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The Dillon Gang

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Posts posted by The Dillon Gang

  1. I for one feel very lucky that a local cacher put in all the work to make Colorado the first state to have a geocoin trackable on geocaching.com

    that would be the wonderful colorado admin's efforts to convince gc.com

  2. all the orders except the following have headed out to their respective new homes


    Mailing tomorrow:


    last minute ordering

    Still looking for mine in the mailbox,mailed from CA to WV on 9-20 then my coins should be here before the weekend!

    yours were actually mailed out last week....sorry about that. when i entered that i thought i had all the coins out...found a bag under the kitchen table. so a better update would be:


    anyone that ordered 1 or two coins was mailed last thursday

  3. More then 11 cause I have 9 out of 38 california coins that aren't black.

    really? must have been in the first batch then....some just look red but are really not. others are reallly red. have to wipe em down to see. in the last 755 coins made there were only 11 red coins....i counted ever single coin to check that we had them all.

  4. OK, here's the plan. Get 20+ M&M tubes (cammoed with zip ties) together and a labeling machine (I've got one). Start at the final location (yeah, I thnk I remember where it is) and work backwards, planting the M&M's tubes with coords for the next(previous) WP along the way.


    Anyone game? Probably would take a couple hours. We might even qualify for Passing Wind's new

    Yum M&Ms!!! lets get eating!!!!! sounds like a great project. been meaning to get that one done...made a couple attempt when it was well.


    when is the party?

  5. Hear me now and believe me for all time!!!


    $10 is not a lot to ask for the coins to be minted. Here's why... First I come up with an idea, then I spend days designing it and reworking it. I contact the minter and upload the work. I wait for GC to approve the design. I pay for the coins $5/coin with minting prices, special icon and trackable GC numbers. Time is spent talking to you about this, and advertising. I spend thousands of dollars upfront and then I will then sell it to a dealer to take over sales. (Because quite frankly dealing with Paypal and people's bounced checks, sucks!) I sold 200 Big Bear coins and if I took all my time for design, advertising, Excel set up of customers, time to update with each incoming check, purchasing of mailers, time to go to the post office for pricing and stamps and mailing it off as well as constant contact with customers, I am making about $ .30/hour. The Geocoin business is not a way to make money. I do it because I am an artist. You may gripe about the cost of a coin being $7 or $10, but people who have never made a coin have no idea what goes into it.


    And that's all I have to say about that!


    No hard feelings. I had to get that off my chest.



    Amen...been there done that!

  6. I kinda like the 3-d effect idea.

    kinda like the back side of the 2005 ca geocoin???? i think kv coins did a great job on the 3-d work on that side.


    getting to production take a bit to satisfy the majority of the people. dropping in the satellite was the last step i believe.


    perhaps Tandemaniacs would like to utilize her art skills to put the final touches on the earth design and we could team up for production. designing coins is great fun....producing and distributing them can be a pain.

  7. He could have been planning this long before the earth coin project.

    quite possible. where was his comment in the coin developing process? i am sure that the earth geocoin project would have be happy to turn everything over to her


    By the way....love the idea of the words around the edge.

  8. Yup, Geocoins are guaranteed money makers to those who manufacture them.


    Wrong answer here! the 2004 geocoin we broke even on. sold for barely enough to cover postage. the 2005 geocoin was sold the same way. (second batch cost a little more and lost money on the first batch)

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