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Posts posted by Wæki3_KL6
Could anyone post a file or link or tutorial that isn't done with Urwigo? I don't have access to a PC and have been using Earwigo. I've tried importing the link shared above into Earwigo but the contents are not correct. I've been searching the internet to try to figure this out. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find any examples, tutorials, or open source code.
Even if you change your final destination on your cartridge. I'm just not sure how to implement or where to start. I have years of coding experience--not in LAU mind you--but I typically can read code just fine.
Thanks a bunch!
On 6/18/2018 at 3:13 PM, Geocaching HQ said:
- In your mind, what is a high quality geocache?
- In your mind, what is a low quality geocache?
- What steps can the community take to improve geocache quality?
- What steps can Geocaching HQ take to improve geocache quality?
In your mind, what is a high quality geocache?
A high quality cache to me achieves 1 of 4 things (location, container, experience, or page).
- It brings me somewhere I may otherwise overlook or miss out on (location).
- It is constructed beautifully, thoughtfully, or craftily (container).
- The experience of finding the cache (experience; physically or mentally challenging). For example a hiking trail series; a devious urban hide; a physical challenge.
- Lastly, a well crafted cache page (cache page, AR experience). History lesson, puzzle (I don't mind well done puzzles to be easy tree hangars in town).
- A superb cache meets 2 of these metrics.
- An exceptional cache meets 3.
A high quality cache to me achieves 1 of 4 things (location, container, experience, or page).
In your mind, what is a low quality geocache?
Low quality caches are caches that are:
Not maintained (owner hasn't logged on for years; does not respond to multiple DNF's or Maintenance flags)
- No log, receipt log, soaked log, broken container, etc.
- Not always, but often hidden by users with less than 2-100 finds.
- Bad final coords, where inexperienced owners will not figure out how to update.
- A cache placed not meeting any of the 4 metrics mentioned for quality.
- A cache with misleading information (size, terrain, difficulty, attributes, hint, etc.)
Not maintained (owner hasn't logged on for years; does not respond to multiple DNF's or Maintenance flags)
Low quality caches are caches that are:
What steps can the community take to improve geocache quality?
- Log DNF's. Some people feel that this means they're recognizing failure. It's ok to not be able to find a cache after looking, plus it helps the owners.
- Flag caches needing maintenance.
- Do not replace cache without owner permission--and typically only if found, or owner tells you where the cache was placed and hidden.
What steps can Geocaching HQ take to improve geocache quality?
- Reward DNF logs? (100 DNF's get a favorite, souvenirs, etc.)
- If Difficulty or Terrain is 1-3, auto flag caches "Needs Maintenance" after 3 or 5 DNF logs? (This should not happen on D/T 4 or above, hard caches are hard and should get DNF's). They should not need to be maintained every DNF by an owner that proves the cache is there, active, and difficult.
- Review caches needing maintenance.
- Reach out to inactive owners with active caches.
- Make adoption easier.
Improve favorites. The favorite system is designed towards low quality caches. HQ inherently says only 1 in 10 caches should receive a favorite. So should only 1 in 10 caches an owner places should be good? I find in my area the ratio is bad (which is awesome because we have a lot of high quality owners) and thus I run out of favorites. I have to say in my logs: "will try to remember to favorite when I have the points". Meaning I need to find 10 other low quality caches.
- Perhaps at 100/250/500/1000 finds, etc, you get bonus favorites.
- The ratio 1/10 changes after 100? finds.
Perhaps Basic members should be able favorite caches, since they can place caches. Maybe they need to think quality too.
- I've seen some basic member caches ignored since they have <5 finds (coords are often wrong, or cache is low quality). This probably hurts HQ in that no one finds this new member cache, and thus they lose interest or are hurt do to lack of community response.
- Should Basic members be able to place caches? Or a Basic member can only place caches in ratio to find count (1 per 20 finds). Or unlimited placements after 1000 finds.
- A Basic member unlocks being able to place a cache after a certain number of finds (20? ie. not 0 or 1).
