Amazon Annie
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Posts posted by Amazon Annie
For those interested, here are the arrangements for the Visitation and Funeral.
Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens
3164 9th Line (at Dundas)
Oakville, Ontario L6H 7A8
Public Visitation/Viewing: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 between 6-8PM.
Funeral Service: Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1PM
Reverend Darcy Lezerte
Reception to follow Funeral Service at:
Sue's House
(*Note: please email me for the address - I don't want to post it on the 'net.)
Announcement will be in The Saturday Star.
And a side note from Sandy and Neal (Cheerio's):
Sue is now at home with her parents, Allan and Rebecca. We are personally asking that people limit the amount of calling or dropping by as Sue is still in a lot of pain, requires rest and some time to heal and adjust.
I have just received this from Steve Dawe (Tony's brother).
Dear Friends.
As you all know by now, Anthony Dawe (1701eh) passed away last Saturday night around 9pm.
First, let me thank you all for your concerns and support.
We are really seeing the support and just how big Tony & Sue's extended family really is.
We understand that in some circles, e-mail may seem like a very impersonal way of communicating at a time like this, but in my case and Tony's for sure, it is (was) our way of life.
So please, feel free to continue chatting with us as you like and pass along the message to those we may have missed.
I have done a simple search on the internet and I very quickly have seen that Tony has touched a lot of lives and I'm only really starting to understand how big his web of friends is.
We appreciate you all and thank-you for you support.
As an update,
from the beginning.
Tony and Sue were involved in a traffic accident on the night of Saturday, August 26th.2006.
I really can't go into the details. It's still too fresh...Even to type .Sorry.
But, Tony died instantly and Sue sustained fairly severe, but non life threatening injuries, broken ribs mostly. She is in a lot of pain but has started to recover nicely and will come though eventually.
She is currently in the Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario.
As for her current status,
a "few" broken ribs. Although she is in a lot of pain and heavily medicated as of Tuesday, they have gotten her out of bed and sitting in a chair for a short period of time. This was a huge shock to us. Only happened once (and she was not very happy about it) and she is still in bad condition, but it does appear that recovery may be faster than we thought. As of late last night (Tuesday) we heard that she may be coming home in a few days. Wow!!!
So our thoughts are certainly with Sue at the present time and you can be assured that her kids are being well taken care of.
Rebecca and Allan are handling this all very well.
After the initial shock and horror they very quickly realized that their mom needed their immediate attention and we've encouraged and they have used that need to keep themselves focused.
And they are doing remarkably well.
Again, in large part, due to the support of friends and family. Thank you.
Tony has now been moved from Woodstock, Ontario to Mississauga, Ontario.
We have started the process of making Funeral arrangements, but have held off on setting dates until we get some word on when Susan(Sue) will be released or able to leave hospital for the service..
We are planning on the Funeral to take place late next week.
As it stands now, it will probably be an open casket ceremony with a viewing the night before and a reception to follow the service.
We had planned for the reception to be at Tony and Sue's house, but it sounds like Sue might be home by then and she has requested a bed be set-up in the living room...
That creates a bit of a problem if she wants to go get some peace at some point during the day, so we are rethinking that whole situation.
Although she may also be a little more mobile than she thinks by that time..
Anyhow...More details.
Tony is currently resting at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens
in Mississauga/Oakville. It is on Ninth Line at Dundas.
For those of you who don't realize, this is located right next door to White Oaks Golf Course, which is the location of our annual Father's Day Family Golf Day.
I think that's about it for now...Thanks to you all for your continued support. I will do what I can to show our appreciation, by keeping you as informed as possible.
On a personal note, I have been browsing a few forums and have seen the notes of condolences, submitted by you all. It is a hard read for me, but as with Tony, Forums are part of my life and I know what it's like to be part of a Forum/Web family..
So keep it up.
You people were his life.
And now you are mine.
I can't thank you enough.
Steve Dawe
"the little brother"...
P.S. Something that I'd like to share with you and will hold onto the rest of my life. Tony's on-line identity was 1701eh and I think you all know the meaning of that. It was the number of the Starship Enterprise and the "eh?" part was his little Canadian twist.
My wife pointed out the other day that 17-01 is also my birth date and although he probably never realized that, I'm going to assume that it crossed his mind at some point and he might have felt the same smile I did. At the very least, it is a nice coincidence.
I have some very sad news to pass on to you. Tony Dawe (1701eh) was in a fatal car accident on Saturday in the Ingersoll area. Funeral arrangements are to follow. Sue (Tony's wife of 25 years) is still in Intensive Care in the London hospital and recovering. The two children are with friends in London so as to be close to Sue.
As Anne (Rideau Rangers) said to me:
"Not sure if you were aware that Tony refused to do cemetery caches out of respect for the folks in them so you are likely on the right track that he would not have wanted maudlin, but a focus on his sense of humour and real pleasure of a good hike and a good puzzle."
I will let you know any updates as I hear more.
OGA Cacher of The Month for April
Edit: Added links.
