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The Dillon Gang

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Everything posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. Pub?!? What pub? what time and who's buying? PS> the Crown Jewels is the memorial cache for the summer 2004 geocaching picnic.......it should be going live anyday now......however there is a journey you must take to get it. Cause the Crown Jewels Are Missing!
  2. GO FOR IT!!! Premium membership has its small priveleges Pocket Queries are great - you can search for caches and create downloadable files of multiple caches to send to your gps. that alone is worth it. when you do the pocket query you can filter out all of your finds and your caches and get the ones you haven't done.
  3. was hoping for some designs to flow down the pipe...haven't seen any. i am currently playing around with the colorado geocoin concept improving my photoshop skills. as for the old ca geocoin.....there are no more. you will have to find them on the trail. Bob and I are not planning on having any more minted. The new one is on hold for the moment....(lots of honey dos around the house left for me by the big storm) Any ideas for the new coin -- written or in graphics are welcome.
  4. TT, destroying one's body for a sport is a little ridiculous....however....geocaching is an obsession!!!!! No guts No Glory! Get Well and see ya on the trails - Steve
  5. The Crown Jewels are Missing!!!!!!!
  6. Sounds like good advice...... Anyone out there who is interested in helping create the next version of the california geocoin.....GO FOR IT! Send your image to cageocoin@earthlink.net or post it here in the forum If they are emailed to me I will post them on the web and provide a link to them so all can pick and choose Any help/ideas/drawings/suggestions would and will be greatly appreciated What say a deadline of 2 weeks from today to get in entries (January 17). here's just goofing off:
  7. how bout natural beauty california on one side and made made on the other half dome, grizzy bear, sequoia, water golden gate, hollywood,...
  8. thanks robert...guess i didn't look close enough through the query page
  9. litttle off the "archive" side of this topic...have another question/request for pocket queries... how bout locationless caches? i use an ipaq and gsak to manage list of caches that while i'm wandering around can just open and see if i'm near what i would like to have is a pocket query of the locationless caches i haven't completed in gpx format.
  10. Watch out for the 100th find....then there is no turning back! It will become an obsession.
  11. i like the north/south idea....flip sides of the coin...probably will work in the gc.com logo in somewhere smaller ...tracking? Marky?
  12. Check out the following link for a cool checklist of the locationless caches.....quite helpful and links directly to the cache web pages. Cool Checklist for Locationless
  13. Okay All! Bob and the 3 Bears has been pushing and nagging me to start the next version of the California Geocoin 2005. I'm looking for some ideas. ca symbols? famous landmarks? things that represent the north, central, and southern california theme - mountains, desert, beach the plan is to do both sides with new graphics. (yes somewhere on there will be the geocaching.com logo) want to try and not look like the new california state quarter. start posting some ideas!!!!
  14. it's an obsession....not a fad!!
  15. Personal best was 31 in in a 5 hour time period...two of them were locationless.
  16. season for snakes was fairly easy...no TT cache is ever easy....
  17. working on the texture stuff this weekend....just playing with embossing previously...think i've figured it out.
  18. Better Tahosa and Sons????? learning more everyday of goofing around on photoshop
  19. Just testing out adobe photoshop today. still working on embossing and making the silver shiny color.
  20. Happy Halloween Everyone!!!! Flagman and I have announced our presence in the back country with all nine of the Sandy Creek Caches and threw in 6 more just for the heck of it. YESSSSSSS! What a grand day of caching. Extremely enjoyed the company and the caches....many of them were quite hillarious.......recommend them highly!!
  21. Howdy all! Giving you a chance to pick up the last 95 California geocoins to be made. bob and i are not planning on ordering these again.... price on the coins is 2.60 per coin shipping is 1 to 15 Geocoins ordered - $4.15 16 to 30 Geocoins ordered - $6.00 31 to 45 Geocoins ordered - $8.80 or email me to arrange a different method/price send an email with your intentions and info to cageocoin@earthlink.net
  22. Howdy all! Giving you a chance to pick up the last 95 coins to be made. bob and i are not planning on ordering these again.... price on the coins is 2.60 per coin shipping is 1 to 15 Geocoins ordered - $4.15 16 to 30 Geocoins ordered - $6.00 31 to 45 Geocoins ordered - $8.80 or email me to arrange a different method/price send an email with your intentions and info to cageocoin@earthlink.net
  23. Per Bob's request to see if we can generate interest....
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