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Mark 42

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Everything posted by Mark 42

  1. I'd say, in agreement with some on another thread, that the owner of a virtual should reply to emails sent to him or her. If he doesn't to several people, then archive it. On the archiving topic... I'd like to see the text that shows it as archived made more conspicuous. I missed that one was archived, but luckily I did see it before trying to actually find it (came close to searching for it though). "I'm not Responsible... just ask my wife, She'll confirm it"
  2. Take her to This One after dark. No spiders or snakes... I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  3. I'd even prefer cloth to plastic. Something similar to the one's in the picture below: I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  4. As a trail runner, I can recommend These Gaiters. You can get them from places like REI in addition to the place at the link I gave. Carrying extra Ziplock bags, trash bags, a whistle, some sort of ID (tag), bug repellant, a compass, a cell phone (to call 911), a walking stick to poke around in ivy, brush, & rotted stumps looking for the cache container, a 40 foot long telescoping pole to put your gps on and elevate it to better reception, ... Actually, I found a monopod (it's a telescoping pole for a camera... a one legged tripod) that I intend to adapt by putting a sharp point on the foot end, and an adapter to attach my GPS on the top, so that I can stick it in the ground when I'm looking for the cache (I hate to put it on the ground because there's always too much vegetation for it to get reception from that low). But, first I have to email the owner of the monopod to let him (another Cacher) know that I have it, in case he wants it back. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people. [This message was edited by Mark 42 on August 14, 2003 at 02:14 PM.]
  5. Bingo. Courtesy. If I don't get an email back, that just says "Nice job", or "Thanks, I'll go log a DNF and write that the cache owner did not respond to my email. Since Virtual Caches are no longer even allowed, it seems in addition to the grandfather clause there should be a minimum "show of maintenance" required of the owner. If you ask for an email, you should have the courtesy to reply to those who honored your request. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  6. But I'd say it was pretty cheesey. He may very well not have seen him hide it, but did he get the coord's or start looking before it was available to everyone else? BTW. I know exactly how many FTF's I have. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  7. quote:Originally posted by flask:... all their FF's in every log really bother me. but i wonder how lame his other FF's are? please don't think it's because i'm jealous of all his FF's. i assure you that my credentials as a FFWhore are in order. i just don't keep track of them. So, precisely how many are you not keeping track of?
  8. Maybe buy a few, start some caches, and set some sort of goal (same or different for each?) like having one visit all 7 continents, or themed to something they are studying. If you arrange with the teacher in such a way that you and the kids do most of the work, he/she will probably be a friend for life! Let the kids bring stuff to stock the cache with (it'll give them a sense of "ownership") Maybe they could vote which items would make good hithikers for travel bugs. BTW, this is a great idea. It could be adjusted for a lrge spectrum of age groups.
  9. Ditto. But while I was waiting for my GPS I picked out a couple that I could figure out from the maps & clues, and gave them a try. Here's a message Thread on the topic... I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  10. Popular ones in the Puget Sound (Seattle) area... In, under, around stumps & roots. Shrubs. Abandoned vehicles in forests. Ivy, Ferns, similar ground cover. Adjacent to trails surrounded by stinging nettles. Stumps. Cemeteries. Dense forest where there is poor GPS signal (hard to find much else) Islands. Stumps. Public Parks. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  11. quote:Originally posted by BrianSnat:I always say a bad day of geocaching is better than a good day of being smeared with honey and staked to the ground next to a mound of fire ants. Umm, aren't they the same thing? Hey, if you have mosquito bait, just give her a bag of chips to keep her mouth busy. Good mosquito diverters are hard to find! If you didn't like a cache, I think you should say so. If it's one of mine (...in the future) please tell me what you didn't like. Whine away. Maybe I'll take it into account on the next one I place. But, a vacant field behind a rest home doesn't sound bad. You can watch them bring the "former residents" out the back door. Abandoned buildings can be interesting... I see them and wonder about their history. Did some business go bankrupt? Did some family have to flee the state? If nothing else, they have a clear shot to the sky and allow you to compare your GPS ouput with other people's... if it consistentlt reads that the cache is off in some direction by a few yards, you know it's out of calibration (not that there is a calibration). Take each cache for what it is. If it'd make an easy beginner's cache, put that in your Log entry. If it's one that could use a little cleanup let people know so they can bring a trashbag with them. But keep in mind that not every cache will be spectacular. The notion that a "lesser" cache will stop anyone from putting a fantastic one nearby is really not that likely... if a cache is that bad, I doubt there'd be a fantastic spot less than .1 mile away. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  12. quote:Originally posted by Mark 42:Unfortunately, my eyes ain't what they used to be. Could someone post a larger version of the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/avatar/14490_700.jpg avatar so I can see it, please? Thanks. Found It!