A Wanna-be-a-Mega Event for one and all. Bring your friends and drop in for a day of fun and friendship and (gasp) maybe even some caches or camp out all weekend.
If you are a brand new cacher or even new to the area and want to meet some of the people you've read about then here's the place! Brag about your accomplishments/electronics or learn a new skill. (You might even get to see Swifty's new toy if you ask him nicely).
Put a watch on the page for late breaking news - like the *New* T-shirts we've just added to the roster.
I hope to see you all there ! The countdown begins......now.
I got the notice from Garmin about Navigator v8 but I have an upgrade DVD of City Select North America v7 that I haven't installed or registered yet (upgrade price of $50). I noticed now it's been discontinued.
I know that in the past the Navigator was under fire regarding the file sizes of the maps:
Forum Discussion of Navigator - Dec /05
I wonder if the sizes are still an issue? I can't see anything on the Garmin page that mentions that.
An interesting viewpoint in this article (albeit a bit dated now that v8 is out).
MetroGuide Canada ver4 was the best bet for Canada although it's a bit dated now. I wonder if Nav 8 is any better. A HUGE gorge and river has been missed for all of City Selects so far and it's not in a remote location either. MetroGuide Canada knew it was there - and it even autoroutes.
A nice comparison chart of all the maps is available at GPS Central
I will probably upgrade to the Navigator v8 from City Select v6 but I'll be interested in your comments.
now if I could just figure out how to get those pictures into my palm.....
I have found a neat little (free!) program that I use to add images to my palm. It does a screen capture of the image you select and will add to your next hot-sync.
It's called Vikao
Another quick way of deleting caches while on the map page :
Click on the the arrow icon and then draw an area on the map to highlight all the caches you want deleted. They will change colour.
Hit the delete button.
I find this a quick way of cleaning out a bunch without looking them up on the view screen.
Hi Lynn!
Neat coin (the link does work for me TT). Hope to catch up with you sometime this summer - or maybe we'll manage to drag you up to GHGAGAFAP 5 this time!
For me the only important FTF was my first one. I don't count my firsts anymore, they are not why I'm caching. I once signed the log of a cache that was being placed (at the insistance of the placer) and I have regretted it ever since. It wasn't fair for those that really care about this sort of things.
I have learned to let the caches of brand new cachers (and sometimes experienced cachers) alone and wait until others find it and post the coords. It's too frustrating for me to search for something that turns out is 15km away.
Kudos to those that beta test the caches for others and Bravos to those that acknowledge the fact in the logbooks. I've been with placers and have waited a few months and have gone back to the cache so I can 'legally' log it. That's my game and I'll stick to it. Sometimes it's more fun going back to a cache for the second, third, fourth, fifth... or even sixth time (okay maybe 6 times is a bit much.)
I've had FTF prizes in a couple of my caches (like my birthday cache) but I have also visited caches and have been the second or third cacher and the FTF prize is still there. I don't look for one and I probably will leave a prize for the next finder. Why not a prize for the 4th finder? Trouble is, after a month or so there's just junk in the cache anyway - even if you spend $30+ in swag (but that's a whole other soapbox to rant on about).
To recap - is it fair to log FTF if you found it before it was published? Not in my books ... unless the cache was placed specifically for you I suppose ... but do I care personally? Nope. That's not why I'm caching.
I'm planning on doing this one on Monday (we have family activities for Easter on the weekend). Perhaps if you're feeling better by then, you'd care to join me.
- Cathy
Hi Cathy,
I am certainly keeping that open as an option! I have a full day Tuesday though so it may just be a 1/2 hike for me. Thanks for the invite.
Hi Gang,
At this point it looks like I'll have to bow out for the hike tomorrow. I'm not feeling well at all. Hopefully another hike will appear on the horizon and I'll be well enough to attend. I may try to meet you in the parking lot to send you off or sit at 6th Line to wave you on your way. Best of luck to all.
I'm hoping that I can shake this cold that I'm battling before Saturday. Beaux was ready to ship me home last night/this morning. I think a turn in the sauna/hot tub will be just the thing though ...that should do something for sure. Of course I think Beaux is concerned 'cause my voice is reduced to a whisper right now. It's really been something trying to communicate while driving around Ottawa! All sorts of fun.
I'm on the waiting list for a cabin... that's the best I could do! Maybe alternate arrangements might be in order?
Just so you know.
Add me into the mix. My legs should be okay by then - trying to follow Tomtec and Juicepig last Saturday almost killed me. I was lame for 2 days! I'll definately need a car 1/2 way - no way I will be able to keep up.
I'm going to Ottawa for a couple of days with Beaux though - and that should help to recoup !
Count me in!!
I still have lots in Georgetown including the GEST ones. Let me know where and when!
I'm in.
That sounds like a plan Coupar-Angus!
Since there are a bunch of CITO's on the 22nd and GAG on the 29th I would suggest the 15th as the only alternative for a Saturday in April.
As for May, the only Saturday is the 27th I think?
Those "Kamping Kabins" look like just the ticket! For the free weekend you need to stay 2 nights - sounds like a deal to me! Sleeps 4 - I'll book one if anyone is interested.
