Amazon Annie
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Posts posted by Amazon Annie
Thanks to the Canadian Geographic article, we had a couple of interested people come out to our last event cache.
Hi Larry,
I have found that when I am going to an area that I am unfamiliar with in Canada I look to the "Tim Hortons" website (or out west you could try "Starbucks" too) and then type in the city (you don't need actual street addresses or Postal Codes).
That will give you addresses of 'Timmy's' or Starbucks in the city and then you can do a search from there.
Hope that helps!
Another suggestion would be to post this in the Canada forum - you might get some help from local BC cachers.
Wow. Not that numbers count but .... 1400 Traditional caches? That's impressive. Congrats Nozz on reaching another milestone. To quote BQ, our local fearless leader.. NT is "a good person enjoying life and not having to be in the spotlight."
in Canada
Congrats to 1701eh, fizbot, charliezulu, ksacat.
Also one of the quirkiest cachers I know, Flick.
Congrats on #700 ! I look forward to reading many more of your logs in the future.
Rarely in my caches do I post the "Optimum Parking" area, but rather the parking that I consider to be the most enjoyable.
Yes, finally figured this out after completing most of your series... I now know better!
For parking - I'd prefer to have it posted - especially for those out of town caches where you don't know the area. I have been really frustrated by attempting to locate even an approach to some caches. It's put a damper on the cache which would otherwise have been enjoyable. That's just my take on the whole thing and I know that I'm in the minority on this.
For Bruce Trail caches there is a Bruce Trail Guide available from the Bruce Trail office or in most of the better hiking stores in the area. I've found it invaluable for many of the caches in the area. It has recommended parking for many of the trails and some interesting facts about some of the trails.
I have to agree with Swifteroo on that one - do "Stamina - There Is No Easy Way Up" If you do the cache with Nozzletime, add +2 to the terrain.
Hi C-A,
You can run a Pocket Query and ask for terrains greater than .... whatever.
I ran one and here is the result:
I asked for terrain of 3.5 or greater (okay, so that's a walk in the park for you).
I'd suggest AB's Bruce Almighty Series (great variety - short hikes, long hikes, hills etc) and Res's Poker Run. (Just because).
Mingos? Mingos? Sign me up... but I can't find the town of NOTL on any of my maps... is that like Neverland? Ankh-Morkpork? Anyway, put Wench Annie's name on the list. Just want to watch them pick on TT the same way they picked on you Logger! Heheheheh
Edit: Added Quote:
There's a saying that all roads lead to Ankh-Morpork. And it's wrong. All roads lead away from Ankh-Morpork, but sometimes people just walk along them the wrong way."
— Terry Pratchett
Hey Swifteroo -
You can lock this topic so people don't keep setting replies and getting confused.
The event is here:
COG Spring Fling APRIL ** 30TH **
for those who don't know.
Hi heman37,
If you are looking for a 'Bent and Twisted' cache ... then just look at the name of the hiders!
Some of their caches are 'easier' and some are a good challenge!
"Roadside Series - Orchardville" is the closest that I can see to you Palmerston and it was a tricky find (okay so that was at night). It hasn't been found since November so it's hard to tell if it's still there but probably is. (fingers crossed)
For my first day of caching I went out for about 5 caches and found 2. Once you locate a few then you will be able to spot likely places. I still have frustrating days but they are fewer and fewer between.
Sometimes reading the logs of past finders helps to give you clues (and sometimes they just help to confuse!).
If someone has been there recently then that's a help (especially in the winter with the footsteps!) Looking for 'micros' is even more frustrating so you might want to hold off on those for a bit.
Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of Geocaching.
I know of at least one cacher who is out there racing to the cache. Did anyone catch the mistake on the show? How many countries in the world have caches? Good luck guys!
I know that I won't be one of the ones visiting your cache... no offence but I prefer keeping my feet on the ground. I am concerned about the idea (okay, call me paranoid if you wish).
The Hamilton Conservation Authorities pulled caches that were 'on the edge' and were considered environmentally unsound and a danger. Remember, the Niagara Escarpment is a UNESCO-designated World Biosphere Reserve. I'm sure you will keep that in mind when placing your caches.
I've seen climbers on Rattlesnake Point (where there is designated climbing areas) pull some really stupid stunts - and that is with full equipment and supposed knowledge of what they were doing.
We each have our ideas of what makes a good cache and I guess I'm in the minority on this page - I like a good hide and great scenery without any risks to myself or my surroundings.
