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Everything posted by DaFunkyFrogs

  1. his name is King.......thanks for the cointest.......
  2. what a great looking coin...........congrats to both of you...
  3. We have these coins for trade: 2-GPS The Movie (gold) 1-Mackey Made It (antique silver) 1-Geocoin Secret Agent V2 (silver) 2-DaFunkyFrogs ‘08 LE (Nickel) Please e-mail if you are interested....... Thanks... Bruce & Tammy DaFunkyFrogs
  4. great looking coins, RR..........
  5. congrats to the winner...........thanks for the cointest...
  6. congrats on a great looking coin...
  7. thanks for the cointest.......98
  8. fabulous looking coin............Mrs.Frog saw the Copper 1 and we love it.......hopefully it will come out around the 1st of the month......cant wait to see the real thing...Thanks...
  9. woooooo hoooooooooooo thanks 007.....thats gonna get a place right next to Eartha.... ......thanks again.......congrats to all the winners...
  10. loving it allready.............copper, Mrs. Frogs fav..........now she can't wait........ .
  11. we dont have 1 of those... heres hoping..........
  12. very well said, Yime............
  13. thats the Peters Trio new personal............beautiful coin........
  14. ok, so I have been a little slow getting this done, finally decided to do it.......Thanks everyone for the awesome trades & buys... .
  15. Send me your address. Its great to see someone make anothers want come true...........WTG Wishing Coin...
  16. just read ELTADA's blog...lots of great info there ...waiting now for the new version......
  17. we got two different 1s from scavok.com........new colors look great.........
  18. woooooooo hooooooooooo great DJJ...cant wait ta get us some.........
  19. congrats ELTADA... thanks for the cointest...
  20. looks great............can't wait to see.........
  21. love that pathtag....
  22. we got our AE in todays mail.............great looking coin.........well done Brae...
  23. great looking site, tsun...in a hurry to try it out...
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