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Everything posted by DaFunkyFrogs

  1. ant silver /w blue.....sounds like a winner, Jay.......
  2. [b [color=#006600] great looking coin Sarah, we got ours yesterday.....thanks... [/color] .[/b]
  3. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME, Jay.........looks like it was worth the wait.........Congrats...
  4. hey Y.A.S.S. glad to see your doing better now.........those stents are a wonderful thing, I had 3 put in 5 years ago, and I guess they work fine, cause I'm still here annoying the wife.........take care, and great to see some1 sent ya a coin......
  5. ok, sorry to every1, life got in the way the last 2 or 3 weeks......but we did get some great coins & surprises... 1-Garmin UK...thanks for the surprise, tooey... 2-Trades from scavok... 3-Our hearts desire, Fear No Cache...2 pins, a turtle & a great postcard.....Thanks johnmac & tamster...
  6. just ordered ours..........great looking coin...will have extra LE ...
  7. looking great, Jay............can't wait to get us some.........thanks for the pics...
  8. I never play with a full deck........... :
  9. I hope we are not too late.............spent all day in Palo Alto @ VA hospital........sign us up, please...Thanks...
  10. so............after a very long wait.............pics, please Jay... Hoooo haaaaaa (evil laugh)
  11. congrats...........thanks for the cointest...
  12. 30 California Mojave
  13. 30 California Santa Barbara
  14. 29 California Long Beach
  15. 28 California LOs Angeles
  16. 26 Seattle Washington
  17. so............after a very long wait.............pics, please Jay...
  18. congrats , you two........what a great looking coin.........
  19. congrats to everyone who received this coin this weekend...
  20. great looking coin...
  21. e-mail sent...
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