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Everything posted by PhxChem

  1. Just remember, it's not all about the GPS. The GPS will get you close (as long as good coords were given by the hider), but your brain has to do the rest. In time, you'll start seeing patterns. Things out of places....common hiding places. Of course, some caches are just really hard to find...even if you've been doing this for awhile. Don't let it get your discouraged! Go out and give it another try....
  2. There's probably a couple of micros that might also cause a stroke!!
  3. I've never heard of any first-hand accounts of restrictions on this board. Plenty of cachers have used them on planes.... Not sure why there would be restrictions...just receiving electromagnetic radiation....just like a radio.
  4. Yeah, we got it, we just don't want it!!
  5. That's why it would be a nice OPTION. Just like you can do with PQ, etc....
  6. Are they native species? Where wpuld they be planted? Just making sure....
  7. Does the "we" refer to the other voices that you hear? If not, and you actually do work in the field, do you know of some type of condition where someone has the inability to, as us layman say "take a joke"? Even to the point of finding offence to the inappropriate use of prescription drug? I've seen that somewhere.... No one would ever give Prozac to a squirrel....that's what Paxil is for. To keep it on topic, if you're worried about deer being scared by humans, archive it. No need to obsess over something you can't control.
  8. No, no...you don't understand....it was ALREADY THERE!! Honest!
  9. My son is ~2, and when we find a cache, there BETTER be "toys" in it!! Only time will tell....
  10. Why do you think they would be less likely to like micros? I'm not sure I understand your reasoning...
  11. "I'm looking for a place to bury a body.......YOURS!!!!" Ok, I never said that....because I don't remember ever being asked....I'm like a ninja.....
  12. Obviously, Groundspeak is covering it up!! Signal cleans up all those messes!
  13. If it's the same container with basically the same hide, I would ask the reviewer to change it for you. However, if the location is different enough (or hiding in a different type of spot) it might make sense to archive the original cache, and create a new page.
  14. The actual wording placed on all subscriber-only caches is "This is a subscriber-only cache." It is located directly under the size of the cache at the top of the listing... Maybe the guy who placed it originally had it as "Premium Members Only" and then changed it. Sound like he just wrote it in the description. To check this, look up my only subscriber-only cache: GC1A56N Let me know what you see......
  15. If you know it's going to be headed that way........
  16. Ok, how does an 80's movie help???
  17. Welocome to the "Scenic City."
  18. That's why I hide all my caches is LIVE electrical boxes, near water.....you know, to keep everyone on their toes. That way, they never get lazy. No need to thank me.
  19. That might send you on an interesting adventure.......
  20. I think because some people delete their maintenance logs when they fix the problem. If your find was based on that log, it would also get deleted. Plus, they're 2 totally separate issues, two different types of logs....keeps the logs simple. So, I (and probably most people) usually post and find and a separate maintenance log (as long as the cache was still in good enough condition to be considered a cache...and a find....another topic....).
  21. I'd like to stumble upon at least one crime scene looking for a cache..... You said unorthodox, right?
  22. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who just loads up the waypoints on the GPS...........it works fine in 99.9% of the cases. In the others, I really needed the hint or some extra piece of info... But, like everything in life....geocaching has variety. There are some cachers who get frustrated if you don't tell them which specific parking spot to use (still haven't figured out those types of cachers, yet) or refuse to go off any path even in the middle of nomansland, AZ. So, I put out different types of hides. Some of them are long hikes.....some of them are at local parks. Just like sometimes I want adventure....and other times, I want to cache with my wife and kids.....
  23. Most appropriate forum title ever!!
  24. Try Powermap. Uses Google, but includes coordinates at the bottom of the map... http://hobbiton.thisside.net/advmap.html
  25. If he asked the reviewer first, this would have been avoided. The reviewer then tells him a nearby spot that will work. But that's the whole sticking point. Really, that's pretty much it. If you ignore that, I'm not sure the idea will fly. Just trying to be honest and upfront. That's really the only problem with the idea. Everything else is a plus....
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