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The Dillon Gang

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Posts posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. less is more.....occum's razor-the simplest is the best.....


    personally i think that the coin is getting too cluttered. while its nice to think about all the great points of the state, ie, golden gate, hollywood, monterey, la, sandiego, sacramento the capital...the list goes on, combine that with the catus, sailboat, mountains, trees and there is not much left of coin.


    these coins are small...not the size of a silver dollar. detail will be very small if we try to include all these pictures.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  2. already sent the owner of the center of ca cache an email about what we are trying to do. haven't heard from him yet. invited him to checkout the ca geocoin thread. from reading the cache it sounds like it is fairly close to the monument.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  3. the 25-26 looks great for me. have frs radios but only w/ 2mile range. always have the cb in the truck.


    with the amount of people interested, i think there can be a 4wd run for the clinically insane and one for those people who don't fit through the squeeze. perhaps even a 2wd area to run.


    i plan on heading out friday to blair valley.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  4. okay, enough talk about where to camp. seems like blair valley has a lot of votes. how bout date of the event...


    oct weekends

    4-5; 11-12; 18-19; 25-26


    nov weekends

    1-2; 8-9; 15-16; 22-23; 29-30


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  5. parsa and rocket man are on a roll. parsa's ideas of the spots to place caches sound great. aqua caliente or blair valley sound good. definitely late october early november would be great....there is an offroad event happening at ocotillo wells orv on the 17/18 of oct.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  6. coin is looking better. i think i might put the coordinates on the back side though.


    had another thought about 2 coins for ca:


    we could hide a multi-cache at the center point (micro) leading to nearby large stash. then on one coin put the latitude and on the other coin put the longitude.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  7. i think its time to inundate the superstitions with a cache or two. only issue is facilities.....the three women in my family have issues with this facility-less activity. ended up buying a port-a-potty for the tent.


    in the justruns off road group, someone always has a motorhome that anyone can use the restroom in....


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  8. here's my thoughts.


    1. like the golden state theme with eureka. could add parts or all of the Groundspeak emblem???


    2. Why only one coin? why not have 2 or 4 versions to make a set? if you do two, each one could have a part of a phrase or secret code, or coordinates to a cache placed in the middle of the state. you would have to get both coins to get the coordinates.


    count me in on help with this project


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  9. wouldn't mind heading out to do some of the sea to sea caches in the desert. perhaps camping out there a night or two. truckhaven could be fun (a least a little cooler).


    as for caches....look for one of mine coming soon (just submitted) and two more to show up hopefully this weekend. found some new areas to show off to the gps junkies.


    try decaf duscwe!!!


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  10. This is interesting to me also. submitted my on 8/24 and it says its in the approval queue. i would be comforted by the thought that this is correct. Would you please check waypoint: GCGQCX


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

  11. the logged caches on your "cache page" indicate how many times you have logged sites. if you leave a note it counts as a log. on the other hand the profile stats show how many actual sites you have found or hidden.


    Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

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