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Everything posted by FISUR

  1. This response might be a little late, but check out Custom Goal Tags at Sissy-n-CR's Store. FISUR
  2. MountainMudbug, you've done it again! Great work. Thanks very much for your help. Team FISUR
  3. We previoulsy tried the gc.com colors (i.e., yellow, green, orange and blue), but it came out kind of weird.
  4. Our team is in the process of designing a new geocoin. We're leaning towards having a geocaching super hero on one side: FISUR Babe, the matriarch of Team FISUR. We've been using heromachine.com while playing with a design. Here's a sneak peak: If anyone can figure out how to put a nice gps in her right hand, we'd appreciate it. Team FISUR
  5. Check out the Team Oreo Cookies Geochips for an example of the square logo.
  6. Groundspeak no longer authorizes the use of the rounded gc.com logo since that's considered an alteration to its true logo. It's a trademark law issue that was brought to their attention. You'll probably get the okay for use of the pristine unchanged logo (i.e., the square type). Good luck with the geochips. FISUR
  7. Check out www.pokerchips.com or similar sites that make custom poker chips. FISUR
  8. Click on this link for the Geocaching.com Logo Usage Guidelines. It is my understanding that the word ''geocaching'' can be used freely on items without any trademark or copyright infringement. I don't know what the policy is in regard to referring to ''geocaching.com'' on an item. FISUR
  9. Sweet! Did you use the same supplier as last time?
  10. Spyder8, check out this list of Geo-Creations for Sale. (It's from our home page.) I doubt that geocaching.com would create a section to continuously promote someone else's (i.e., a competitor's) geocaching gear. That's unless they got a piece of the action. FISUR
  11. I'm really looking forward to the first issue. Thanks for the coming attractions. Since I have a very limited tech background, I can't really add to the constructive (and destructive) criticism concerning format. However, in regard to content, how about a signature item of the month? It looks like you're covering that indirectly in the upcoming edition when you do the profile on Moun10Bike, creator of the first geocoin. Good luck with the e-zine. FISUR
  12. In the Massachusetts/Rhode Island area, our local living legend is WaldenRun. He doesn't use a GPS and has over 1280 finds.
  13. Our home page has a new section for Geocaching Awards. It's a work in progress. We would appreciate the heads up in regard to images of other geocaching awards or plaques that are out there. Thanks. Team FISUR
  14. It's just fine for each child to take an item. Just be sure to trade up or trade even. One additional suggestion: If the cache hider has left a number of his/her signature items in the cache (e.g., Joe Geocacher's Handmade Super-Duper Geocaching Geo-Pencils), I would only allows the kids to take one of the signature items and leave the rest of the signature items for other geocachers to enjoy. (This suggestion was actually brought up first by someone else, I forget who, in another thread, I forget when. All I remember is that it was a good point.) FISUR
  15. Check out this list. You're probably thinking about the Geo-Hiking Staffs by El Diablo and perhaps the USA, Canada, Texas, or Geocachetreasure geocoins. There has also been a lot of recent attention in regard to the sale of California geocoins. Happy New Year. FISUR
  16. Okay, start with the geocaching guy from KeenPeople.com, tweak it a little, change your name to Catman and you have this: (Sorry, but I don't know how to draw a weasel.) Happy New Year. FISUR
  17. Check out Myarch's Wooden Geotokens and the instructions on how to make them. Myarch apparently used Chartpak Pickett Drafting Applique Film With Film Backing. The geotokens turned out great. FISUR
  18. Do a google/yahoo search for challenge coins and/or custom poker chips. Below are some past companies that have been used for custom geocoins. I'm sure that there are a lot of other companies out there that can do the job as well. Also listed below are companies that sell geocoins and some suggestions for handmade geocoins. Team FISUR: Made at Quality Challenge Coins (www.wemakecoins.com) Wanderingdragon: Made at D & R Military Specialties (www.militaryspecialties.com) USA, Oregon, and soon-to-be minted California geocoins: Made at Pressed Metal Products (www.pressedmetal.net). If you want to use the approved geocaching.com logo, this place might be cost effective since they already have die for one side of the coin. GeoNap: Possibly made at MTM Coins (www.honorcoins.com) Vacman: Made at KVCoins (www.kvcoins.com) Texas: Sold at www.txgeocoins.com Canada: Sold at www.geocoins.ca Green Man and Joy of Geocaching Geocoins: Sold at www.geocachetreasure.com USA: Sold at www.usageocoins.com Oregon (www.cogeo.org) (possible re-order in future) California (www.calif.geocoin.net) Crusso: Made at www.pokerchips.com MountainMudbug: Directions for Polymer Clay Geocoins (www.geocities.com/graphixoutpost/geocoins.html) Big Bad Trucker: Made at Old Time Wooden Nickel Company (www.wooden-nickel.com). Also see Big Bad Trucker's pointers in regard to wooden nickels (http://members.fortunecity.com/geonickel) Myarch: Find instructions for Myarch's wooden geotokens at www.geocities.com/team_fisur/geocoins/page17/make/make.html If you plan on using the geocaching.com logo on your coins, be sure to check out the Geocaching Logo and Trademark Guidelines. If you are looking for public domain logo ideas, check out brdad's Public Domain Geocaching Logo Page. If you want to see images of any of the above-referenced geocoins/geotokens, as well as others, go to the Geocoin Designs section of our home page. I hope this helps. FISUR
  19. Did somebody say geocoins?
  20. FISUR

    "t" Coin?

    I can't seem to find the picture that was once posted of the Tcoin. However, there is a geocacher named TCoin who has been known to leave Tcoins. Evidently it's a signature item. If the coins are trackable in some way, TCoin would know. FISUR
  21. FISUR

    "t" Coin?

    Back in March, someone found a Tcoin in Washington State and asked a similar question. No answer was reported at that time. The question continues to haunt me. FISUR
  22. Back in the day, geocaching had a sort of quasi-underground-insider type of feel since relatively few people knew about it. It was even new to the ''man'', so state and federal park personnel seemed less concerned about regulating the placement of caches. We had hitchhikers instead of travel bugs. The geocaching.com trademark was far more accessible for signature items since Groundspeak was still developing an understanding of trademark law. You were unlikely to come across a geocoin, geocaching calling card, or other signature item. Puzzle caches did not exist in Rhode Island. There was no benchmark hunting associated with geocaching. And the number of people/entities offering geocaching-related items for sale was far less. In the beginning of our involvement with geocaching, if someone in the area had over 30 found caches, we considered him or her to be a living legend of southern New England Geocaching. Today, it is common to read logs from geocachers with many hundreds of finds. The basics never changed. It remains a mostly family friendly sport/hobby/thing that is enjoyed by all members of my team/family. FISUR
  23. Well, we checked out the Custom Buff idea, and we just got a pricing list from the company. Unfortunately, they're a bit too pricey for a personal signature item. So the search continues. . .
  24. Yeah, we thought about buffs too, but we figured it would be too expensive. However, you inspired us to contact a company that makes Custom Buffs for a price quote. We're standing by for their response. Thanks for motivating us. Team FISUR
  25. Texplorer, the Signature Bookmarks by SimonG fit your profile for excellent signature items. They're artistic, inexpensive, and small. They're also useful. The following items also appear to fit that profile:fredric's cache cards, geopotter's temporary tattoos, brdad's Maine Sights Marbles, and bnolan's magnets. For more items that might fit the bill, check out the Geo-Creations Section of our home page. Good luck with your signature item. FISUR
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