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Posts posted by user13371
Sussamb, that would likely be the size of the data contained. How much space (total, and available) is on the internal storage? That is, when you plug it in to your computer in "mass storage" mode, and it shows up as a disk drive, how big does your operating system think it is? And how much free space?
How much space did all those extras take up? And how much free space is available...?
Guess I didn't emphasize the right part of my question originally.Beats me.... it's been several months ago ...Next time you plug your eTrex 20 into your computer, could you look at its propoerties and tell me how large the internal disk is, and how much free space it has on it? Garmin advertises 1.7GB internal memory. I want to know how much of that is really available for copying over GPX and map files.
Just curious: How much space did all those extras take up? And how much free space is available on the internal memory (not microSD)?...When I got my etrex 20 the first thing I did was go through all the files on the unit and delete anything that I really didn't need, like all the various language user manuals. that frees up some space. -
None beyond the system files that come on the unit. The test I mentioned in my last post was done with no other ttracks, routes, or waypoints loaded either....This is a bit misleading as.... how much other data files do you have on the GPS?New out of the box, when connected to the computer the eTrex 10 shows up as an 9.4 megabyte mass storage device with about 6.2 megabytes free space. It didn't come with nearly as much on it as your eTrex 20 had from the factory -- because the eTrex 10 comes with so much less storage to begin with, Garmin doesn't load it up the same way.
... to clarify this in my head.... Are these Geocaches files then more like actual files you would get on a computer, like with hints and things? Instead of just the coordinate? Is that what this is? (am learning still)
A waypoint is just a named ocation, a set of coordinates.
A "geocache" waypoint may have additional information attached; description, hints, logs, etc.
The starting point of this discussion came about because newer Garmin units divide regular waypoints and geocache waypoints into different lists and display them differently, each with their own size limits.
And lastly -- A "pocket query" or GPX file lets you download lots of geocache waypoints, in bulk.
Hope that clarifies rather than muddies. See also: http://www.markwell.us/pq.htm
In theory, there should be no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.
Now after trying it on my eTrex 10), I'd say in theory you might be able to put 2000 geocaches on the device. In practice, this might only be possible if the caches have very short descriptions and few or no logs. The file storage space available is only about 6 megabytes. I just tried copying over a pocket query that had 765 caches (3.8 megabytes) and it did load them -- but immediately complained the GPS was dangerously low on memory and I should delete some data.
I posed the question in an email to Garmin tech support, specifically about the eTrex 10/20/30 models, and here was the reply:
The eTrex 20 and 30 can hold up to 5,000 geocaches. The eTrex 10 can hold up to 2,000 geocaches.The thing to remember is all three devices have a limitation of the number of gpx files. When you load a geocaches one at a time, then this will create a gpx file. However, when you load a pocket query to the device, you will be able to put in a large number of geocaches that only use one gpx file.
The gpx limitation for the 20/30 is 2,000 while the eTrex 10 is 500.
Using the eTrex 10 as my example, I think that means I can have up to 500 caches in a single GPX file, but I can have multiple GPX files that will load at startup to reach the maximum of 2000 geocaches.
I'm going to test this later -- but does my interpretation make sense?
Funny you should list your Droid, but no fair comparing online access with local/offline storage. But I've done the same thing -- someone asked me how many geocaches I could get on my iPhone and I said "All of them."
Ballo&bd, you are correct. Just looking for data, specifically on the newer models that store (and count!) geocaches separately from other waypoints. Surprises me Garmin doesn't list this info on their own comparison charts.
...500 seems laughable ... I suspect all the etrex x0 line is the same as they all run the same firmware, do they not?
I don't know if 500 caches in the eTeex 10 is laughable or just a matter of its low-end, budget model status: Lo-res greyscale screen, no maps, etc. And although the firmware versions are numbered the same (all three models are at version 2.5), I think there must be differences for the 20 and 30 to support features the 10 lacks: memory card slot, maps, color screen (and compass/barmoetere/ant+ on the 30).
I believe your list is wrong in listing "Etrex x0" at 5000. I have an eTrex 10 and it only holds 500 and I'm specifically curious of the limits for the 20/30. I don't understand why Garmin doesn't break this out as a separate line item on their own comparison charts.
