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Everything posted by FISUR
Check out Insp Gadget's Tattoo. Good luck with your ink. FISUR
Check out our list of Geo-Creations For Sale, which includes links for geocoins and geotokens (i.e., USA, Canada, geocachetreasure, traveler tags, Geocoin Club, geoCoins.net, Smashing Pennies). Hope this helps. Team FISUR
Check out the Geocaching Logo Usage & Trademark Information.
Here is our home page: Rhode Island Geocaching by Team FISUR. For more geocaching home pages, check out the GeoCaching WebRing.
Old Time Wooden Nickel Company
Okay, now I get it. Examples of non-signature item/non-geocaching group geocoins have been around for some time now. I just think it is becoming more noticeable lately. 1. The Canada Geocoin and the 1st Edition Texas Geocoin were among the first to appear after the Moun10Bike Geocoin became well known. I don't believe that either one (Canada or 1st Edition Texas) was produced by a geocaching group. (Let me know if I'm wrong.) However, given the price, I also don't believe that profit was a major consideration for these two. They both were available in 2002. 2. One of the more beautiful geocoins out there is the Green Man Geocoin by geocachetreasure.com. This is a completely commercial geocoin (i.e., neither a signature item nor a state/group geocoin). It also been around since 2002. 3. For over a year Traveler Tags Wooden Nickels have been for sale. My opinion? It's all good. I have a 1st Edition Texas and Canada geocoin. At the same time, I'm saving for a new personal geocoin. To each his/her own. FISUR
What's a ''quasi-geocoin''? (Hope this not another one of our stupid questions that has an obvious answer.) Team FISUR
Dorothy, the Scarecrow, et al., going up the yellow brick road with a cache hidden on the side, and with artwork of the same quality as the GeoWoodstock III Geocoin would be a tremendous hit. Good luck FISUR
See the images of the multi-row display cases at Challenge Coin USA, a company in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Good luck. Team FISUR
Check out the Geocoin Designs section of our home page. Team FISUR
ladycacher: That's one excellent front side. I like its regional (Texas) theme. For the flip side, how about a "ladycacher"? We've been working on a new geocoin which might have a lady cacher, FISUR Babe, on one side. We developed a design using the Hero Machine, found at UnderGroundOnline (ugo.com), and we received some input from MountainMudBug concerning the color scheme. It's still a work in progress, but here's one version: For an example of a recent geocoin with a person on it, check out nicolo's geocoins. Very well done. Also check out brdad's Public Domain Geocaching Logo Page. Good luck with your geocoin. FISUR
k5blazer84: Go to the Geocoin Designs Page by Team FISUR. If you are looking to buy geocoins, check out the links on that page for: Utah GeoWoodstock III (possibly still available) Colorado Alaska Germany South Africa North Carolina Michigan (MiGO) Smashing Pennies Traveler Tags USA Joy of Geocaching Green Man Canada Texas Hope this helps. FISUR
As indicated earler today, rncp is the winner. We'll be closing the thread so as not to get any more late entries. Thanks to everyone once again. Team FISUR
The last remaining Team FISUR geocoin goes to rncp in Alabama! We like how he took our team motto (Family, Bravery, Integrity & Geocaching) and applied it to himself. Honorable mention goes to the Kache Kids in Pennsylvania who were looking for the perfect father's day present. When and if we ever design a new gecoin, one will be going their way. Honorable mention also goes to Mauison in California who suggested that we give it to Moun10Bike, the creator of the first geocoin. (Moun10Bike already has one.) Thanks for all the interesting replies. Team FISUR
gridlox: Check out the links in the Geo-Creations for Sale section of our home page. Good luck. Team FISUR
Instructions by SilverLynx for Metal Geocoins Instructions by Myarch for Wooden Geo-Tokens Instructions by MountainMudBug for Polymer Clay Geocoins Hope this helps. FISUR
Just for clarification, we received permission to make these geocoins with the anchor design from Groundspeak in 2002. Soon thereafter, Groundspeak received updated legal advice indicating that the geocaching.com logo must remain pristine (i.e., there can be no alterations) in order to protect its trademark. We very much respect the legal implications involved. That's why we can't make anymore Team FISUR geocoins with this design. And that's why this is definitely the last one (unless we find another one in the garage). Team FISUR
We thought we were out of Team FISUR geocoins, but during the spring cleaning of the garage, we came across the last one. It's not in pristine condition, but it looks pretty good. Over the last few months, a number of collectors have offered to trade for one. Here's a chance of get one. This is a straight giveaway. No trades. Just tell us in one short sentence why the Team FISUR geocoin should be in your collection. We'll pick someone on or about May 7. Good luck. Team FISUR
I'm not familiar with the KOIC coin. Does anyone have a photo?
You possibly have a Smashing Pennies geocaching coin. It is likely that the coin is intended for you to keep, but you may want to check past posts from the cache and look for the comments by the cacher who placed it. Hope this helps. FISUR
Check out Indy Diver's Geocoin. It's an Indiana geocoin with a personal touch.
For the last couple of years we have been posting images of geocoins, geochips, geonickels, and even geo-quahogs in the Geocoin Designs section of our home page, Rhode Island Geocaching. They've been made from metal, plastic, wood, and clay. They've been professionally manufactured and handmade. Many are trackable. Many are highly sought after collectibles. It's been fun to watch the growing interest in geocoins over the years. Today we posted the 100th geocoin on the site: The South African Geocoin. There are more to come. Thanks to Moun10Bike for creating the first one. Team FISUR
Check out: 1. MountainMudbug's Guide to Making Polmer Clay Geocoins; 2. Team Kender's Guide on Making Signature Items (click on the Signature Item Link on their home page); 3. Myarch's Instructions on Making Wooden Geotokens; and 4. Big Bad Trucker's Guide on How to Create GeoNickels. Hope this helps. FISUR (P.S.: Planet, thanks for the link. )
I remember back in the day when geocachers like Planet would link someone to the Geocoin Designs Page by Team FISUR. (Oh, the ignominy, to be forgotten or cast aside.) But I have to agree, Nurse Dave has put together a fantastic collection. FISUR