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The Dillon Gang

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Everything posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. for those interested in a smaller....local hike..i'm heading up Kwaay Peak tomorrow around 9amish. probably will meet at the campground parking lot and hike up from there. coming down in a loop past above mission dam towards the dam parking lot. might attempt the climber's loop after depending on leg strength. drop a line if interested. PS: will be hunting 3 puzzle caches also.
  2. A GRAND NEW YEAR to ALL. May your cache finds be many and the friends you meet be plenty
  3. Steve- I believe you are looking for the Google Earth KML. You can download it from: http://www.geocaching.com/about/google.aspx -GD Clarification. The link is informational. As it describes, you need to go to your "My Account" page and, as a premium user, you will see the download link about half way down the right hand side. -GD thanks don
  4. anyone out there have the patch or know where to get it for geocaching in google earth???? had a small computer glitch and need to patch, i think, to see the geocaches.
  5. thats it???? any more input!!!
  6. NIIIICEEE! on it now!!! will be productoin with oakcoins.com put on the edge of the coin the states it runs through.
  7. I like this idea paired up with the agricultural idea.. what about agriculture on one side and tech on the other? we are strong in both here in california. could be movie on one side and outdoors on the other.....with the cacher holding the ticket or it in his backpack
  8. I have SOLD all of the coins i had. if you are still interested in 2006 CA state geocoins head over to oakcoins.com to find them now. Watch for them soon!!! Oakcoins Geoswag
  9. This one will have more people working on it. Marky is helping out with the cause.
  10. we'll take care of that next perhaps.....could always develop it and see if one of the companies wants to sell it.
  11. the fault idea has some merit....also like the ski/sea idea keep em coming. Remember the state coin is for our state...as much input as possible is requested to make it truly a state coin.
  12. Time to get the 2007 going. Got any ideas? Theme? Unusual facts about california? Thoughts so far: so cal vs. no cal surfing / farming?
  13. coins cost $6.50 each...just sent a bunch of invoices.
  14. sending out paypal invoices tonight for people still wanting REGULAR version 2006 CA Geocoins. there are still a few left at the moment.
  15. No problem.. the stealin gang! check! that's how ya do it if'n yur a gang of outlaws!
  16. I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve. There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road. Chuy said it isn't bad either. It sounds like we have enough vehicles.. now to figure out where to meet. Los Coches is at A BLOCKBUSTER VIEW, this may be a good spot. Is this convenient for everyone? TA someone sign us in at Trailgators sleeper cache that we missed. its the one farthest in the back
  17. glad you are enjoying them. ready to start 2007?
  18. Puppywalkers, Brewer Chef, The Justice League, and Geospyder coins heading out in the mail tomorrow. sorry for the long wait. been busy here.
  19. there should have been a piece of paper in your envelope with instructions on where to activate them. musta missed putting it in yours. 2006 California Geocoin Activation Codes are here!!!
  20. Currently filling orders for REGULAR geocoins. if you have sent one in, i hope to have it in the mail on monday.
  21. Happy Hallowem!!!!!
  22. quick post. some of us are meeting at Hazard Center in front of Trophies bar tomorrow at 9:30am. plan is to head into balboa park, coronado-down the strand-borderfield state park and....etc?
  23. As for the coins that are left: We only have Regular Coins available now. LE Sold out about 1 month ago. if you are interested in just the regular version. we still have some laying around here. Price: $6.50 each Paypal users additional 2% send email to cageocoin@earthlink.net PS: for those who i already have emails for on the LE coins. i will be sending you an email with another option.
  24. The following people should be seeing coins soon. i just mailed them off. hasbell95 Mystery Ink cainrcc Caching Coins summerandnana Geocrickets RedHeadedScorpio Team HoochieMama 4BOWS Intothewoods The Walkabouts 3blackcats WoolsonAbrams wigoweb
  25. This one is nice. ditto....how bout putting gc.com logo in the middle of coin warped in a circle?
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