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Everything posted by Leoness

  1. I think it's a great idea. But definitely make it a TB so you can at least keep track of where the photos were taken or ask people to make a note in their logs.
  2. I have taken TBs from my own caches and moved them on but not as a matter of course. I have only done it when the TBs in my cache have been "stuck" there for a couple of months. Naturally, my own caches are near to where I live and I can pop out to them if the need arises. I have also placed others' TBs in my caches if, by doing so, it furthers the goal of the TB. Owners of TBs ultimately want their TB to move from cache to cache and achieve their goal. They're not bothered WHO moves them, as long as they move!
  3. ...and no, I didn't have to whip him to get up those hills!!! Good luck on your IoM trip, Seasider - have a great time, I'm sure you will, as the locals seem very friendly! PS: Don't forget the sunscreen this time!!!
  4. Congratulations! Looks like you had a busy day yesterday.
  5. I was caching with Seasider on Friday and he's yet to log quite a few from then!!!
  6. "Washed down with a nice bottle of Chianti" (Silence of the Lambs) !!!
  7. Thank you, Deego, for all your hard work compiling the stats. I was hoping to be in the top 10 but only made it to 15th Ah well... at least I'm not a "numbers (wo)man"!!!
  8. ...and I thought it was only in the UK that we had a lousy rail network!!! Edited for typo
  9. I would have bought you a pint, had I known!!! Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!
  10. Well done, Postie! I have enjoyed every cache of yours I've found, despite them always being uphill !!!
  11. It was lovely to meet a few other cachers today and put some faces to names which I've seen in many logbooks and on the forums. Many thanks go to Slytherin for arranging the event. And many thanks too, to Seasider, who accompanied Liz (Sleepless42) and myself to a couple of caches nearby. Ingleborough - here we come!!!
  12. I'm married to the military and my brother's a professor of computer science. Not really IT, I suppose!
  13. Or washing up liquid with sugar for abrasion.
  14. My understanding is that it's better to twist them once grasped in the tweezers, rather than to pull gently. That way they will release themselves and you minimise the risk of leaving the head inside.
  15. A friend of mine found a cache which had yet to be approved. She was looking for a hiding place herself, pulled out a stone from a crag and there was a cache! She signed the log book and emailed the owner who said he had yet to submit it for approval but was planning to do so in the near future.
  16. Forgive me Father for I have sinned... Last Friday I found the final part of a multi cache which was in my home town, where I lived for 32 years, so I know it very well. (GCHGXZ) The multi required you to walk around the town centre looking at the blue plaques on various historic buildings and using the dates found on the plaques to make up the final co-ordinates for the cache. I did a quick search on the internet and found a website with pictures of all the blue plaques in the town and worked out the final co-ords without doing the walk! OK... so the cache was supposed to introduce you to some interesting and historic places in a lovely Medieval market town (yes, I'm biased 'cos I was born there!). Having lived there for 32 years, I don't feel this was really too much of a cheat and I DID actually go and find the cache and sign the log book. (I feel fairly safe typing this in the US forums as I hope not too many Brits visit these pages and will do the same cheat as I did. If you are in the area, please DO the walk around the town centre as it is a very interesting and historic town.)
  17. How appropriate! I hope you enjoy your time in N Yorks as much as we do living here. A word of warning... ... the Blue Lion is a favourite haunt of army officers (some from my husband's regiment) so I hope they behave themselves and welcome you with their infamous hospitality!!!
  18. Not a million miles away from me! I recommend The Blue Lion at East Witton for fine beer and good food. A bit nearer to Bedale is the Wyvill Arms (http://www.wyvill-arms.co.uk/) which also does excellent food (http://www.thebluelion.co.uk/). (I hope TPTB aren't going to blemish my up-'til-now blemish-free record and give me a 10% warning for advertising!) If you're wanting to do any caches then I recommend the Harrogate Hobble and the Ripon Ramble, both multis by The Harrogate Hunters.
  19. Hi I am always accompanied by a Black Labrador. I can't say "our" dog because we're looking after her for army friends who have been posted abroad and can't take her with them, so we agreed to look after her for them. We had a black Lab of our own who used to come caching with us but he died just before Christmas at the ripe old age of 13. Sometimes, hubby comes with me, if it's a weekend and he's not working. It's so much easier having someone else to do the navigating! If it's a virtual cache which requires a photo, it's always hubby who is in the photograph and me taking the pic. I even made him taste the spa water in Harrogate - his constitution is better than mine and besides, I take a better photo! I have, occasionally, been accompanied by a dog-walking friend who isn't into caching but enjoys the walks.
  20. I'm trying to achieve something similar here in the UK by visiting every cache in my home county. Not as large as your states, admittedly but there's still 131 to find and some of those are up some big hills!!!
  21. Is that worldwide?
  22. I try to do a minimum of 3 caches each trip and will choose to do a group in a specific area regardless of type/difficulty/length of walk etc., as my goal is to find every cache in N Yorks, so they all have to be done in the end!!! I am heading south this weekend (to shoot in a competition at Bisley in Surrey) so will try to take the opportunity to do some caches in new counties to up my stats in the "number of counties" in which I have found caches!
  23. er... some people aren't necessarily in a position to hide caches. Does that mean they're not entitled to FTF?
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