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The Dillon Gang

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Posts posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. I survived my surgery and am now at home recovering. It didn't go as planned. My gallbladder was inflammed and was full off stones, the ultrasound showed it to be fine and two stones. Any how they had to cut me open to remove it. So maybe I can make a chain with the staples in my side as a travel bug. They wouldn't let me have the stones. So i'm stuck at 955. Mybe I can get out next weekend and get my numbers up.





    Just sending out a GET WELL soon and a speedy recovery to you.

  2. There is no official California Geocoin, never has been, and not aware of any planned. The word "official" probably should pertain to a statewide geocaching group, and none exists. There are regional groups in California, and some have coins. But there are no rules about these things.


    That said, I really like the coin planned here and will buy some as I did with the last two.


    I agree that there is no official California geocoin, I just think that the title he's using is misleading.


    Interesting development! Any more thoughts on this? we can always change the date on this coin to 2007?

  3. O.K. Folks time for some serious San Diego Area Geocaching Discussions...


    The date is May 26th, 2007. The event is Geowoodstock V.


    THE BIG QUESTION: If Geowoodstock 5 were held in San Diego how much help and support would there be?


    :o How cool would that be to have GW V in San Diego! You can count on Team Reid for major help/support. Just let us know when the planning parties (I mean meetings) are and we'll be there!


    Robyn & Kathy of Team Reid :o


    GB! and TM are in...well we are in if we are in town.... :)


    the gang's all here and willing to help

  4. I guess one thing to decide right off the bat is whether we should communicate as a planning group via an e-mail distribution list or through a separate thread on the forums or both. It seems this topic should (eventually) probably have its own thread.


    I recommend setting up a Yahoo or Google Group dedicated to this. We can discuss our progress privately and invite members as needed. This would offer the best media for distribution and dioscussion of the planning process.




    let us know when and where. we'll help


    El Cap Night Hike Stats:


    Tripmeter: 17.01 miles

    Moving time: 7.37 hours

    Stopped time: 2.58 hours

    Moving Avg: 2.2 mph

    Max Speed: 9.6 mph

    Total Ascent: 5310 feet

    Total Descent: 5335 feet

    Water consumed: 150 onces

    Memories caching with a great group of cachers: priceless.


    Thanks to everyone for a wonderful hike up to El Cajon Mountain and back, I had a great time with some amazing people!!


    I finally got to sleep at 5AM and then got woken up at 7:30AM (kids!). I ended up doing some additional hiking with Ruscal up to the summit of Mt. Baldy (BTW...two thumbs up!) later that day, let's just say I was busted up !! If I had to do it again.......I would! :)


    You are a very sick person and your wife should check you into GHA (Geocacher Hiker Anonymous) :grin:

  6. As to not take this off topic - Dillon Gang: you are one of the few makers that actually takes feedback and criticism without taking it personally. Kudos to you.


    It has to do with it being a california coin...not a Dillongang coin. Input is required to provide a coin that represents california. thanks for the kind words. I always have counted on your input.

  7. I guess this really begs the question, if this coin is trackable, why are we buying coins for 10.00 a piece?


    Prices fluctuate and eventually go up. we will do our best to keep the coin costs to a minimum. the prices stated in my last post are a best guess and highly optimistic.

  8. Currently coinsandpins.com is working on changes i asked for (looking at a well defined 3-d image on both sides with perhaps some color on the edging + a LE coin)


    Also been busy and have not been able (courteous enough) to send an email back to them regarding how many coins to be minted. thinking 1000 regular and 100 LE. or can go with 900 regular and 100 LE.


    will also talk with them about having cachezone.com sell them in Europe for our friends across the pond.


    Got the quote for the prices, including the LE edition and they are perfect. We should be close to $6-6.50 per regular coin, LE may be $8-8.50. (still working on the final prices on my side)


    Look for this great product from coinsandpins.com to get wrapped up quickly.


    As for Christian...perhaps another time. I am satisfied with the service and professionalism at coinsandpins.com while working on this coin.

  9. As a buyer, i haven't had a problem yet with receiving coins. As the person who sold the CA 05 and 04 geocoins i came across this dilemna.


    the last shipment of the 05 coins had terrible problems with shipping. i offered delivery confimation and insurance as options when purchasing.


    i had about 15 orders that had difficulty reaching people. one took almost 1 1/2 months to go from san diego to michigan!! i did my best to treat people how i would expect to be treated:

    • keep in touch with them contantly
    • ask them to give it time
    • send a replacement free of charge w/delivery confirmation
    • offer a refund

    some replacement sets mysteriously arrived on the same day as the orginal package. each time the buyer asked if they could purchase them or send them back....all purchased them. in all i hope i satisfied all buyers.


    not quite sure what happened with the last batch mailings. previously i sent 3000 coins without a hitch. the last 750 were a pain. based on that experience i let coinsandpins.com distribute the Earth Coin. It cost the buyer more, but no headache for me.

  10. gone are the days of the $4.00 geocoin :(


    Yeah, I suppose that gone are the days of the "grass roots" geocoins as well. I like to see a lot of these geocoins like these out travelling, and to do that, they need to be in the $5 range (imho). I realize that's not possible if you are having someone else sell and ship the coins. I'm fairly certain I could still do a $5 coin and not lose money (but, like you said, it is a lot of work). Maybe I will take on that work for the next Calif coin to keep the cost down. It worked out pretty well for the Calif Micro geocoin. :grin:




    Is that an offer??? I probably could fund the coins...the worst part of the coin business is the shipping.

  11. somewhere around $7-8 per coin. haven't decided whether to have coinsandpins distribute and take the cash or do it myself....its a lot of work.

    Wow, that's expensive compared to previous Calif coins. I was hoping for something more in line with previous offerings so I could release some to travel.


    Was wondering when you'd chime in....wonder where Kealia is?


    its the gc.com tracking that helps contribute to the coin cost. 1.50 per coin!! previous ca coins are not trackable on gc.com and hence less money. also i didn't have to pay someone to collect cash and distribute coins. the last batch of ca coins i did cause lots of headaches with people not getting them on time...some going missing. one group took 2 months to make it to Michigan!!!!


    gone are the days of the $4.00 geocoin :ph34r:

  12. I'm down for buying atleast 2 of them.. I don't want to read the whole thread, so what was the price supposed to be and when do we/can we order?


    somewhere around $7-8 per coin. haven't decided whether to have coinsandpins distribute and take the cash or do it myself....its a lot of work.

  13. 998d21f2-c8c4-47ec-bba9-6327c603f3c7.jpg


    how bout these two? going to change the font with coinsandpins.com back to the other style


    Very Nice :cry:


    watch out for that remnant CA behind CA 2006 :cry:


    thanks for the catch!!! whitney pic seems to have slipped also.

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