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Posts posted by gallahad
Right on, Prime....
Integrity in one's character is exemplified by what we do when no-one else is looking. Nice to see that there are two more endorsements to your position preceding my own.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I'd suggest you consult the manufacturer of the PC you have under consideration.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I log in from the Geocaching Home page and check the "also discussions log in" box. The system takes me to My Cache Page and, perhaps, I take care of some clerical chore like logging a find and perhaps checking a TB. I go back to the sidebar and click on Discuss Geocaching link and work through a few threads, then return (via the link "Geocaching Home" at the top of the discussions topics page or a page containing a series of comments). The system now tells me that I am not logged in, however, if I return the the discussions, I am logged in.
Do we got some kind of bug traveling through the software???
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
In my opinion, a rating system is less than desireable. Personally, I didn't get involved with this sport to be rated and I haven't seen anything affecting this sport that could be used to represent a "standard" against which a participant could be rated. Without a standard, how can you objectively rate a cache and (as was previously stated) what good is a rating if can only be "positive" - unless you intend for "positive" be used to described the wording in the rating (i.e encouragement as opposted to disapproval) of the cache.
We already have two opportunities to offer a "rating" for a cache. One is on the log we post, the other (and the one I prefer) is a "positively encouraging" comment sent to the owner of the cache via email. That way it's one private opinion being privately compared with another private opinion - key word here is "private" ahem!!!!
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Well, I always throught that the "pointing finger" was the secret handshake.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Hey, Tahosa and Sons, I've been looking for folks like you since I started in this sport. I've marked your referenced pages and will look at them more thoroughly as I find the time but what you've created looks to me to be great fun.. the fun is in the challenge, not in the find.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Most of the military surplus stores in California sell the stuff and will cut it into the size/shape you need (or you can use an electric carving knife or band saw) for any project you have in mind.
There's just gotta be a store like that in your area.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I've only logged a little over 40 finds. Every cache I've logged has been fun (there's no such thing as an "unfun" cache in my view) but two of them were especially satisfying. Gold Country Challenge and The Pines of Roam. That's because they are both products of creative imgination and required a lot of work to produce. The hunt for "Newt's Place" left me sitting in a very cold creek, just below a waterfall, after a slip on the rocks. My wife, who is also a frequent geocaching partner, found that humorous - I was not laughing.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
... and they lived happily ever after.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Dibs on the Hummer...
but I'd prefer the model H1.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I haven't hidden enough caches to affect a firm decision regarding hints. My gut feeling is that any cache which might be classified as "traditional" (in the sense that it's pretty much like any other cache and fairly easy to locate) I wouldn't leave a hint. Otherwise, I might encrypt a hint so that those who wished to use it could; others need not decrypt.
Personally, I prefer not to use the hints, even when I'm stumped, until I've made at least two attempts at a find. As far as I'm concerned, reading the hints spoils the challenge of the game.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I've always wondered how the classification of "micro" came about and why most "micro" caches are actually "mini" caches by strict definition. If you're looking for anything "micro" you'd expect it to require the support of laboratory equipment.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I'm retired. I go geocaching where I want, when I want, any time I want. Sheesh! I didn't know how lucky I am 'till I wrote that down.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Congrats dana - welcome aboard. Every question ever asked about this sport has an answer somewhere in one of these forums so you've come to the right spot.
Happy caching......................
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
When I was a kid, I knew a guy named "Jerry". Jerry claimed that drinking Coca-Cola after putting burnt matches in it would get you drunk. The guy who told you that WAAS was turned off - is his name Jerry?
I disagree with the statement that "ignorance is bliss", Allow me to recommend you read the brief series of paragraphs at:http://www.garmin.com/aboutGPS/waas.html regarding WAAS. It's probably all you'll ever need to know about it.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Don't think it's a good idea to spoil the past or future ideas of the imaginative folks who come up with the more creativge ideas by posting here..
I'll email one to you.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Thank you, Jeremy. I thought it might be a technical problem; turns out it's an administrative decision.
After all, that's why we have administrators.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Hello! Hello! Sorry, wrong number.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Love ya Jeremy ... Whew!! To think I almost lost about three pounds on that wager.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I connect lots of wires, and other little parts, put 'em inside boxes and flip the switch to see whether or not smoke rises from the mass. No smoke - let's see if it'll make some kind of noise. I've collected a trash can full of burnt wires and fried components and a few little boxes that make noise.
It's a beautiful thing ...
So, what happens if there is smoke?
I grab a piece of wood and a sharp knife and carve something. If I've run out of my supply of FTF souvenirs I sometimes find one of those little owls hiding inside the wood.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
[This message was edited by gallahad on September 25, 2003 at 08:42 PM.]
OK, GeoFool. I'll wager a pint of grog against comparable value...
my wager is that there'll be nothin' released before noon on Monday, 092903.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
Well RK, that was my point. If you can't delete a post, why should the edit/delete option include a delete option at all???
At best, it's misleading; a consternation.
Kinda like the time one nice policeman waved me through a red traffic light and another one, who had been a block away, stopped me for failing to stop for it.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
I have noticed that, after entering a discussion on one of the threads in this system, the author is invited to edit the original material within a certain period of time. Along with the invitation to edit the material, there is also an invitation for the author to "delete" the material, if he/she wants to. But I've never been able to delete something after I've submitted it. Instead, I receive a notice that items cannot be deleted once they are entered.
Perhaps I've missed a key element someplace but, as it appears to me, we have a bug in a system when "delete" is an option that cannot be accessed.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks
FTF Prize ?
in How do I...?
FTF "prizes" are certainly a nice idea; and they seem to promote competition. A geocaching associate of mine recently offered free gold panning lessons for FTF. We hadn't met until I achieved FTF on his cache and the pleasure of meeting him personally, for the gold panning lesson, was a much greater "prize" than any material object I can imagine.
Some of those who participate in our sport aren't financially able to lay out ten or fifteen bucks for a FTF award. In my opinion, just about anything that qualifies as being unique (even in a small way) or worthy of collecting as a trophy or souvenir of the activity, would prove to be quite satisfying.
"Today's truth remains valid only as long as it withstands the test of tomorrow's discoveries" - George Hicks