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Green Toad

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Everything posted by Green Toad

  1. It is an interesting idea, but it can get a little database unfriendly. I'll add it to the growing feature list. Thanks! I'm not sure how it would be unfriendly to the db as the nearest caches link. The number of caches is changing all the time, but the number of nearby benchmarks is static (except when you update the bm db.) You should be able to run the query once for every cache page, and then only when new caches are created. Well, assuming, i understand the backend for gc.com correctly.
  2. Try $12,000 NZ. Ike Press Release
  3. Legal Disclaimer: I graduated from law school, but have not taken the bar exam, hence, not bar admitted. This should not be taken as legal advice. I just did a cursory reading of the law. I have not read the regulations. The law specifically prohibits the government from disclosing which caves are protected, unless disclosure will help further the law. Once an individual becomes aware that a particular cave is protected (whether through information from the government or other sources) they are legally required to protect the cave. That means, if they know that the cave falls under these provisions that they are required to follow the law. Hence, if you know the cave is protected and you disturb the cave you can be prosecuted under the law. Cavers are specifically referenced under the law. Environmental organizations have previously been given the right to sue (as if they are the government; in this case, cavers) to stop destruction of a preserved habitat because their constituency (members) will be harmed by the actions of others. Basically, if you know that the cave is protected and you 'disturb' it, then you are breaking the law. But, if you don't know that the cave is protected, then you are not breaking the law. The question will ultimately come down to whether you knew that the cave was protected prior to entering it and whether you 'disturbed' the cave by entering it. The court will decide what the definition of 'disturbed' is. -gt -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  4. Jeremy, you are doing an excellent job! Keep up the good work! -gt -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  5. Is there a way to search for BM's by age? I apologize if this has been asked before. -gt -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  6. My response to both of you: Huh? I think this needs alot more explaining! -gt -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  7. There's a reason that you are not allowed to embed music in a web page. Because many people hate it! Myself included. Place a link to the music file, if people want to listen to it, they will. Otherwise, those of us that hate music embedded in web pages will not be forced to listen. I equate music embedded in web pages to spam, I know others do as well. -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  8. quote:Originally posted by Prime Suspect: quote:Originally posted by Jeremy:Please don't misquote. Please don't accuse me of misquoting. That was a exact word-for-word http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=excerpt, with a link provided to the entire document. I think Jeremy meant that you did not quote the entire/relevant part of the paragraph. His quote added a couple of additional lines to the end. -gt -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  9. I see I am voting late, but I would have voted for carleenp and then snoogans. btw, i love anime/manga, your avatar rocks! -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  10. Is it too late to join? If not, how do I join the league? -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  11. quote:Originally posted by Nochipra:Thanks a lot for the info. everyone. It actually sounds like a travel bug is a little more complicated than I had thought. I was considering once I started a cache of my own, placing something like a diary in it and hoping it would just kinda find it's way around the contry on it's own instead of placing a certain destination on it from place to place. I guess I would call it more of a traveling journal or log and hopefully it would find it's way back to me once it was full. I would explain where it started on the front page and ask that once it is full that someone pick it up and bring it back once it made it's full run? I don't know maybe that's just wishful thinking but it might be worth a try? Thanks again for the explanations. Nochipra I don't think that it is wishful thinking at all. Many cachers place a laminated goal sheet to their TBs. Many times the TB has no goal in particular, then again many TBs have particular goals. The nice thing about attaching a goal sheet to the TB is that the finder immediately knows what the goal of the TB is when they find it instead of learning the goal when they get home on log onto GC.com. Your idea is a popular one and I recommend that you use it. If the finder immediately knows what the goal is, then the TB is more likely to reach that goal. Do a search for TB goal sheets and you should find pre-made goal sheets for TBs. This will give you an idea of what to write on the first page of the log book. There is no rule that says that a TB must have a goal to reach a certian location. Many TBs just travel around to wherever the finder places it, others have specific goals. It is really the decision of the TB owner. -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  12. quote:Originally posted by BeachBum22:So now what do we do, put him in Geocaching Prison for 25 to life? ... As somebody else suggested here, maybe he's only looking for benchmarks that were previously 'found' because he doesn't have but a day or two off to go looking and he'd like to find some. Official rules - No Pictures Required. But really, what's it matter? There are no stats, there are no leaders, there are no winners. If, in fact, the guy is totally bogus, who is he cheating but himself? This is a perfect reason why stats will never be implemented on this site. Its just too easy to cheat. I, too, have no problem (or a lesser problem) with ES loggin benchmarks that have been previously found; although I feel it is unethical. The truly unethical thing to do is log finds for BMs/caches that have not been previously found; this will lead to people believing that they actually exist when they may not! -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  13. quote:Originally posted by Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking:My worst find was a fresh used condom right at the start of the trail. That reminds me of a time when I had gone deer hunting when I was an undergrad. Another hunter and I heard a ruckuss (can you tell I'm from the South?) in the brush just over a hill. We went over to investigate and, needless to say, we found the location where two deer had just mated. (There was steam!) Let's just say that there was alot of fluid on the ground. As a guy, I gained alot of respect for bucks! -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  14. I'm in Southwest Penna. The modules/blocks that I am looking for right now are: (1) an integrated calendar where users can add events on the fly, (2) something that will pull news from several [geocaching] sources into the same block on the front page, (3) something where users can actually review geocaches [which will be searchable by cache ID], (4) a method to get PQs for a 100-200 mile radius of my area and create both a list of caches and a stats page for local cachers [like skydiver's page] and (5) there are others that I cannot think of at the moment. I am in the process of integrating Coppermine Photo Gallery into the site and I have found several helpful administrative files for user administration, etc. -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife! [This message was edited by Green Toad (f/k/a Stroh) on September 11, 2003 at 12:50 AM.]