Good luck on your caches. I hope everyone who visits them stays safe.
I was out caching yesterday and lots my PDA on the trails of a series that involved a LOT of walking.
By the time we were finished, I was too tired to go back and look for it (thanks B&B for offering). I posted a note and planned on going back but due to an emergency visit to the doctor for my daughter (she's okay) my plans were put on hold. Nozz offered to go out and look for me and he found it (and a Bruce Trail map I also lost) !
I couldn't remember which stage I had lost it at so he ended up hiking a lot of it all over again (he had already done the cache.) I owe you big time Nozzletime, thanks!
I've found that cachers seem to go out of their way for each other (at least around here they do!). I've had laptop tables custom made, certificates, shirts, tiaras etc. and people who have driven out of their way and have performed miracles for me. What a great bunch of people. I just want to say thanks to everyone for everything but especially to NT for re-hiking the trails and finding my PDA!
I'm sure you have similar stories.....
Closed parks haven't stopped me yet...
On my pages I have suggested that a couple of mine are not winter friendly because one is totally inaccessible in the winter (but one person DID get there!
My other one is low enough on the ground that I think that it would be tough to find (although it HAS been found in the winter). I like these new icons - I can now have a fair chance of either finding it or not!
Hi RM,
Good to hear about the new cache!
Just be aware that anything you put in the cache will be gladly grabbed up but it seems that people just throw junk in. I am really tired of visiting a cache, taking out the bits of broken toys and rusted junk. I have given up trading for the most part (except for an unusual attraction to McAliens for some strange reason - I'm getting help for it though).
I don't know of many cachers that don't like Timmy's. I like Swifteroo's suggestion. I've seen gift certificates for various places in a few caches. They fit in any size container and are easily transferable.
Let me join the chorus :
Congrats Keith on #400
As BQ said, it's an accomplishment far and beyond those of us with way too much time on our hands. I'll be passing the tiara on to you sooner than later!
I'm hoping to hear about this soon please? I've got an invitation for the 12th and would like to give them a yeah or nay. Hope I don't have to make a decision between the two events.
I guess I'm the only Minolta user to post so far. I'm very happy with the results of my pictures - still learning to use all the options.
3.2 Megapixel, nice price and small, light and tough !
I just need clarification on something here... are we talking about 2 separate dates - April 2nd and April 14th? That's a lot of planning!
I imagine that I will be attending the local CITO events down here on the 14th/15th of April and will not be able to attend the Barrie one (sorry but we got waaaay more garbage down here!)
Congrats BQ and L&T !
I have been on one or two hikes with you and have laughed and had so much fun - the adventures to the cache are sometimes equal if not more fun than the cache itself. I look forward to many more in the future!
You have both put out superior caches that rank high in my books both through creativity and placement (of course you have a great location to work from).
I look forward to the next set that pop up from you, I know they will be worth the trek to Niagara. (Guess you'll be coming up this way to cache? Give me a call anytime, you know my number, I still have lots to do.)
Thursday the 30th sounds good to me. Hopefully we can carpool waaaay up there? I think there may even be one or two caches that need to be done. I'll pack the extra snow gear. I'd love to visit the site of the original pub night. A hallowed shrine I'm sure.
Isn't that from calvin & hobbes? (the snow snakes not the -20 degree temps)
I don't think so... I remember running around on the Athabasca Glacier 30 years ago chasing 'snow snakes' for the Gorbies (tourists). Oh what fun we had!
Oh, and by the way, thanks Logger for restraining yourself from making any comments about the vertically challenged in the group
You know what? With enough snow on the ground, I might just be able to walk up to 15th View and reach the cache without a ladder.
The freezing rain has stopped now but my door is frozen shut. No caching today.
Just a note to those who love to HTML to their hearts content.... when viewed in CacheMate the HTML codes come through and I have sat at a cache and had to edit the page so I could read it. Not fun at -10C.
Either that or sometimes if you bold something it doesn't appear on the CacheMate page at all!
Count me in for sure, I wouldn't miss an event like this! Thanks for taking on the event - can't wait to do some more Barrie cachin'. Had a great time last time we were up there.
in Canada
At the Auf Wiedersehen Nilsk! Cache Event the Button family presented a couple of fabulous videos to our departing cacher.
They are available for download here:
Nils Video
If you are from SW Ontario you might even recognize some of the cache locations and a few of the 'shady' characters.
Bravo guys, you did a spectacular job!