Just noticed the "Free Night" is sponsored by Magellan... oh well, at least it's free.
They're giving away a Magellan eXplorist XL or a Magellan RoadMate 800 system too.
GCGR22, GCJB27, GCHF2N, GCNWYR have varying combinations of this idea.
The Blue Box Series in Niagara GCJ4H7, GCJ4H9, GCJ4HB, GCJ4HD, GCJ4HE, GCJ4HH, GCJ4NV which is due to be archived soon had a good twist on the idea.
Less than 1 cm of snow and 10-15 mm of rain (1/2 inch) between now and then (it's raining now)... that isn't toooo bad I suppose. It will be -3 (-9 with the windchill) to start us off in the morning. I just talked with BQ and he's really iffy about tomorrow. Doesn't sound promising for him.
Wind from the north... hmmm... well that always makes for a fun time around my place (whew, gotta love farm country!)
And Annie, the good thing about having such muddy boots is that it makes it easy and quick to just slide across metal bridges.With regards to that bridge... I know AB - I've been trying not to think of it. <shudder> Oh the nightmares.... I can't run across it if it's muddy and slippery.
The tailgate lunch idea sounds good though!
I guess it better be my vehicle since it comes with a built in picnic table.
More like 1/3 of the way thru if I remember correctly
Ah.... right! I was going backwards (as usual?)
We cross 6th Line, Nassagaweya-Esquesing Townline (near Prickles Pond parking) and get near Hwy 25 then back and cross Dublin townline (maybe?) (and Tremaine from above? <shudder>).
So I'm guessing one by Greystone Easy (St. Helena off Hwy 25) is a better spot. Who knows with Nozzletime - whatever route he picks won't be an easy one and that's why we're doing this ... right?
I had set +10C with no chance of precipitation as the "target" weather. We're not there yet.
I suggest we decide on Friday evening. Let's set a deadline of 9PM on this forum.
Agreed... it looks great out there right now but if we get a noticeable amount of precipitation between tonight and Friday then the extra 10lbs of mud per boot would worry me. Of course Tomtec is carrying me on his back so maybe it won't be such a worry. I'll walk along the parts that are at the escarpment edge though.
I remember stages 1, 2 and 3 of the GeoPoker Tour were pretty wet and that was in the winter. I don't know if I can get out there and check out the trails before Saturday but it looks like just past Stage 1 was under water on March 19th. That's about 3 weeks back so I'm guessing it will be okay. I'm not sure how far we will get towards Guelph Line but Olar reported the trail underwater by MULTI-AGREEMENT CURRIE TRACT that was a few metres from my Luke Skywalker cache. I may carry my 'wellies' !
So, Annie & Olar (and anyone else planning to leave a vehicle along the route for relief purposes) we should plan our rendezvous pickup locations for Saturday morning. Right now it looks like I'll have Coupar-Anus and Juicepig along with me in the van, so there is lots of room for you guys too!I will volunteer to leave my vehicle at 6th Line parking lot. That's about 5 mins (by road) from the start of the hike and I'm guessing about 2/3 of the way through? I can meet you there at 8:30am.
With regard to disposing of old batteries:
- I give Rogue Monkey all my "spent" alkaline batteries. He has some magic attachment for his flashlight that will use up the last juice. I gave him a big box of them and I have another one waiting...
- I dispose of them in recognized 'Hazardous Waste' places. We have one in the Hamilton area.
- I have found a site that lists drop off areas for batteries to be recycled:
In this area - the armpit of Lake Ontario - they list places such as Bell World, Home Depot, The Source and Zellers. I've seen the boxes around - you may have noticed them too.
Hope that helps to keep them out of the landfill!
If anyone is interested in placing a vehicle (or two) somewhere around the perimeter maybe we can meet earlier ? I am one of the people that BQ was complaining about being "pokey" (not from lack of trying to keep up) and I do not want to hold the gang up as my legs are much shorter and don't move as fast as most of you. When you are at the back of the line, you don't get to rest at all.
I have my doubts whether I will be able to complete the mission (especially at your speed) in a day but I would like to attempt at least part of it. I'd like to leave my vehicle at 6th Line - is someone willing to pick me up there before 9am? We could have another at Hwy 25 (around Greystone Easy) or Nassagaweya-Esquesing Town Line too I suppose just for emergencies.
Sad News to Pass On
in Canada
For those attending the reception after the service, here is a note from the family and friends:
Steve Dawe is asking for gifts of ‘finger food’ for the reception after Tony’s service reception (Wednesday) at the Dawe’s house. The following are plates that suggested.
Kid munchies
The food should be places on paper plates so that they can be left behind and for about 8 people. Any food that requires refrigeration should be transported in a cooler to Sue’s house. It is requested that;
1) don’t take food to Sue’s house before the reception
2) bring over food to Sue’s house after the service
3) place in coolers while in your car at the service
To help with the distribution of choices, please pick one and e-mail me back. I will keep a tally and forward as necessary.
Neal (CheeriO's)