The Dillon Gang
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Bout time for a get together out here isn't it...have seen/heard Fattboy in a while.
Nope....but you are definitely S.C.U.M. for activiating it while we were out there cleansing the hillside and surrounding area.
I personally don't mind it too much because of the highest/lowest theme (which is unique to Calif in the contiguous states). --Marky agreed! i don't plan on departing from the highest/lowest point theme. the rest is subject to change. Tess is working hard on making the changes. hope to have a new pic to post soon.
Pic of final product. Currently there will be 700 available in the USA and 300 in Europe from a distributor there.
sending out the last batch of Ca Geocoins was ridiculous also for some people. It took the US Mail over a month to get the packages to michigan i think, but only 2 wks to get them to Germany. Don't over estimate the ability of the postal service
That coin looks SWEET!!! nice and simple....now how many do you have to order to get the free bottle of maple syrup?
The Earth Geocoins have arrived at Coinsandpins.com!!!!! Look to their website for more info in the coming week. They are in the process of putting the image on the website and ordering info. I will provide a link and more info on pricing when i recieved it from Coinsandpins.
Here is the first draft from coinsandpins.com. Please post your ideas, comments and input. All is desired and taken into consideration while developing the coin. It represents our state.
Had to hit the slopes....but back on track. talked with coinsandpins.com and these are currently being minted. waiting for delivery info and how to buy these soon.
i think we attempted north versus south last year and we couldn't decide on what to put on it. Technically speaking the geographical center of california is in North Fork up in what us southern folk call northern cal. it would be interesting to work in some type of symbol or name of the reviewers......
kinda looks like a chocolate bar. Nestle Crunch perhaps. We hope to perhaps change to rugged geological features in the state or just gold like the Deleware coin. And since i was at work, i didn't have the map program to get the coordinates for Whitney. Still have to add the tracking number also. the limited edition i hope to have in silver and the state in gold.
Still waiting on the update. sale date should be in about 2 weeks.
And why can I find colored "Cache the Fever" geocoins photos at eBay? the colored coins were for group members
all it takes is one person to post an image and the community will respond. put up an idea for the coin and see if a discussion gets going.
I start with a quick pen drawing (not at all pretty) then head on line to google images and find pieces of my idea in different photos. Program of choice at the moment is Photoshop2. I have used Corel Draw and Paintshop pro. Once i get it to what i want i send it to the manufactur's art person to finalize and draw based on my photoshop. Great idea about coloriing pages!!!!!
europe is there...just half of it...otherwise couldn't get any of australia. it was the best we could do...can't help that most of the earth's land mass is in the eastern hemisphere.
there is still a fee for handling. don't remember what it was so can't give exact figure. but i know that coinsandpins will work with you on big coin group orders.
You know, that's exactly the thought I had as I read my way down this thread. Could it be done? That'd be so awesome... Anyway, another vote here for simpler; simpler is better. Clean, classy, uncluttered, but meaningful; that's the mark of the coolest (to me) geocoins (which are the only kind I collect ). currently taking that great pic of badwater flats and attempting to get the mule train into it. like the 3d whitney and sunken death valley idea. running it by the others. great feedback...keep it coming!!
No problem with my skin!! Keep the feedback coming. Don't be bashful send your ideas. Perhaps someone has a single image like the miner on the first ca geocoin? What we were attempting for the Concept of the coin is this: california has the highest point in the continental united statesa and the lowest. These are Mt. Whitney and Death Valley. So we were planning one side for highest point and the other side for lowest. Front images: California Grizzly, Mt. Whitney, State of california (like the delaware coin has done) quail, poppy. Back images: Scotty's castle, tortoise, coyote, cactus, cow skull, man crawling to geocache with vultures lurking over him, sign saying Death Valley and -242ft for the elevation
yes. they have a distributer in Europe. We thought it would lower the shipping costs for cachers in Europe
i don't have the talend yet to draw...so i just find images and crop. the manufacturer's artist will take the image and create the drawing from our "ideas"
Completing work on the 2006 California Geocoin...not to be confused with the California 2006 MICRO geocoin. Here is where we are at: Coin will have a limited edition run in silver (and hopefully gold) coin Last run there were 2005 coin minted...thinking along the same lines (2006) /coins will be in 3-d with no color (like the Nevada State coin) Front image Back image hasn't been uploaded yet.