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Posts posted by gallahad
Hey,Criminal, NICE job. But it deserved something better than a couple of batteries and a charger. I'm amazed that such a small token of recognition could be offered for such a fine shot.
The find was excitement enough.
My kind a' geocacher.
In Colorado its 75 Mph
... and the guy who puts miniature folding pocket knives in caches as a signature item is from Colorado. Coincidence??
... am I right?
Yes, Sparky, you're right.
* No pen / pencil
* Junk left in cache
* Cache getting too full or damaged in some way
* Two DNFs in a row
* Any comment about junk in the cache
* Any log entries about a wet cache
* Any log entries about removing garbage from the cache
* Any log entry reporting that the camera, if one was left, is not working or out of film
* I try to get by at least every 15 - 20 days, regardless of the log report, to check the cache
Like Lazyboy and Mitey Mike, I have drawn the conclusion that micro caches are the less likely to generate problems, and they seem to attract only the more dedicated participants in the sport; those who are more interested in the challenge of the search than the promise of some tangible reward.
From what I've seen, a cache can be traded down to a pile of junk in a very short time and I'm not in favor of feeding the greed of the few.
My wife and I decided to test the idea during our vacation, summer 2003. What we found was that we could not discipline ourselves to log one cache in a state and them on to the next. There was always just one more cache that was positioned very close to the cache we had just completed. Based upon this experience, we estimate that if we remained true to a specified route, we would find ourselves stopping at caches all along that route until we reached the next state. Then, we'd fall back into the routine and fall victim to every cache along that section of highway until we reached the next state, etc. Seems to us that it would take about ninety days to get the job done (excluding Hawaii and Alaska) and we don't have that much vacation time. Not to mention the travel expenses.
Here'a a thought. Where some reservations exists about whether or not placing this item in the cache as a FTF award, how about setting up the cache so that the FTF must verify a specific condition that exists exclusively in the cache (e.g. the serial number on a dollar bill - which the FTF would of course take with him/her) which the FTF can email to you as verification of the find. Satisfied with the FTF claim, you could mail him the FTF award. Just a thought... maybe it'll spark some better ideas.
He had heard of geocaching and wanted to look at my gpsr.
My mom told me never to show my GPSr to anyone
Seriously, in mid 2003 I found that 0% of anyone I had regular contact with knew anything about geocaching. Few folks even knew what GPS is, except that it must have something to do with space travel navigation. But, in recent weeks, I've found that about 5% +/- seem to understand the basic concept of geocaching, even if they don't understand the technical applications of the GPSr. I suspect it's the media exposure of the sport that's responsible for getting the word out. But I don't do a hard sell on anyone to join in on the fun. If they're not intrinsically interested I figure they're probably not cut out for this sort of thing. If they don't parcicipate, it means more caches for me. Ain't it a beautiful thing...
Many years ago, when I spent a lot of time riding motorcycles, I observed that a female passenger on an adjacent bike was shivering from wind chill. I took off my jacket and handed it over to her. At the end of the ride she returned it to me and thanked me for the kindness. At the next club meeting, the club presented me with a name tag that read "Gallahad" - it's a moniker that I never been able to shed.
I had to hold my Garmin out of the window; so I traded it in for a Megellan.
One geocacher (out of Colorado; sorry I can't recall the username at this instant) uses a miniature folding pocket knife with his username/geocaching info. imprinted on the side. It's quite unique and popular with collectors in this region.
These types of signature items tend to be quite expensive however, and I find that a simple personalized business card is of course less expensive and a much appreciated choice. Some of our fellow geochaching enthusiasts collect these cards and display them for their own enjoyment.
... since you use John Dillinger as your avatar you could leave bullet casings. Maybe?
Great idea, IMHO.
Magellan Meridian Platinum... love it, even more after comparing it with its competition.
Multiply the hour of observation by two. Add the number twenty four to the total. Then divide the total by two and subtract the hour of observation. That'll tell you the precision factor of the constellation +/- 0.002777778
I own a Platinum but it would help if you were a bit more specific about what you need help with. You can e-mail me through this site by clicking on our name (to see our profile) and use the e-mail link there.
I use a hand carved owl ( because I want the FTF to have something he/she can save as a personal trophy if they choose to. But I like your bandana idea(s). It's something I'd like to add to my FTF trophy collection. I once looked into using T-shirts, but decided that it would be too difficult to ensure that whatever I loaded into the cache would fit the finder.
Does anyone else see something erotic in that drawing?
... and now Saddam is in on it, too?
From the description of the "find", looks like Sadam was the cache. And our great kids in Iraq didn't need a GPSr to smoke him out. Urah...
... Aiko Aoyama, Eirei from China, Reina Kamiya, Saki Shimada, and Tomoko Takechi ...
Eighty percent of the group appear to have Japanese names. How'd we make the connection "Chinese Linguist"? Just curious...
You might want to use this cache as a comparison for what you're planning.
This guy is from California and, like yourself, he would rather hike than eat. His selection of this cache site establishes that fact.
Having raised two, both of whom were taught to share, I wish you the best of luck (and the utmost patience) in your worthy goal.
We found that, along with learning to share, each child also expressed a need to have control over something that was exclusively theirs - something not shared. Striking the balance was not an easy task. It was easier when each of them had a similar item (like their individual bicycles) which reduced their interest in the item belonging to the other.
Regarding your cache goodies. Your post leads me to believe that you are thoughful and generous people. There are many geocachers out there who share your standards.
But there are also those among us who will trade down (as previously mentioned) your cache in a very short time. That "real world" fact should raise a yellow flag and give you cause to spread the good stuff around and let the finder make the choice with respect to who shares what with whom.
Me? Definitely some sort of Garmin product with expandable memory. I'd avoid Magellan products, as I hear they are too overpriced and under-teched. Others will argue that point, you can be sure.....I bet within the hour, we'll have all sorts of arguments going in this thread, so hold on to your hat!
Sparky-Watts makes a good point. My experience, unlike sparky's, was to try the Garmin and the Magellan side by side in the field. I chose the Magellan Meridian Platinum. I believe it would be a mistake to allow someone else to recommend a particular make/model for you. If you take your time, read everything on every make/model you're interested in, and if you're fortunate enough to find people in your area that will permit you to examine (or observe) their equipment alongside a comparative device, you'll soon find the one you're comfortable with. GPSr selection is a personal thing; like choosing a mate. If you make an independent decision you won't be at someone else who tried in vain to be helpful.
It worked, Gallahad. This will keep me busy for a while. Thanks.
You are quite welcome - happy to help. Glad that stuff got you started.
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