  15. I'm originally from Florida and have only lived in SWPA for two years. As such, I am not familiar with the hunting and wildlife safety concerns of the area. I had hoped to bring up my concerns at the Jennings Wing-Ding, but was unable to make the trip. I know that I can find out when hunting season is in force, but I am unsure of how to find out where people hunt in the area. Also, the wildlife in the area is vastly different from what I am used to. Where I am from, bears are rare of and any type of 'cat' is unheard of. I'm not in Florida anymore. When I'm geocaching or hiking in the wilderness in SWPA, what kind of wildlife/hunting concerns should I be aware of? Are there certain areas that I should avoid during certain times of the year? What kind of recommendations would you give to a recent transplant that is unfamiliar with the wilderness in the area? -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  16. Personally, I always make sure that I trade for a TB. Usually, I trade up by alot. My theory is that the person that left the TB took something from the cach and only left the TB (I admit that I may be wrong), but this way I keep up the level of goodies in the cache. Also, I feel that a TB is actually worth something (maybe not to me) so I always make sure that I leave something of value in the cache when I take a TB. Most of the time I don't take anything from a cache, but if I do take something (no matter what it is) I attempt to leave something of equal value or better. I try to use the greater value of: to the previous cacher, to myself, or to the TB owner. -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  17. Not to sound like an asshat or anything, but can you expand on the acronyms? I have no affiliation to the military so they are all new to me. Best of luck to your bud and tell him to keep up the good work. I will be as happy as his family will be when he comes home safely! -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  18. The last time I checked I had lost 10 lbs since starting, but I recently moved and started a new job (hence, less geocaching) and I'd bet I have gained it back. As soon as I finish doing all of the new house stuff I plan on getting back to geocaching. My goal is to lose about 70-80 lbs. Someone should create a geocaching weight loss web site! LOL -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  19. The thing about TBs is that you should do what you want with them. Don't worry what others have done, do what you want!!!! When the TB arrives back home you can change its goal if you wish. Basically, you own the TB; what do you want it to do? -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  20. I have preciously had a nuked site that I am now converting into a geocaching site. Are there any geocaching specific nuke modules/blocks? What sites are nuked? quote:There's already a module that does this. "more news" Something I've been learning about Nuke is that if there is something you'd like it to do... someone's probably already programmed it. There have been small gaps, but all in all there's a LOT out there waiting for the pickin'. Are you using this module? What is it and where can I get it? I'd like to set up a 'geocaching news' section to my site. thanks -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  21. Congrats, hopefully I can hit a few of those soon! -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  22. I'm in.... -stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife! [This message was edited by Green Toad (f/k/a Stroh) on September 04, 2003 at 12:52 PM.]
  23. While I wouldn't say that you are required to leave a trade item in the cache if you remove food. Personally, if I had something to trade I would do so, if only to maintain the cache. I have left items in caches that I took nothing because the cache was getting low. Basically, it can be a judgement call. If there is not much in the cache, then I would definitely leave something if I had something to leave (I do this even if I don't take anything); if the the cache is full, then there is less of a need to leave something. Use common sense, will the cache be hurting if you don't leave something to trade???? -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  24. quote:Originally posted by Mopar: quote:Originally posted by southdeltan: Can you clarify exactly what the definition of commercial is? There is a bit of confusion. If there is a fee involved and it goes to a 'public' entity such as a state or national park it appears to be ok. The same (or smaller) fee to a private organization seems to not be ok. I'm really not sure what the difference is - if it's because the private is making money - isn't the public organization making money? How much clearer can you possibly get? quote:What is a commercial cache? A commercial use of the web site cache reporting tool is an direct or indirect (either intentional or non-intentional) attempt to solicit customers through a geocaching.com listing. Examples include for-profit locations that require an entrance fee, or locations that sell products or services. The public park is making money for us, the citizens. Any money made goes to funding projects for the residents of the city, county, state, whatever. The private suba park, theme park, or coffee shop makes money for the owners. Any money made goes into the owner's bank account. Can you really not see the difference between the 2, or are you just bored and typing for the heck of it? With all due respect Mopar: I don't think that this is as cut and dry as you make it! As a lawyer, I could come up with many definitions of "commercial". As a geocacher, I define commercial as something that I am making money off of. Additionally, as a certified scuba diver that was certified in a lake (even though I lived in Florida at the time and now live in the hinterland) I understand that there are not many available areas for scuba diving if you don't live along the coast. In fact, I haven't been diving since I left Florida because it is so difficult to find a good place to dive (and I own all my equipment)! This member of the geocaching commenity attempted to creat an aqua-cache, which I commend him on. In the hinterland, most of the good/great diving spots are privately owned, but if all/most of the diving spots in the area require an admission fee (at the minimum) what is the difference? I've seen dry land caches on private land that require admission fees, additionally I've seen dry land caches on non-profit land that require admission fees. What is the difference, other than scuba equipment ... scuba equipment that scuba divers already know that they will need to pay for if they don't own their own? How does this differ from caches that require boat access? Many areas require a fee to put in a boat or a canoe (or to rent one if the cacher does not own a boat/canoe), but these caches are being accepted, even though they are on private land? I'm sorry, I don't see a difference if the cacher is not making money on the cache. This cache shows that there needs to be some clarification on the rules. -stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
  25. I'm not sure that would help you any for your particular quest. Whenever someone logs a TB find a poste is made on the TBs homepage. If a TB is lost after it has been placed in a cache there will be no record of anyone picking it up on the GC.com site (although there maybe something in the logs that the cache owner can inform you about). If the TB is lost before it is placed then the TB page will tell you who last had possession of the TB. From an intellectual point of view, it would be nice to see which TBs various cachers have found. -Stroh -Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife!
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