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Everything posted by FISUR

  1. kiltsurfer: If you plan on using the geocaching.com logo on the geocoin, check out their Logo Usage and Trademark Guidelines. If the logo is allowed, it has to be pristine; it cannot have any alterations to it. A couple of years ago, alterations were approved by gc.com for some items. For example, see the Rhode Island anchor on the Team FISUR Geocoins. However, based upon legal advice concerning trademark law, such changes are no longer allowed. Check out brdad's Public Domain Geocaching Logos Page for other available logos. For examples of some of the geocoins out there, check out our page on Geocoin Designs. Hope this helps. Team FISUR
  2. No need for a moderator to be rude like this.
  3. Becasue I said it can be here. Is that good enough? Or that Keystone put it here, does that work? Uncalled for and negative moderator reply to a silly post.
  4. I've been noticing that geocoin questions have been moved to the Travel Bug Forum on at least two occasions by moderator(s). But not all geocoins are travel bugs. A good number are merely signature items. Others have the potential to travel but are used merely as trade items (e.g., FTF prizes). As a result, I believe that a moderator should give the person who starts a post on geocoins a little leeway if he/she places it in the General Forum. In this case, I don't think the forum move was called for. Just my opinion. Getting back to the subject matter: Below are some past companies that have been used for custom geocoins. I'm sure that there are a lot of other companies out there that can do the job as well. Also listed below are companies that sell geocoins and some suggestions for handmade geocoins. Team FISUR: Made at Quality Challenge Coins (www.wemakecoins.com) Moun10Bike and Wanderingdragon: Made at D & R Military Specialties (www.militaryspecialties.com) Moun10Bike’s 1st Wooden Geocoins: GoPromos (www.gopromos.com) Moun10Bike’s 2nd Wooden Geocoins: Old Time Wooden Nickel Company (www.wooden-nickel.com) USA, Oregon, and California geocoins: Made at Pressed Metal Products (www.pressedmetal.net). If you want to use the approved geocaching.com logo, this place might be cost effective since they already have die for one side of the coin. GeoNap: Possibly made at MTM Coins (www.honorcoins.com) Vacman: Made at KVCoins (www.kvcoins.com) Texas: Sold at www.txgeocoins.com Canada: Sold at www.geocoins.ca Green Man and Joy of Geocaching Geocoins: Sold at www.geocachetreasure.com USA: Sold at www.usageocoins.com Crusso: Made at www.pokerchips.com MountainMudbug: Directions for Polymer Clay Geocoins (www.geocities.com/graphixoutpost/geocoins.html) Big Bad Trucker: Made at Old Time Wooden Nickel Company (www.wooden-nickel.com). Also see Big Bad Trucker's pointers in regard to wooden nickels (http://members.fortunecity.com/geonickel) Myarch: Find instructions for Myarch's wooden geotokens at www.geocities.com/team_fisur/geocoins/page17/make/make.html If you plan on using the geocaching.com logo on your coins, be sure to check out the Geocaching Logo and Trademark Guidelines. If you are looking for public domain logo ideas, check out brdad's Public Domain Geocaching Logo Page. If you want to see images of any of the above-referenced geocoins/geotokens, as well as others, go to the Geocoin Designs section of our home page. I hope this helps. FISUR
  5. Team FISUR Geocoin collection update: We just received the Washington State geocoin in the mail today! It has a great three dimensional look.
  6. Our focus has been on a cyber collection of geocoin designs. Here's our ''hard'' collection: Team FISUR
  7. As an alternative, check out: First Finders Patches by the Desert (B)rats; and First-to-Find Certificates by Hikenit. Good Luck, FISUR
  8. Texas Oregon California Alabama Kentucky Missouri Washington Pennsylvania Michigan Rhode Island/Team FISUR
  9. There's lots and lots and lots of Good Stuff out there. Unfortunately, Good Stuff often leaves the cache very quickly. FISUR
  10. bexybear: The only geocoins that can be tracked on geocaching.com without an attached travel bug are the Moun10Bike and USA geocoins. There are a number of ''3rd party'' geocoins that can be tracked on their own sites. FISUR
  11. Canada Green Man and Joy of Geocaching (had trouble with the link to the site but here's some images of the coins) USA TravelerTags Wooden Nickels Washington (still available for order?) Smashing Pennies Sometimes available for sale: Oregon California Alabama (AGA) Kentucky FISUR
  12. That's a nice collection that Moun10Bike has. Which cacher has the geocoin with the dolphins? Is there any link for that geocoin? FISUR
  13. Check out Big Bad Trucker' Geonickel Website which contains advice on how to create one. (Turn your volume off if you get the banning advertisement with the ringing cell phone.) Also see Myarch's pointers on creating wooden geo-tokens with drafting applique film. Moun10Bike's page also has some info on wooden geocoins (in addition to his metal ones). Instead of wood, how about polymer clay? Check out MountainMudBug's site on how to make them yourself. For more ideas, check out our Geocoin Designs page. FISUR
  14. Another link: First Finder's Certificates at SkydiverGear.com
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the Midway Cafe Hatpins. The gold ones are for the First to Find. Another nice FTF item. FISUR
  16. The closest thing I know: Hikenit's First to Find Certificates. Also check out Desert (B)rats First Finders Patches. Both are very nice. FISUR (Edited to add the patch link.)