- Reward members that are the heart and soul of good geocaching. Lifetime memberships, free month/year of membership (upgrade a basic membership if a cache gets 20+ favorites, or 50%+ favorites after 10 finds).
- Be able to specify why favorite is given (location, container, experience, page), which would enable better filtering. ("I'm on vacation on want to see awesome geocache locations...")
- Ability for members to be able to donate $ to cache owners--encouraging more awesome creations.
- HQ asks a lot from the community, and also gives the use of this amazing resource. Perhaps HQ could figure out ways to incentivize it's members and creators that give so much of their time back and money (creating awesome caches, events, etc.).
On 1/9/2018 at 6:10 PM, Wæki3_KL6 said:
Created my first cartridge and came up with a few questions after testing. I tested in the official Wherigo player (v341)
- I set many Zones to have a Distance Range in ft (not to -1). No matter the distance, all Zones that were Visible and Active were seen in locations--even when home ~2 miles away (Distance Range were set to 500ft for example, I used ft.).
- Text shows description for .3 sec and quickly jumps to message when clicking on item with message text in onclick event. When testing on computer, you never see the text description.
- Play Alert Sounds seemed to only work when phone was locked--not while looking at open app.
Any idea or recommendations based on this? I'd like to fix 1 & 2. I plan to add sound, so 3 isn't a big deal, just observation--unless sound only plays when locked also. I think sounds are a nice queue to tell someone to look at device, so it would be nice if all players/device had some sound.
Learned something from the Earwigo wiki. Do not use onclick events. Not only do they bug in iPhone, but they don't work on some other players.
Also, play sounds do not work on all players.
13 minutes ago, Forest-Ghost said:
Try changing the screen resolution under "settings" and "display." You might have to experiment with different settings to find one that will display the emulator better.
If this doesn't work you can also try using the online emulator: webwigo.net
You mean computer resolution or is there an application setting? I could not find an app setting.
1 hour ago, Ranger Fox said:
For the Lights Out kit, did you set the number of zones that must be completed? The idea behind Lights Out is you only have to visit a certain number of zones within a group before that group is complete and the next group is shown.
You can't drag zones in the emulator. In Kit, after you drag a zone, you should save the cartridge before pushing it to the emulator. I hope your browser isn't somehow caching the last cartridge made from Kit, either.
Here's the way Kit sends the cartridge to Webwigo (which happens when you click the link to view the cartridge in Webwigo): a token is created in Kit that says Kit should send that cartridge when asked. The token is valid for only a short time. Kit then sends the browser to Webwigo, with a URL (including token) from where to request the cartridge from Kit. Webwigo loads, sees the URL, and tries to read in a cartridge from that URL. Kit sees the token, knows it's valid, and sends the cartridge to Webwigo.
- Yes I had set the number of zones to complete to 3 in the group. I also had 3 zones in the group.
- I moved zones in kit, not the emulator
- I also saved many times after editing while trying to test--thinking this might solve it.
Seem to be a caching issue. I just tried again and everything was updated--having done nothing but hit "test emulation".
How long do you need to wait to be able to test updates to cartridges? Hopefully not hours.
Took a look at the Kit, but things don't seem to run as expected. I've tried a lights out type cache. When testing in the emulator, Group A (with 3 zones) completes without meeting requirements of going to 3 zones (A, B, C) and answering questions. The message just pops up and say completed group A message.
Also, dragging zones around doesn't seem to update in the emulation. All I see is what I first ran. I can even change the creator name--no update in emulation.
I'm new to development, and maybe don't know some of the details with some of these apps. Maybe the emulator (http://webwigo.net/) doesn't work properly, but I'm looking for a dev solution that I can easily use from start to finish.
Maybe only QandA works in the Kit?
52 minutes ago, Wæki3_KL6 said:
Thanks Ranger Fox, yeah I understand your comment--I watched your youtube presentation the other day--twice--to learn some things. This isn't the issue I'm having.
