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Everything posted by ColleIsarco

  1. Same problem here and i heard of many others having the same problem. Even if I mark the `Keep me signed in` checkbox as activated the cookie received is valid for this session only. Please repair this ASAP and please test it before installing the new version!
  2. Moin moin, Na ja, wenn ein Owner sich nach Monaten nicht um ein volles Logbuch kümmert (oder andere Probleme seines Caches), dann zeigt er ja, dass er nicht willig ist, eine Wartung durchzuführen und wäre die Frage, ob eine Archivierung des Caches nicht Sinn macht. Aber das ist eh ein anderes Thema Gruß ColleIsarco
  3. Moin moin, der Cache fällt halt aus dem üblichen Suchraster (1/1-Tradi) heraus. Aber wie Du schon festgestellt hast, äußern sich die Finder alle positiv zu Deinem Cache. Du scheinst also gute Arbeit gemacht zu haben. Ein Problem hat der Cache wohl nicht. Wenn Du ein Problem mit der Found-Zahl hast: Nimm eine Filmdose, klebe ein paar Magnete dran und hänge das Ganze an die nächste Leitplanke. Aber glaube mir, mehr Freude bereitest Du Deinen Hobbykollegen damit nicht (auch in der Summe!) Gruß ColleIsarco
  4. Moin moin, Vielleicht um dem Mißverständnis, dass eine Logfreigabe erfolgen muss, entgegenzuwirken? Gruß ColleIsarco
  5. Moin moin, Vielen Dank. Das hat mir weitergeholfen. Nur der Interesse halber: War das nicht vor vielen Jahren mal anders gewesen? War da nicht die Logfreigabe durch den Owner nicht Voraussetzung für den Log? Und darf dann ein Satz wie überhaupt in der Beschreibung stehen? Immerhin widerspricht er ja den von Dir genannten Artikel? Gruss ColleIsarco
  6. Moin zusammen, ich habe da mal ein blöde Frage: Ich habe am 1.April einen Earth-Cache besucht. Die Antworten zu den Fragen wurden an die Owner geschickt, doch leider kam keine Antwort zurück. Gut, dachte ich, das kann passieren, vielleicht sind die Owner in Urlaub und können nicht antworten. Aber mittlerweile haben andere diesen Cache geloggt (und sich für die schnelle Logfreigabe bedankt). "Na vielleicht ist meine Mail verloren gegangen", kann ja mal passieren. Also noch mal hingeschrieben und immer noch keine Antwort erhalten. Es mag ja sein, dass meine Antwort nicht korrekt ist und ich daher keine Logfreigabe erhalten kann. Das akzeptiere ich, wenn dem so wäre. Aber keine Rückmeldung zu bekommen finde ich jetzt nicht so toll. Meine Frage: Was kann ich jetzt am besten tun? Gruß ColleIsarco
  7. Hi, I see, but is it possible to mark these caches? For example a circle around it or a small orange dot in one of the corners of the icon or something like this? (Unformtunately I can't insert a picture, but I hope it's clear.) I'm sure a lot of people will like this feature. Regards ColleIsarco
  8. Hi, in former times the PMO-Caches has been marked on the map as orange dots. After changing to MapQuest this indication has been gone. To me its annoying pressing on the link in the bubble on the map and get the `You can not see this description`-Page. It has been easier to filter out this type of cache before the change of the map provider. I think that all of us, who don't want to appear in the audit-log will also welcome this feature. (BTW. What happened to the request to get rid of this feature? Will it ever be implemented? Come on, commenting out one or two line of code can not that hard!) Regards ColleIsarco
  9. Hi, I thought this bug has been fixed but it seems to return today: In the notification about a Travelbug which has been placed in a cache, the link to the cache-description points to a random log-entry for another cache. Look at the mail: Last link should point to: http://coord.info/GC3BRXV Regards
  10. From my point of view this feature is not bad at all but it is not as flexible as I needs it. What about 'bookmarking' up 5 (or 10) caches. On the cachedescription add a button `remember this cache`. The last 5 caches where i have clicked this button will be shown on my profile page like the recently viewed ones now. So i can plan my tour in the morning, marking the ones I wanted to search and in the evening, when i'm back at home it will be easy for me to find the caches I wanted to logged as found.
  11. Hi there, there are many caches out there with the needs `Needs-Maintance` attribut set. While most of them are in good condition and regularly maintained by the owner others are really needs maintance. But in some cases the owner seems to have left geocaching as their hobby. For someone who is looking around for a cache to find it hard to filter out if the cache in a reasonable good condition to search for it. I think it might be better to automatically disable a cache if the `Maintaince Performed` type has not been logged for more than e.g. 2 weeks after the `Needs Maintaince` log. So caches of owner who don't go gecaching anymore will automatically be requeued to the reviewers who can archive these caches. Regards ColleIsarco
  12. I dislike this idea. When i log a coin as visted a cache, it has been in my pocket, so it was physically at the cache. As most coins/TBs are permanent companions of cachers, logging it as visited is something like the log for the cache.
  13. I have experienced this problem using firefox 3.5 and Opera 10 at Saturday. I tried to repeat it today, but it seems working now. You can close this issue. As a remark: There has no found smileis been shown after zooming out, opposite to today an the bubble which opens on right click on a on icon asks me for logging in. Perhaps Your logfile can tell You something more about the problem. I have written my bug report directly after experiencing the problem. This might help You if You want to dig deeper into the problem. Regards ColleIsarco
  14. The beta map does not always show the caches I have found. How to repeat: -Open the beta map with a zoom level of 14 or greater -Zoom out to level 14 (until now You can see all your founds) -Zoom one step further out (level 13). You can't see found due to the zoom level, that's ok -Zoom in one level (back to 14) and voilá, all Your founds are shown with their icon representing the type of the cache instead of the smiley. Regards ColleIsarco
  15. Hi there, this request has been posted on the old Uservoice based feedback-forum. Since there has been a deep discussion about this item and Groundspeak promised to review this request internal I resend the request here. Regards Edit: +3
  16. This feature has been requested on the old uservoice site. And Groundspeak promised to put it in the internal queue for review more than half a year ago. Although You can't vote here for any request I give it +3 votes. Regards
  17. Hi, the Geocoin-home-page (http://www.geocaching.com/track/geocoin.aspx) does not show a map of my home coordinates. Instead I see any random position. For example, it shows Seatle as my home town. After reloading it was Stockholm, but it never shows my home position, which is somewhere in Germany. IIRFC there has been others who reported this bug in the Uservoice-Feedback-forum and it has been reproduced using my account by Moun10bike. Regards ColleIsarco
  18. N'Abend Welches von beiden ist denn das genauere? Von der Tatsache her, dass auf einem Nokia steht und auf dem anderen Garmin kann man nichts folgern. (Zumindest in Bezug auf die Genauigkeit). Dass LVermGeo Rheinland-Pfalz hat einen netten Service: Vor dem Amt steht ein Trigonometrischer Punkt mit einer genauen Angabe der Koordinaten im UTM-System. Je nachdem findet man in der Nähe vielleicht eine ähnliche Referenzstelle. Beispielsweise sind viele Markierungen des Rheinsteigs mit Koordinaten versehen worden (im UTM-System). Gruß ColleIsarco
  19. Bei manchen Caches bekommt CITO eine neue Bedeutung (SCR). Gruß ColleIsarco
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