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Everything posted by PhxChem

  1. I found all kinds of holes in the ground today during my hike...nature did it!! Would you assume I dug a hole if my cache was in it? Maybe if we knew WHY the rule came about, we could do more to prevent others from circumventing it.
  2. It was sunny and only 64 degrees today....how am I supposed to go out in THAT weather?
  3. Over saturation (too many caches in one place) and the lack of new caches seem to me to be to totally different topics....although obviously, if you keep placing new caches without old ones being archived, you're going to hit a critical mass at some point. I don't agree with the time limit to begin with, but if the point of your limit is actually to address a lack of fresh caches to find.... I think that would definitely get fewer people on board (if that's possible)...
  4. It is possible that the person picked it up just hours before you.....or maybe they're on a trip. Always a possibility.......
  5. So, you're not allowed to bring one? You're probably allowed to do more than what is required. Having a GPS unit with your gear doesn't seem to be much of a hardship. Even the climbers wish they would have had one. That's all I'M saying.....
  6. You do know why they sell those fluorescent orange vests for, right? Apparently for parties........since no one has heard of someone being accidentally shot while hunting....hhmmmm....... Here Arizona, we see all types shooting at bottles, tires, propane tanks, bowling ball pins, etc. on State Trust Land. usually they leave it there, along with thier spent shells and boxes. Must not have been the guys you're talking about. Not everyone is a responsible gun owner.
  7. Of course they were "stirred up," you could have killed them with your GPS death ray!!
  8. Maybe I'm just strange (I don't think so)...but I use the "map" the entire time ("map" as in...blank space with arrow showing my location, the cache icon, and track line). Get closer....zoom in a little more...... But I've never tried looking at the numbers as I approached....seems needlessly complicated....
  9. Yes, the halcyon days of geocaching. Every time you met a fellow geocacher, you gave them a big fluffy sepia-colored hug. Why....I remember when we used to get the coordinates on the teletype!! Grandpa would smoke his pipe and tell us marvelous stories about Signal and his friends frolicking in the ionosphere. Back in ole ought-one... And really, who doesn't like a fat can of beans in their cache?
  10. Yeah, you never know when you won't be able to make it out of that pocket park or your local Wal Mart parking lot. Wouldn't a GPSr given them the same information...assuming they knew how to use it? But a cool story nonetheless......
  11. LOL.....what a worrier.....at least you let him know what's what!! I think with the more geocaches you find, the less nervous your husband will get...hopefully...
  12. Now that I think about it...depending on what latitude you're at, a degree of longitude would be a different distance.....
  13. Well, in a pure mathematical sense, it would. Take decimal degrees: ddd.ddddd That last digit is 1/100,000 of a degree. Now let's take Degrees, Minutes Seconds. dd mm ss.s That last digit (.s) is 1/36,000 of one degree. And finally Degree and decimal minutes ddd mm.mmm (I'm only using 5 m's because that's what my GPS uses) That last digit is 1/60,000 of one degree. So... 1/100,000 of one degree 1/36,000 of one degree 1/60,000 of one degree Now, in actual usage, it probably does not matter because I'm not sure our GPS units can ever be certain down to 1/100,000 of one degree. Every measurement has uncertainty! So, for instance if you convert to DMS from decimal degrees and change the last digit, you are unlikely to get new DMS coordinates if you only calculate to 1/10 of a second (this is the major caveat). Thus 117.49733 and 117.49734 BOTH are converted to 117 29' 50.4'' In chemistry, we call it "significant figures" or sig figs. Of course you could always calculate it to 52 digits(or any other arbitrary number) ....but they would be meaningless in the real world since you cannot input such a number into your GPS nor could it give you such a number (in chemistry, it is a case of significant figures "sig figs") Please check my math......
  14. I keep hearing about this "reputation" that the public has of geocachers. Where do I go to find out what our reputation is? Do most people even know we're alive?
  15. The next person who finds the used (and mostly clean) Glad Lock I threw in the woods while driving by better replace it with a perfectly camoed ammo box fitted with a combination lock!! Wow, a thread with no dissenting opinion. That's when you know you messed up!
  16. Ummmmm....if I were a mean person......... What is the name of the TB?
  17. Prizes? Wow, I must be doing it wrong!! Why does geocaching always sound funny when non-geocachers explain it?
  18. That's how I find ALL my caches. How do you find yours?
  19. I'm already married...so that isn't going to work. Although...if I roll up the divorce papers.... That was a joke....I would never roll up the divorce papers...
  20. And even if there were problems...I think a new spacing rule would take care of that.
  21. Although we all know (right?) that the word cache existed before 2001....the title of the article, at first read makes me do a mental double take...... Hope it's not a micro......<----------there's my contribution to the jokes.
  22. Well, except the number of archives are going to increase. No? If not, what is the point of this plan? And the number of new caches will increase....creating more work for the reviewers. If you going to archive my hides....well, I'm going to hide more. I hid them for a reason....to be found. Oh, and the last point.....why do we need to do this again? Saturation? The OP said that it has to do with saturation. So, it's too saturated but no one visits those caches? HHMMMMMM....not in my area.....even if there was high saturation (and how do we define this?) they get visited on a routine basis. Which geographical area are they having a "problem" with "saturation?"
  23. Well, the link from the post used the phrase "lifeguard reductions." Not sure if that means you swim at your own peril......or if you can swim at all.....or if life guard are like park rangers......
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