  17. This past weekend, my son and I went on our first overnight backpacking trip. We did it in Rhode Island which may have the lowest backpacking population, per capita, in the United States. I realized that what led us to this non-geocaching adventure was geocaching. It was a natural progression after a number of long geocaching day-hikes. (And during our backpacking trip, we did a maintenance check on a cache that was along the way.) I assume others have similar non-geocaching experiences which developed out of geocaching. FISUR (the Backpacker)
  18. Geocoins are basically any geocaching related coins or tokens. The creator of the first geocoin is Moun10Bike. Some geocoins can be purchased (e.g., Texas, Canada, Green Man), and some are homemade (e.g., MountainMudBug) Some are trackable on geocaching.com (e.g., USA, Moun10Bike) or other internet sites (e.g., California, Alabama, Kentucky, Conejo Cachers). Some are just meant to be collected (e.g., Team FISUR). Many are signature items (e.g., Team Oreo Cookies). Some are made of metal (e.g., Team SuperGenius, SquareD22), some are plastic (e.g., CrimsonWrath, Crusso), and others are wooden (e.g., Big Bad Trucker, Mr. Snazz). For examples, see the section of our home page entitled Geocoin Designs. Hope you find one. FISUR (Edit for typo.)
  19. Do a google/yahoo search for challenge coins and/or custom poker chips. Below are some past companies that have been used for custom geocoins. I'm sure that there are a lot of other companies out there that can do the job as well. Also listed below are companies that sell geocoins and some suggestions for handmade geocoins. Team FISUR: Made at Quality Challenge Coins (www.wemakecoins.com) Moun10Bike and Wanderingdragon: Made at D & R Military Specialties (www.militaryspecialties.com) Moun10Bike’s 1st Wooden Geocoins: GoPromos (www.gopromos.com) Moun10Bike’s 2nd Wooden Geocoins: Old Time Wooden Nickel Company (www.wooden-nickel.com) USA, Oregon, and California geocoins: Made at Pressed Metal Products (www.pressedmetal.net). If you want to use the approved geocaching.com logo, this place might be cost effective since they already have die for one side of the coin. GeoNap: Possibly made at MTM Coins (www.honorcoins.com) Vacman: Made at KVCoins (www.kvcoins.com) Texas: Sold at www.txgeocoins.com Canada: Sold at www.geocoins.ca Green Man and Joy of Geocaching Geocoins: Sold at www.geocachetreasure.com USA: Sold at www.usageocoins.com Oregon (www.cogeo.org) (possible re-order in future) California (www.calif.geocoin.net) Crusso: Made at www.pokerchips.com MountainMudbug: Directions for Polymer Clay Geocoins (www.geocities.com/graphixoutpost/geocoins.html) Big Bad Trucker: Made at Old Time Wooden Nickel Company (www.wooden-nickel.com). Also see Big Bad Trucker's pointers in regard to wooden nickels (http://members.fortunecity.com/geonickel) Myarch: Find instructions for Myarch's wooden geotokens at www.geocities.com/team_fisur/geocoins/page17/make/make.html If you plan on using the geocaching.com logo on your coins, be sure to check out the Geocaching Logo and Trademark Guidelines. If you are looking for public domain logo ideas, check out brdad's Public Domain Geocaching Logo Page. If you want to see images of any of the above-referenced geocoins/geotokens, as well as others, go to the Geocoin Designs section of our home page. I hope this helps. FISUR
  20. AJ: For ideas, check out these signature items, including geocoins. Hope this helps. FISUR
  21. Here's a partial list.
  22. Reminds me of the ''Geoscouting'' program they have at Yawgoog Scout Reservation in Rhode Island. (Click on the Geoscouting button for details.) Sounds like fun.
  23. Don't forget geocoins!
  24. I thought the official language of geocaching was ROT13: Frnepuvat sbe Uvqqra Pbagnvaref.
  25. Pepper: The Geocoin link section from the North Carolina Geocachers Association site contains 59 links to the Geocoin Designs section from Rhode Island Geocaching by Team FISUR page. Fifty nine!!! Its nice to have someone link to your team's page, and it's nice to have the geocoins arranged in alphabetical order, but that's just weird. We're no web designers, but it took us many hours to put that section together. A notice in small print by the NCGA that all 59 links go to theTeam FISUR site would have been nice. On the other hand, the fact that there is a quality site that is also getting the word out about geocoins makes it all good. And that's all we have to say about that. Team FISUR
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