The issue is:
- I've an item with a description
- This item has has a click event that > Shows message to player
- In testing, the pocketPC VM has zero delay and goes straight to the message, skipping the description altogether
On the official iPhone Wherigo app, you see the description for .2-.5 seconds until the message slides into view.
- This behavior is a bit undesirable, because I imagine a user may get frustrated thinking they need to read the initial text--not knowing it's not really necessary
- I like to have a tiny description because the items show a brief sub text on pocketPC and perhaps Garmin
Hopefully this makes sense. Let me know if I need to elaborate.
Here's the examples. 5 files (1 iPhone, 4 Wherigo Builder Zone properties):
- Screenshot of iPhone (Locations screen, over Range Distances)
- Zone Meters
- Zone Kilometes
- Zone Fett
- Zone Miles
1 hour ago, Ranger Fox said:
I'd have to play around with #1. Try switching to meters and see if that fixes things. I'm wondering if the app didn't interpret the units correctly. That's a worrisome issue, though.
In 4 Zones, I've tried a Distance Range of meters, kilometers, feet, and miles. All zones are set to low distance (less than 1 mile) and I'm 1.8 miles away. All zones show on my iPhone. Seems like if a Zone is Visible and Active, is shows regardless of setting. Non visible Zones do not show (as expected), non-active Zones do not show (as expected).
I'm using the Wherigo Builder.
Are there more iPhone apps for Wherigo?
I'm using the Official Groundspeak Wherigo app (v341) referenced in post and wondering if there are alternatives.
1 hour ago, Ranger Fox said:
For #2, if you assigned an event, Wherigo won't wait for someone to click a button before processing the next event. (This is intentional and a good thing, actually.) I'm trying to understand what you have that triggers the event, but I can provide a different example, anyway. Let's say you want to show two message boxes. If you put them one after the other, the Wherigo Player will show the first message, then go immediately into showing the next message. To space them apart, whichever builder you have, you'll need to search for the first message's button click event and show the next message on that event. So, for your case, if you wired a message to show when someone clicks on an item, it makes sense the user won't be able to see the item's description because the event will cause the message box to show.
Thanks Ranger Fox, yeah I understand your comment--I watched your youtube presentation the other day--twice--to learn some things. This isn't the issue I'm having.
The issue is:
- I've an item with a description
- This item has has a click event that > Shows message to player
- In testing, the pocketPC VM has zero delay and goes straight to the message, skipping the description altogether
On the official iPhone Wherigo app, you see the description for .2-.5 seconds until the message slides into view.
- This behavior is a bit undesirable, because I imagine a user may get frustrated thinking they need to read the initial text--not knowing it's not really necessary
- I like to have a tiny description because the items show a brief sub text on pocketPC and perhaps Garmin
Hopefully this makes sense. Let me know if I need to elaborate.
Created my first cartridge and came up with a few questions after testing. I tested in the official Wherigo player (v341)
- I set many Zones to have a Distance Range in ft (not to -1). No matter the distance, all Zones that were Visible and Active were seen in locations--even when home ~2 miles away (Distance Range were set to 500ft for example, I used ft.).
- Text shows description for .3 sec and quickly jumps to message when clicking on item with message text in onclick event. When testing on computer, you never see the text description.
- Play Alert Sounds seemed to only work when phone was locked--not while looking at open app.
Any idea or recommendations based on this? I'd like to fix 1 & 2. I plan to add sound, so 3 isn't a big deal, just observation--unless sound only plays when locked also. I think sounds are a nice queue to tell someone to look at device, so it would be nice if all players/device had some sound.
I would like to express that I feel the favorite system could use an overhaul because I feel it might encourage somewhat thoughtless cache creation. It's a self fulfilling rule/policy. Hopefully some of these comments can help the community grow.
