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Everything posted by DaFunkyFrogs

  1. it never rains in calif, never mind snow........ .
  2. very interesting site, Jay.........great job........
  3. year 1986 Make Ford Model Escort rolling stops killl
  4. Great looking, tsun...can't wait to get us some.......we are up for the Raider Nation also.........
  5. hamsters disguised as frogs..........never happened..........lol
  6. what great pics......we hope to be able to go up north to visit..........Thanks for the views...
  7. tsun...ya done it again..........awesome idea & design..........good thing ya bought so many tracking #s......yer gonna need them...........super job, can't wait to get us some.........
  8. we have a Greenman coin for trade...e-mail or pm your trading list........thanks in advance...
  9. great looking coin.........congrats....can't wait to get ours in hand...
  10. what a great cointest...very interesting & different.......we enjoyed reading all the entries......Congrats to LoriDarlin & thanks for a great cointest...
  11. great looking coin, DJJ........we like them all, but 2 tone is a fav..........can't wait.........
  12. get well soon, MJ...
  13. Jay, repeat after me - Zariah got a mission with a frog coin, Zariah got a mission with a frog coin, Zariah got... (and I think it's called the Treefrog Geocoin). I think it's the new personal of DaFunkyFrogs...but don't quote me on that. Ok, I just went to look it up...it's the one with the frog sitting on the ammo can right? That's listed as De Funky Frogs in geocoincollection.com but I thought they spelled their geonic like I have above. Nice coin though, I need to get that on my seeking list. It is spelled DaFunkyFrogs.. .
  14. well, RSG , I can't see too well anyhow so feel free to send it to me...
  15. WOW!!!!!!! we love the design...very good looking coin...gonna hafta buy 1 for each of us.........WTG Steph...
  16. Congrats to the latest recipients...maybe someday the Lion will come to the central valley...
  17. congrats to all the new Posse members...
  18. great pics.......on" the gonna hafta visit " list..
  19. An Officer And A Gentleman...
  20. congrats LadyBee4T.........great looking coin......
  21. Ummm........first off......no one here steals geocoins, we buy new unactivated ones and trade for others. Some of us have our own coins made to trade or sell. Perhaps you should do a little more reading in the forums before making accusations like this. *edited to add popcorn.
  22. congrats to all the newest finders ... .
  23. welcome back...
  24. e-mail sent, avroair...thanks...
  25. Delorme is releasing only 250 of them............
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