  13. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  14. Can you change the title to "How do you do get rid of that funky smell?"? I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  15. quote:Originally posted by Bluespreacher: quote:Originally posted by Mark 42:You guys really didn't recognize it was a joke? .... snip .... I read your post and wrote my reply before my coffee kicked in this morning. .... snip ..... That's okay, now we're laughing together. Some of the best advice I ever got was "Laugh at yourself, the rest of the world does" [This message was edited by Mark 42 on August 14, 2003 at 07:27 AM.]
  16. I dont' have my defaults set to prompt me for cookie authorization, I do most computing at work (in downtimes while I'm waiting, and lunch), and the firewall is pretty well secured (won't allow execution or mods, I assume), so I never noticed it. I delete my cookies (all of them) from time to time, and was about due. I'm too lazy to build a list, though I probably should go that route (and might, now that I know) Is the Xfer you referred to just FTP, something else, or that and more? Anyway, thanks for the info. I wonder if I didn't see the cookie because it was temporary and deleted after I wasn't accessing the picture anymore. I went to this thread (site), and then left again and checked if it had put the cookie back after I deleted all of them. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  17. quote:Originally posted by Muskytooth:Never pet a burning dog... I once used a dry-powder fire extinguisher on my dog after he had a skunk encounter. I figured "When I was a kid we learned to use baking soda to make a fire extinguisher for our Mothers' kitchens (the fireman visited the elementary school and gave us labels to put on a coffee can full of baking soda). Baking soda eliminates (or reduces) odor. Baking soda... dry powder... Fire extinguisher... dry powder. Luckily no one drove by and saw me hosing my dog down with a fire extinguisher the size of a small scuba tank! It worked great. I drove the 45 minutes home in an MR2 with a dog that had been sprayed by a skunk with very little discomfort (and a lot of white powder in the tiny car). A week later we finally bathed the dog, and the smell returned! There's a handy tip you probably won't hear anywhere else! I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  18. It ain't Really HOT until your computer quits working. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  19. quote:Originally posted by Renegade Knight: After [check the traumatic life altering event below] [ ] I was forced to log a DNF for a driveby. [ ] I was ignored in the forums. [ ] The mandatory 10 find waiting period [ ] I don't like green. I have come to the conclusion that. [check your conclusion below] [ ] I suck Because of this [check your reason for resentment below] [ ] Blatant disrespect the environment. I can no longer participate in geocaching and/or these forums. As far as my caches go you can [select final cache disposition] [ ] Return them to me via UPS As a final note just let me say that. [choose your parting shot from those provided below] [ ] With all of your attitudes, Geocaching will never gain popularity. [ ] I wish I'd never quit surfing porn on the internet to waste my time with this disgusting group of lowlifes. Signed [insert your moniker here] I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  20. Oh, I forgot about Bainbridge Island. I hear it's nice, but haven't checked it out myself... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=14255 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?pf=&ID=14256 Search for other nearby ones too, these are just the first two that came up. Also, HERE Is a Topo of Vashon & Blake Islands And HERE is a Search for the caches in the area near Vashon & Blake Islands. Vashon Island Caches: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=71000 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52479 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52487 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52484 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52483 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52486 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=22787 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=52482 Blake Island: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=20536 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=14991 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=45277 [This message was edited by Mark 42 on August 13, 2003 at 03:22 PM.]