One issue, in its current state, there's an inherent saying that only 10% (or less) of all caches deserve a favorite point--since premium members get 1 from every 10 caches found. I find that ridiculous, as there are many owners that have wonderful caches that deserve favorites (for instance cschooner, WVTim, and many others). For instance, I'm trying to make 100% of my caches awesome or favorite-able--sure not everyone will see that nor agree--however, personally I'd rather not produce caches that are not loved in some way by the community (Container, View, Page, etc.).
Secondly, premium members only get them should be reconsidered too. So if you're a basic member, there's zero incentive to create great caches, because you are unable to participate with favorites. In fact their is very little incentive as a basic or premium member to create awesome caches. This is something that could be changed. Maybe, incentivize great placements and creative containers. Whether awesome creators or creations get a free month of service, special types (virtuals), coupons for merchandise, etc. Groundspeak could be actively be engaging the community that works so hard to make the experience memorable and enjoyable.
Thirdly, basic members cannot help everyone find great geocaches--because they cannot rate them. So an owner is solely reliant on premium members to get their caches noticed, but since you only get a few of them (10%), people don't rate something they enjoy. I don't know how many logs I've seen that are like "Awesome amazing cache. A must!" without a favorite awarded.
Fourth, I don't think a number rating system is the best option here. 1 out of 5 could discourage owners that get low ratings. It should be a Like (similar to Facebook). Everyone should be able to like a cache. This is likely to be a drastic change to the current system, but in time the great caches will pop out.
Fifth, members should be able to rate a cache even if they haven't found it. It might be a good puzzle that has absolutely stumped you, or you didn't sign the log (Ravens Labrynthe ), or you didn't find the cache but absolutely loved the scenic view, etc.
Sixth, I'd like to be able to rate (and therefore search) caches based on: Great Container; Awesome View; Amazing Puzzle/Page; Extremely Well Done (all three). I feel this would encourage the community to place geocaches that hit what many members like about the activity.
Lastly, the site keeps track of ratio of premium finds to favorites awarded, but this cannot be searched. Other sites you can.
Thanks a bunch, I really hope this helps create a better community! Sincerely, Chris
Bummer. I got quite hopeful after seeing this article:
WallaMe seemed promising too.
I guess two ways to solve would allow for the true experience.
I just use Pinterest to save the animated GIF's and then reference them--often with tinyurl
I've created an animated .gif for my profile image, but they're converting it...
GREAT! Thank you, I failed to notice you can export the list. I was trying to export while looking at the map! Thanks!
[...] Unfortunately, I cannot save the +2 million results (or the first 1,000) into a list, bookmark, [...]
You're wrong. In the top left area of the searches' result page is a check box (left beside "Geocache Name"). Check that box and then hit the button "Add xxx to a List"
Looks like there may not be an easy way to download coordinates to a GPSr that meets the criteria above. If anyone has some thoughts on this, thanks!
Great information! With the new search feature, this does work!
Unfortunately, I cannot save the +2 million results (or the first 1,000) into a list, bookmark, query etc. So while useful at the computer, impractical in the field.
Luckily, I also figured out how to do it with an app I purchased. Though the search is a bit limited at 50 caches max per search.
What you are looking for is not a PQ but a plain search.
Have a look and try the NewSearch:
And don't forget to check the button "I haven't found". ;-)
Hi all, I tried searching the forums first, so forgive me if this has been answered prior.
I'm trying to figure out how I can limit the scope of un-found caches to myself and a friend. It would be really helpful to go on Geocaching adventures with friends, and search for areas of the map that we both have yet to find caches. Right now I can only figure out how to limit my scope. I want to find an area with a dense amount of caches that I've yet to find, as well as a friend--whom may have been geocaching for years prior. Sure we can chat about particular caches, but making a 1 hour drive for 1 cache seems wasteful.
I cannot find out how to do this on the website. I've a Mac too, so mentions to PC programs like GSAK aren't very helpful. I've an iOS and Android device that could be used.
Weird Activity
in General geocaching topics
This seems to be the reason, view link and scroll to bottom of page (found under Settings > Authorizations):
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