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The Dillon Gang

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Posts posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. I'm going to do the 5 caches around view of 125 tomorrow morning say 8 to 8:30. I have a parking pass for grossmont college since i'm taking a class at cuyumaga. I you want to meet e-mail me and you can ride with me.

    Dang! I scored the four new ones today. Parked on a nearby neighborhood street just off campus and rode my mountain bike through the gate at Lot 4A. Went out without my PDA and was almost sorry in one or two places. Spent a lot of time at each of two of the hides. Plenty of room for more placements by the way.


    Enjoy the river-stone trails,



    don't you have some photoshop stuff to do or square dancing? gonna have to call your nun bride and have her take you some whar with the pill bottles.

    Hey Steve,


    Now there's nine caches out there and counting. The Devil made me do it and I had a lot of help from others.


    C'mon Steve, Git'erDone! ... and don't go steppin' on the sleeper caches while you're out there.




    waiting for the "sleeper" caches to wake up and smell the coffee :o

  2. I'm going to do the 5 caches around view of 125 tomorrow morning say 8 to 8:30. I have a parking pass for grossmont college since i'm taking a class at cuyumaga. I you want to meet e-mail me and you can ride with me.

    Dang! I scored the four new ones today. Parked on a nearby neighborhood street just off campus and rode my mountain bike through the gate at Lot 4A. Went out without my PDA and was almost sorry in one or two places. Spent a lot of time at each of two of the hides. Plenty of room for more placements by the way.


    Enjoy the river-stone trails,



    don't you have some photoshop stuff to do or square dancing? gonna have to call your nun bride and have her take you some whar with the pill bottles.

  3. rumor has it that the calif coins are to arrive in san diego tomorrow or monday at the latest. apparently problems were on the end of the minter and not coinsandpins.com. crossing our fingers!!!!!


    and an early thanks to usageocoins.com. the activations codes will be located on their coincode web site.

  4. :rolleyes:


    Our GPS was stolen last night... so anyone who might see a Garamin ETrex Legend C in the San Diego area ( I will be watching on EBAY) please give us a heads up...




    Cindy and Mark

    AKA The Flutterbyes


    Where was it stolen from??? I may be upgrading soon, so if yours does not turn up, I'd gladly pass down my regular eTrex to ya Mark.


    I LOVE San Diego Geocachers!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D They are the BEST!!!!

  5. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.


    I seem to be posting this in several threads recently. :D


    know the feeling. hard to call out there to carolina from here. going to have to start calling everyday. can't tell ya all HOW exticitng it is not to have the coins yet.



    Just got an email from Elyssa at Coinsandpins.com



    Sept 26


    So, did they ship?

    Needed to bump this one up to the top again. :D


    no sign of the coins last night. so called coinsandpins.com this morning. talked with Tess. She is checking on the whereabouts of the coins and will get back to me soon. sorry for the delay.


    And as with all "TT sightings in the field", bring your puzzle cache questions. I usually answer all of them.




    Yes...he does usually answer all the questions...however....the answers may not have anything to do with the questions :)

  8. Some good news and some bad news:


    Bad news: Limited edition available for sale at the moment are sold out!!!!! (so if you sent an order snail mail....send an email quick about your order)


    Good News: Still have regular edition available


    Shipping Date: hoping to hear monday from coinsandpins.com about an ETA. Our good friend Elyssa there is all over it.


    Any word on the shipping date?


    i will be calling coinsandpins.com tomorrow morning

  9. Tried to send an email about this, but it keeps getting blocked. We ordered 1 LE (see Post #86) and received an invoice for 1 RE. Help.



    can't see the forums or my email from the work computer....looking in the spam box for your email. will get it corrected.

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