  21. There are also two Islands, about halfway between Fauntleroy and Southworth... Vashon and Blake, which have no bridge to them. Vashon has a Ferry at the North & South ends. There are a few Caches on it. The ferry from Fauntleroy to Southworth stops at Vashon Island on most of its trips back & forth. But, Check the Schedule because sometimes it goes direct between Fauntleroy & Southworth. Blake Island is approximately a triangle of one mile on each side. The only way there is by tour boat or by personal boat (you can easily kayak there from Southworth). It has a native american (Tillikum) village (touristy) and camping on it, and not much else (except forest and a lot of wildlife - mostly deer). I'm not sure how many Caches are on them. I believe there are two or three on each of them, maybe more than that on Vashon Island. When I get a chance I'll check and post them here... but w/o any recommendation or endorsement on the quality of each cache. (I have a waypoint on my GPS for just South of Blake Island from when we were sailing back & forth to work last October... Blake is North of Vashon, so that puts the waypoint between them). I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  22. Well, I went to internet options, deleted all of my temp files, deleted all of my cookies (which means I now have to re-login to everything I do), brought up this page, checked all of the files in my Temp directory, and the only thing from countryhomeproducts was the temp copy of the jpeg, no cookie. Maybe you're getting a false alert? This is interesting... makes me curious what is & what can & can't be happening. I don't see how an image can possibly add a cookie, unless one goes to the website to find out more about the picture or something. I'd be interested to know what you find out about it. If anyone who has an image on any webpage I view can drop a cookie without me going to their webpage, I'd like to know about it. I know there are a lot of security holes with IE (probably Netscrape too), but I didn't think they were that difficult to plug up. If the picture does pose a problem, let me know, and I'll take care of it, but I want to leave it as is for now so that I can find out more about this topic... I honestly do want to know. [This message was edited by Mark 42 on August 13, 2003 at 02:32 PM.]
  23. Umm, either you'been hittin' the crack pipe too much, or your computer has a virus. Do a right click on the picture, and select "properties", and look at the URL... it's only a jpeg image. I didn't think there's a way that they can do anything like place a cookie on your machine (But, I'll admit I could be wrong). I suggest you run a good virus check (seriously). Something similar happened to a guy on the Maximum Suzuki Forum. The virus intercepted picture URL's and put in porno ads (on almost everything he opened on the internet). Here is a link to the message thread, in which he also got answers for how to fix the problem. http://www.maximum-suzuki.com/ibf/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=20486 You may even want to have a look and bookmark it JIC.
  24. If I got to the coord's, and my GPS is functioning O.K., and I took a fair amount of time to look around, I log a DNF and leave the DNF even if I go back again. If I just print out instructions for a cache, and swing by on my way home from work w/o my GPS to see if I can find it with the clues in a few minutes of searching, I don't see any benefit to log a DNF, since I really didn't look. If I drive by and look out the window of my car as I pass the spot where I think the cache probably might be, from the description, I wouldn't log it. In other words, if my efforts don't do anything to help others determine whether a cache is difficult to find, or perhaps missing, I don't see any reason to log it. If I go back later, and find it, and the reason I missed it was because the clues were deliberately misleading, I pull out my sidearm, shoot it full of holes, and log a DNF. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
  25. Pat Travers "Boom, Boom, Out Go the Lights" Or Pink Floyd's "Run" (from the Wall) So, there is now an ammo box, with a formerly singing head, full of bullet holes? We were on a Hash Run that went into a RailRoad Tunnel... about 50 yards in, the Hare had stationed a friend with a cordless floodlight (one of those 1,000,000 candlepower ones) and a boombox with a recording of a Train. I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.
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