's ours. If we want Geocaching bad enough, it'll become mainstream and accepted as the norm.Before I begin
I am not for the closing of Public land to caching or the subsquent removal of caches by authorties without notice.
I am so sick of that line.
Yes It is OUR land.
Yes we all pay taxes to have THEM maintain it.
No we should not let THEM dictate our lives
But it is also Our forefathers land and our children's children's land. and dispite what you might think or feel, only a very small handful of us give a hoot what happens to it. Most folks just go where ever by whatever means the see fit and do whatever with no regard for the surronding or future generations.
There are, what 200 million people in the US?
and there's what, 100 thousand Geocachers (minus sock puppets and trolls). that doesn't make 1% of th populace. and how many of us HONESTLY (not counting those here that say they do) Trash OUT!
Heck, I get discouraged when I see the mas of trash in some of our forest preserves. but I still try to remove at least a bag of it every time. But I have to Kick my brother, who caches with me, to do it.
And so we use OUR tax dollars to help THEM do what most of us will not; Preserve the land for generations to come so my great grand kids can Geocache. So until you can get everyone to packout what they pack in we will need THEM to help maintain OUR lands
As for Geocaching to going mainstream, I will need a defention for mainstream. With so much media coverage and so many memebers. not to mention some 20000+ caches avaible aren't we alreay there?
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
the worst times oddly enough have all been in indiana. and all on the same day no less
First (least worst) A cache we were hunting on was not far from a new houseing development. the cloest entry point was the end of a dead end street it lead into a forested area. No 'No tresspassing' signs so off we went. there were peopl in thier garags watching us park and enter but no one said anything execpt a guy who was bulldozing a plot about 400 ft from the cache. when we came out he was talking to my wife who was tring to explain to him the concept of geocaching. when My brother and I emerged with the cache. he spun on me asking mhat I was doing? Why I was doing it? Who gave me permission? Every time I tried to explain my self he would just wave his arm about and say 'I Own all this!' I finally calmed him down enough and proved to him we wernt on his land just cutting through a undeveloped part. Apoligized and said we could remove the cache. after all that he said 'Naw, as long as you ain't doin nuthin wrong like drugs and stuff'
Out at Indiana dunes we were going to hunt 2 caches the first one was about 3/4 mile from the nearest parking. Now mind you we were still fairly new to caching at this point. The gps said 3/4 mile that way so off we went! Over the largest sand dunes we had ever encountered. Up Down up down up then up some more the down a little then back up then down a little more. the cache was veeeerrrrrryyyyy ssssllllooooowwwwlllyyy getting closer. finialy after almost 1.5 hours of climbing and sweating with 3yrd old in tow we finially decied to walk along the beach. (which we should of done in the first place) we finally reached the point where we could dive in only to encounter MORE sand dunes. Just as we reached the cache it started to rain. and rain and rain!!! Now we had a 1 mile of beach to walk down carrying a very tired 3 yr old. did I mention we were on sand, wearing sweat soaked hiking gear, carring 40 pounds of dead weight in the rain!
Finally, after a luch of hotdogs and a new shirt for the daughter. The rain eased up we closed on the final cache for the day. the cloest paring spot for this one was one mile. No mind you we have already had a long day we were tired and as I said before were still new to caching. We jumped out of the car grabbed the walkies and headed off. the wife opted to stay in the car with the child. she asked 'how long will it take?'
Not thinking I glanced at the eta on the GPS and said 'it says about 5 mintues to target 10 to find and 5 back about 30 minutes.' I failed to relize the ETA was still taking driving spead into account. Well we started walking about 1/3 mile in guess what. It started raining. execpt now we where on a 1/2 mile long moss couvered wooded board walk in hiking boots. that means no traction!! and as a topper to that My brothers friend kept calling us via cell phone to annoy us with hair-brained schemes to open a night club. When we finally reach the cache site the rain was in major down pour. GPS reception was spotty at best. after an 45 miute walk out here we searched for 35 miutes in a monsoon. only to come up empty handed. we headed back over the slip and slide(at least the phone calls stopped)and the rain dogged us till we were less the 1/3 mile from the car. the wife only said 'Guys you said 30 minutes it's been 2.5 hours' we grumped and headed home. We e-mailed the hider he assured us the cache existed. because he just removed it and archived it.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
My issues around TNLN
in General geocaching topics
Let me repeat My opinion. and before you say it, I know thoses are just your Opinions.
You leave a Sig same as a stamp. what you take is up to you. Okay ditch the GPS grab a Compass and a Topo and follow those clues. Hey it would up the difficulty.
Who said steal. I used the word hork to display folks who always trade down. I didn't say take it home I said thats what I did. I am suggesting rotating items you take from cache A put it in cache B. You know Kinda like a travel bug.
By the way our Treasure chest has more then one "dirty golf ball or broken pencil". Most Caches I've come across were log says TNLN are usally a bit lacking. I suggest if things moved around then the items in the cache would always look fresh and might encourge the next guy to trade.
Prime Suspect,
We carry a compact umbrella in our pack for just such an occasion.
I am not Suggesting that you have to keep the items and if your not helping maintain a cache by removing water logged, trash, moldy items your not helping the comunity either. I am not suggesting imposing you defination of Cacheable items. But come on you've never opened one and found a gum wrapper or cig butt.
Right On!
If we find a cache thats thin on tradables we always leave double.
Not saying you have to do any of this. it is just my opinion. and my feelings about caching. If you want to do else wise GO FOR IT!!! to rip off Forest Gump,
Cachers are, As cachers do.
Cache On!!
"Big Dog"
-Clan Ferguson
[This message was edited by Clan Ferguson on September 24, 2002 at 02:29 PM.]