Does someone have a comparison chart that lists how many geocaches (as distinct from other waypoints) each Garmin model can hold?
Garmin eTrex 10. $119 MSRP. I find it the perfect GPS to "fill in the gaps" as an iPhone cacher. Waterproof, rugged, very accurate, terrific battery life. It can work as a stand-alone "paperless" geocaching setup, but doesn't have any of th high-end features like a color screen, maps, etc... but that's what the iPhone is for, right?
If you were inclined to ditch the iPhone completely and use ONLY a handheld GPS, move up a step or two to the eTrex 20 or 30. The 20 get you lots of storage, color higher-resolution screen and mapping capability; the 30 had that and adds a compass and barometer.
AZC, you're right about there being so many dedicated Geocaching apps for smart phones. I use Geosphere on the iPhone and that' usually enough. But I also use an eTrex 10 and being able to export from the phone directly to the GPS would be a convenience (a minor one, sometimes), if I could get caches on both the phone and the GPS without using my computer. Not enough to make me rush out and buy a phone JUST for that one feature, but when I'm ready for a new phone it would be one possible feature to look for out of many.
... if the owners like them that have them...
This may be a good way to join a club, but perhaps not the best way to choose a GPS.
Especially as you've also indicated that screen size, maps, and accuracy don't interest you. If you eliminate the specific features/reasons why someone likes the thing or not, all you're left with are self-affirmations from people who decided to buy that model.
Really, the best advice given so far in this thread is to decide which features do matter to you, then visit a retailer who stocks the gadgets and try them yourself. See what fits well in the hand, has a screen you can read, and features that make sense, etc...
Chrysalides, can you list some smartphones which can function as a USB host? I'd be in the market for one.
Good point(s). Garmin's Birdseye IS more comparable to DeLorme's DigitalGlobe than MapPack. It's hard to keep all the details of each of them straight.
What I'd really like, is a real side by side comparison of those service offerings and actualy hands-on use. It's easy for any of use to say "I like THIS one because I've used it" or "I heard someone else says X about Y" -- but if some review site would post some real world comparisons it'd be a handy reference.
Of course, Jenner48 just asked vaguely if people liked the PN-60 and this discussion of various mapping products might make no difference. Would be nice to know what features they're really interested to focus the thread on that.
Stu, I think DazDnFamily inadvertently confused you by mentioning two different things that you're apparently treating as one:
...Garmins have this feature(1) for the same price, and you can even make your own custom image maps(2), with serious size limitations ...So...
1) "This feature" refers to Garmin BirdsEye; aerial imagery download subscriptions at the same price as DeLorme's MapPack, roughly $30/year.
2) "Make your own" refers to Garmin custom maps, a "do it yourself" method for turning any raster imagery into a map.
The size restrictions of "make your own" don't apply to paid for downloaded maps from Garmin. If you wanted a comparison of "make your own" aerial imagery Garmin v. DeLorme, a more apt comparison would probably be DeLorme's XMap -- but that becomes a completely different discussion, even further away from the OP's question than we are now and getting further away with every keystroke...
Reviews on Geocaching.com
And at other sites:
There's a fair selection in that price range. Currently I use an eTrex 10 (MSRP $119) which has outstanding battery life, very accurate, small and easy to carry. Supports full paperless caching, able to hold up to 500 caches at one time.
It's about as low-end and simple as you're gonna get. Greyscale screen, no maps, no memory card. But I wanted "simple and cheap" and every high end feature I have in my iPhone. And so do you.
What I do: Replace the log with any scrap of paper available, if possible. Whether you can or not, post a Needs Maint. describing the log condition -- after your Found log (Found and NM are two separate things).
Dunno, haven't shopped Cabellas before.How about REI vs. Cabellas?
I'd really like something like CameCamelCamel to offer side by side graphs from more online shopping sites. They cover Amazon BestBuy, NewEgg and a couple others, but each is on a separate tab -- would love to see those kinds of graphs overlaid all on one page. There might be a way to do that already there and I just haven't figgered it out yet.
Of course it does -- File under shopping for GPS and other Geocaching gear.So then you admit that it does not really pertain to geocaching at all.But you're welcome to hit the "Report" button if you really dislike this thread.
How many fit into each Garmin model?
in GPS technology and devices
Exactly what I was after, thanks!