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Everything posted by gorfner

  1. I just joined. I hope that the others will have enough time to join. Thanks for taking the initiative!!
  2. Thanks to all for the beautiful coins. I don't know how I managed to pull out a win again. I usually attend the three Charlotte races every year and occasionally find another race to go to. Are we having another cointest this season?
  3. I received an email from Janae at Oakcoins that said there were 19 versions with 9 participating in the trade. The actual mint numbers weren't mentioned. 1. Flash Mob (still available on their website) 2. Pink (still available on their website) 3. Geoswag (trade) (still available on their website) 4. Louisiana (trade) 5. Ckronos (trade) 6. Monterey (trade) 7. Rio Grande (trade) 8. Michigan (trade) 9. Abilene, Texas (trade) (80 minted) 10. North Carolina (trade) (50 minted) 11. South Africa (trade) 12. Farbenfroh 13. LI 14. Inkognito 15. Bicester 16. Portugal 17. DuBois 18. Carnival Netherlands 19. Naked (I think this was only given to event hosts) 20. Yuma (got this one from their website) If there were more please add to this list along with mint numbers if you can. I also still have some North Carolina Mardi Gras geocoins available for sale. Please PM if interested.
  4. Congrats to hot wheels on a very successful season!! Pretty much stayed out front all season! Looking forward to next year. Kensay
  5. Sign me up for another run! Looking forward to the new format changes for qualifying!!
  6. Thanks for another great season. I had a lot of lucky picks! Looking forward to next season and hope everyone returns again. Thanks again!!
  7. I thought I would share the pics of the North Carolina version. Would love to see other versions!! Thanks LadyBee4T for help uploading pics!!
  8. Its way too early and luck is playing a huge part in this. All it takes is one driver to take out your team in any given weekend. I am sure I will have somebody come from the back of the pack to challenge!!
  9. I'd be interested in 25 at this time. Will have to look at the cost after the holidays.
  10. I finally got the coins and here is the pic of all of them. I recognize most of the coins but if you could provide more specifics on them I would appreciate it!! Thanks ALL!! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/nascarprizes.jpg
  11. I guess I had some real good luck. I made it as high as 16 on the overall leader board (finished 46th) and couldn't believe that I was picking them like I did. It could have easily gone the other way. I really enjoyed the competition and hated to see one or two drop out towards the end. It was definitely fun and I hope I am invited back next year!! Thanks to everyone!! If the pics of the winning coins don't get posted I will definitely post the ones that I won.
  12. Not a problem Islander! Wish I could attend both. I'll definitely have to work out a trade with you! And I'll have to make sure to get trades from both of you I'll be heading south at the time so the question is - Is there anyone haveing a 12*12*12 in North Carolina?? (at the Beach preferably) which reminds me of the movie "On the Beach" which is a doomsday scenario, that would work well for an event. Which also raises the question of how hard is it to get an event published in another country?? Fayetteville North Carolina will be hosting an event but it is probably a little too far inland. I am pretty sure that AtlantaGal will be hosting an event again this year in Myrtle Beach South Carolina which I am sure is what you are looking for.
  13. There are five different versions of the Circle of Four geocoin available for sale on the e place. Can't wait to get mine!
  14. Isn't it ironic that the vendor is removed from Groundspeak's list of authorized geocoin vendors and roughly 12 hours later coins are being prepared for shipment? Interesting.....
  15. Count NC again for this event!
  16. The Fayetteville NC 11-11-11 event has been published
  17. My first cointest and quite a lot of fun trying to figure it out. Congrats Pingos and AlliedOz! I almost had it!
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