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Everything posted by DaFunkyFrogs

  1. looks like alls well again.........woooooooohoooooooooo
  2. congrats on your new coin...
  3. great tribute & great looking coin.........e-mail sent........
  4. woooo hoooo...got this awesome coin in the mail this am..........1 of 15.........thanks for the trade eltada....
  5. congrats avroair .......
  6. sorry to hear about your misfortune........hope all straightens out for ya...
  7. please keep us in mind when it comes time to buy or trade........great looking coin........ .
  8. Aha! Y'all mean a Project G-A-M-E coin!! I have a couple spares of that one as well if anyone is interested. CF30 e-mail sent.......thanks...
  9. OOO OOO OOOH somehow I missed seeing this yesterday....we missed out on the last set, hope this 1 comes out on the 1st of the month...........lol...... .
  10. thanks Y.A.A.S. for all the joy you have given to others here in these forums...hopefully all will go smooth for you this summer in your repairs etc.....It has been great to read the responses from those whos life yous have brightened up.......hang in there & good luck......
  11. we DaFunkyFrogs admiring all that glitters happily drooling... thanks for the cointest
  12. congrats to both of you........thats a great looking coin...
  13. congrats to all who got this great coin...........all we see here in the valley are coyotes & rattlers...
  14. congrats to all you deserving people.........Y.A.S.S. your someone who is very special & caring...
  15. 1-ipod 2-back or leg brace
  16. hi all, we have a few coins for trade..........e-mail us if ya see anything ya like...........sorry, but we don't have a seeking list........Thanks for looking... seal of solomon dragon ladon...front & back pocket decoder w/poker wheel
  17. " Good Golly,Miss Molly...opps... Mr. Mackey" ....We got these coins in today...............2 words says it all....."Absolutely Stunning"...another great job......thanks for all your hard work..........
  18. another great looking coin, Jay..........we got our reservation in............Thanks...
  19. congrats on a great looking personal...........
  20. very cool looking coin........hope to get us some...........
  21. woooooooohooooooooooooo...maillady dropped off 1 re & 2 le's here yesterday................Thanks for the awesome looking coins, glad we were able to get us some...........
  22. looking great...........hoping we can trade for antique nickel...........congrats on a great looking personal...
  23. great looking coin............just snagged a couple of them ..........
  24. gonna have an extra LE for trade if any1 is interested...
  25. very interesting story, I'm sure Mike Hammer would solve it in no time............be sure to let us know what happens.. .
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