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The Dillon Gang

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Everything posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. love this coins just as it is. i think the side with color looks great and the side without is great too....have several samples from kvcoins (they send ya samples if you ask them) that are like this coin and the result is awesome. ps....who's doing your coinwork????? would love to talk photoshop withthem
  2. Just paypaled my order for 4. look great, can't wait to see the final product...unique pic on state....love it
  3. drop me a line and i will see if the wizards of photoshop here in san diego are able to meet your needs
  4. Yor gonna make a cowboy cry....shame on you.
  5. Mine arrived yesterday...BEAUTIFUL!
  6. used usatopo when gecko dad and i headed up into palm springs
  7. Try coming up with $3800 for an order of 1250 coins at KVCoins.
  8. send an email to cageocoin@earthlink.net with how many you are looking for and that you would like to be on the wait list
  9. Here's the pic of the actual coin....kvcoins said they are on their way from texas to us this week. look to see them in your mailbox hopefully by next weekend.
  10. Here's the pic of the actual coin....kvcoins said they are on their way from texas to us this week. look to see them in your mailbox hopefully by next weekend.
  11. Coins are on there way this week from Texas. look for a event cache for distribution... i will have about 60 coins left to sell to those who show up.
  12. Here's my homework...sorry its late, my dog at the first one, there was a flood, a fire..... played around quite a bit with drop shadow and heres what i learned: if you have the drop shadow properties window open, you can drag the shadow around in the photo. you can change the color of the shadow and it seems to make the same adjustment as changing the opacity
  13. i noticed that you were careful not to look at the camera....
  14. just did it. it was a blast! although the little ones raised quite a ruckus as we found each marker.
  15. Okay croppers and photo editors....check out the Best Buy add in the sunday paper! Paint Shop Pro 9 Reg Price $99.99 Instant rebate $50.00 Upgrade rebate $30.00* Grand Total = $19.99 *Note about the upgrade. read the fine print. it says that if you own adobe photoshop elements, any Corel Draw product and a few others you qualify for the rebate.
  16. with more and more people collecting these coins....1500 coins is a reachable....i sold 1250 in about 2 weeks for california
  17. Um, did I miss the memo as well? maybe: Advanced Joint Formula Jouf, Saudi Arabia (airport code) All Joking Fool After Jester Fun All Fresh Jam or Jellies Always Find Joe Any Fraudulent Jasper
  18. reasonable price for the coin is around 3.50 most manufacturers i talked to were able to meet these prices. seem like after that its making a profit. unless you are ordering silver... i did not make any money doing geocoins...not a business thing for me. just fun
  19. waiting impatiently.......
  20. signature items are colected by many. i haven't seen many push back pins, but have seen a couple of really great nickels. some even have geocoins. is it worth the investment...up to you!! geocaching is what you bring to it and what you receive from it that makes it fun.
  21. Sandbagger! I've seen your work....its master material....just another form of kung fu.
  22. Niiiicccceeeee!!!! that design looks very familiar how did you get the color aspect in?
  23. anyone interested in finding Sandy Creek Cowboys 7,8,11,12,16 on sunday pershaps saturday....and of course picking up any others in the way (and on the way)
  24. News to those who are in on the first order of the New Ca Geocoin.... KV coins says that they will be sending them to me on July 1. Hope to get them packaged and sent out by the following weekend. If you are on the wait list...please do not send money!!! it will just be refunded to you. I have ordered a few extras and will start at the top of the wait list and notify you by email...
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