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Everything posted by Leoness

  1. On a slightly different topic... Deego I haven't been able to access the interactive map all day today. Is it down for maintenance?
  2. I'm pretty sure they can come online at any time, as and when the approvers approve them. I had 3 new caches appear on my screen one Tuesday afternoon, so I went out and did them all the following morning, getting 3 FTFs in one morning! It's a case of luck and being online at the right time.
  3. I'm pretty sure the cache won't last that long anyway!!! (btw... I tried adding you to my MSN messenger but the email was returned )
  4. Nah! That wouldn't be very sportsmanlike! I'll give you a clue though... it's in N Yorks!!!
  5. We've only done 171 caches since we started caching in August last year, so we're hardly veterans and it's so difficult to choose only one favourite! I think it's fair to say we've enjoyed every cache we've found (with only one exception which shall remain nameless!) We love hill/fell walking so our favourites would have to be because of the climb and the views. We are lucky enough to live in North Yorkshire and there's some lovely caches in the Dales and on the Moors, including the 3 peaks in Ribblesdale (there's a cache on top of each one) and the Cleveland Way round the Moors, not to mention the Lake District which is not too far away from us. Last Sunday we climbed Pen-y-ghent GC5EF2 and bagged 2 caches as there's one at the summit and one on the way up at Hull Pot GCGZPF. We also really enjoyed Wainstones GCHFN5, The Kitchen GCG9D4, How Tallon GCFA6E and The Ribble Series #7 - Victoria Cave GCGZPA for the walk and the views. Over in the Lake District, we enjoyed Swineside GCG02P, Grasmere View GCGQTC and Kirkstone Pass GCH0JN... again, for the views. For different reasons we enjoyed Go Forth GC6DAB as it's an island in the Firth of Forth, reached at low tide by a causeway; Halfway Raw GC398D and A Bridge too far... GCHR2T because of having to put our thinking caps on!!! I've set myself the challenge of finding every cache in North Yorkshire which is the biggest county in England and (currently) has over 130 caches. Part of the enjoyment is that they are very diverse in type and hiding place as some are easy urban virtuals and some are 5 star terrain mountains!!!
  6. For more info... http://gpsinformation.net/airgps/gpsrfi.htm
  7. I just entered for the first time too. I hope I get into the top 10!
  8. Leoness


    Ditto! If I don't have the OS map for the area, I also cut and paste the co-ordinates from the cache page into Streetmap to have a good look at the OS map. I currently have Streetmap in my "favourites" but having it as a link on the cache page would be good too. I don't use any of the current selection available on the cache page as most of them don't seem to work for me anyway!!!
  9. See above ^^^ admittedly, it was for WOODEN ammo boxes only !!!
  10. Use the search facility in the top right hand corner. I typed in "ammo box" and it came up with the relevant page.
  11. I'm right handed but hubby is left handed. On our wedding day, 3 out of 4 of us who signed the register were left handed... the groom, the best man and my brother (who was my witness). I had to turn the book round to sign with my right hand!!!
  12. My condolences on your loss. We had to have one of our Labradors put to sleep just before Christmas - he was 13 and had had a long and happy life. I do most of my caching in North Yorkshire (UK) where there are lots of pot holes and swallow holes so I usually keep the dog on a lead as she has no sense of danger at all.
  13. Yes! I have a large ring binder (lever arch file) in which I keep a single (A4) sheet of the printer friendly view of each cache I have found, filed in the order in which I found them. I have dividers every 50 caches so I can count them easily. Each sheet is back-to-back with another sheet (to save space) and then slipped into a clear plastic wallet. I only have one 1 TB so don't I bother to keep paper info on him as I check his progress on his web page. Similarly, I have only hidden 2 caches so I keep track of them on the web page too. Also, on my computer's HD, I have photos of most of the caches I have been to as around here, they tend to be hidden at places of scenic beauty and there's a good opportunity to take some nice photos. Occasionally, I collect a card from a cache which the owner has left there to take as a "trophy" of the visit which I slip into the plastic wallet with the relevant cache page. Also, when I visit a cache at a church, there are often postcards of the church for which I make a small donation and I slip that into the cache page wallet too.
  14. Thanks, Hemlock, I have spoken to (emailed) Deego who helps to maintain the site and shall close topic.
  15. Polite note to admin... I would appear that the Whernside cache GC5EF3 is missing from the GCUK Interactive Map. It is not archived or temporarily unavailable for any reason. Please would you look into this for me. Regards Leoness
  16. Just a suggestion... how about some bonus points for FTFs?
  17. I think this might be it... (for today, of course!) http://www.thecourier.co.uk/output/2004/04/23/index.asp
  18. I think this is the nearest cache to Stonehenge. GC359A Solstice Stomp
  19. If you go to geocaching.com and then "my cache page" and do a search for "nearest caches from your home coordinates" you can see which caches have a TB in them by the TB tag logo (to the left hand side, next to the type of cache logo). You can change the co-ords to search for other locations.
  20. Are you looking for a specific TB or just any TB?
  21. Oops - just re-read it!!!
  22. Take a look at this... http://www.okic.org
  23. 100 - isn't that an i AND some ooo's?!!!
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