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flys low

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Posts posted by flys low

  1. As to the cache, you did what you could do. Poop happens.


    As to the term "bum". Get real people, and forget the political correctness The person in question could be homeless, or his home could be wherever he lays his hat, which would again make the term bum proper. Not all bums are homeless, not all homeless are bums. But to worry about the proper term for fear of hurting their feelings is garbage.


    I would call the family across the street from me "white trash". Derogatory? Sure. Truthful? Not just yes, but H@#$ YES! Do I care if it hurts their feelings? Not a chance. If they have a problem with it, they can fix the problem. They can fence their dogs in instead of allowing them to roam and breed freely. They could rent or buy a mower instead of allowing the yard to grow unchecked all year (hasn't been mowed yet since spring). One or more of them could GET A JOB, instead of relying strictly on a food bank and hand outs. They have no friends in the neighborhood since any who befriend them end up getting something stolen. TO REMEDY THE SITUATION IF TRUTHFUL TERMS HURT THEIR FEELINGS IS STRICTLY UP TO THEM. Those who want to change their situation and better themselves must first make the decision to do so. Hurting their feelings may prompt them to do so, politically correct terms only serve to put a coat of whitewash over a badly cracked wall. A spade is a shovel, not a "human powered earthmover"! Black is black, white is white, and political correctness is part of the problem, not the fix.


    My rant, thank you for your patience.

    trucker lee for president!

  2. I have a new 76csx I have updated it when iI got it and when I check all and hit download it gives me a window asking if I want save or open and I have get a program to run it. But when I load up from Garmin theres no problem but they do not give me all types of caches?

  3. :rolleyes: SShhh...we can't talk about it :o



    Seriously though, it's just good to be "stealthy" when finding a cache so the non-geocachers (muggles) around you don't know what you're up to. If people see you snooping around an area like you're looking for something, they may take a look after you leave and find the cache, and take it! Although if someone asks while I'm searching, I just explain geocaching to them.


    I wish someone would have explained GEOing to me a long time ago...

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