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Posts posted by Duncan!

  1. I'm not big on using the Whiner's Thread but the new GC web code for entering logs sucks. All my text-based shortcuts are broken.





    I second that boo. I also hear they are going to take all html out of the cache pages? Somehow it presents a risk?


  2. Heck I'm so old I can remember gas at $0.17/gal and haircuts at $0.25. I remember once when my dad filled up the Mercury on old 80 right near the Sand Dunes. They had those glass topped pumps and while the old lady that owned the place went inside to get change for a $10 my dad refilled the pump. She came out and was furious and almost didn't give him back his change. The big argument was because she said you only filled it halfway and the sun did the rest. GFETE On a more modern note while I was working on I-10 near Blythe The big Truck stop raised all of their tanks to a foot below ground and when you pump gas you can feel the heat. When their gas is delivered there is a temp/volume adjustment but not when you purchase it. Just another little perk for them.

    By cracky, back when I was a boy money hadn't been invented.

    You could get a tank of gas for eleven eggs 'cause a dozen eggs

    hadn't been invented either. ... back when I was a boy.


    If y' want to see one of those old-timey US-80 gas stations just

    walk up over the saddle south of Sandy Creek Cowboy Cache

    No. 10. By cracky ....


    You guys remind me of Grandpa Simpson,


    "Like the time I took the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you'd say. Now where were we, oh ya. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because if the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones."

  3. i am in the Los Angeles area. I am looking for other Cachers in the Los Angeles area to talk to. My Fiancee and I go out to cache, and see logs filled with names, but never any other cachers around. So just wondering who is around the area.


    They use to hang out here: socalgeocachers.com

    but not very much anymore. Otherwise, dunno.

    Good luck.

  4. Wow so many Mile stones and Hall Of Farmer's , Way to go everyone. 00020449.gif




    Way to go everybody!!! WOW..................Happy Hotdogs!



    Another milestone to mention.............$kimmer is back in the game and has just passed 8000 caches!!






    The Splashes :):)



    Yay! The $kimmer is back! Hey, Marty, only about 4000+ caches to catch up! Cya on the trail! :)

  5. Hello SoCal cachers,


    I will be spending 4 days in Anaheim so that my teenage daughters can go to Disneyland. As I've spent too much time with Mickey and company the past two years, I am planning on caching during the day instead. I would like a recommendation or two of what areas around Anaheim have fun caches. I don't need high concentration areas nor do I want to spend half a day going after a single, glorious cache. An area with a dozen quality caches that can be done in eight hours would be about right. Ideally, the area would be not much more than a half hour to 45 minutes from Anaheim. Suggestions?



    fishiam (from Seattle)


    Not really my area, but I've been wanting to check out caches around here: GC1D258 Silverado

    Looks like some hiking near this cache and plenty of drive ups. Even a couple of earth caches in the area.

    In theory, it will take you about 46 minutes to get there.

    Have fun.



  6. :smile:


    I should have organized a bicycle meet up at 6am to do the Chuy and Cohort new bike trial?


    I'm planning on riding this new bike trail on Friday 3/26 starting sometime in the morning. Anybody want to join me?


    It was quite an enjoyable ride. I did it today with irish10 and fastlane1601, and it took us about 5 leisurely hours to complete.


    Sooo...now that this has received an endorsement from Tiek00n, is there anyone who has the day off or willing to play hookie? i figure I can get to Neptune way and cleaveland street at about 9am and will have all day to ride and cache.


    You might consider starting your caching day at the end of the SLRRT. We noticed quite a breeze coming from the west. Better to have this breeze push you back to your car after a day of caching. Just an idea.



  7. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...


    By Sat 8p, we'll announce the trail location for the FTF hunters. We're asking for a 6a tee-time.


    For now, I'll offer the area is north of the 52 and west of the 67 - some imiginary lines may have to be envisioned. We suggest a bike as the best mode of transportation. It's kid and canine friendly, and spread out among seven miles or so.


    :laughing: funny...that leaves about all of San Diego..........

    Hmm, north of 52 and west of 67 ...




    From a purely technical point of view of an "and" condition.


    I think the cohortian was trying to say North County, but just a guess. If I had Sunday off I'd be getting my bike ready. ;)

  8. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...

    Don't tell me... The "Rusty Altoid Tin" series?!? B)


    I hope it's early Sunday morning. 00020420.gif

    Yes, my cohorts and I will ask for an early morning release - we have not decided on a time, but hopefully, the reviewers will be able to accomodate our request.

    So will we be able to do this series and still make this event: Everybody is Welcome on Top of Double Peak?


    That depends how fast you can run or pedal a bike. :lol:


    Dropped most of my containers today - waiting for my cohorts to finish theirs.


    No off-road vehicles allowed, but easy peasy for hikers and bikers.


    More info tomorrow. :lol:




    who gets to beta test them?



    The cohorts! :D




    :P it was a nice try anyways. are you a cohort D!?



    What's a cohort? :lol:

  9. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...

    Don't tell me... The "Rusty Altoid Tin" series?!? B)


    I hope it's early Sunday morning. 00020420.gif

    Yes, my cohorts and I will ask for an early morning release - we have not decided on a time, but hopefully, the reviewers will be able to accomodate our request.

    So will we be able to do this series and still make this event: Everybody is Welcome on Top of Double Peak?


    That depends how fast you can run or pedal a bike. :P


    Dropped most of my containers today - waiting for my cohorts to finish theirs.


    No off-road vehicles allowed, but easy peasy for hikers and bikers.


    More info tomorrow. :lol:




    who gets to beta test them?



    The cohorts! :D

  10. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...

    Don't tell me... The "Rusty Altoid Tin" series?!? :D


    I hope it's early Sunday morning. 00020420.gif

    Yes, my cohorts and I will ask for an early morning release - we have not decided on a time, but hopefully, the reviewers will be able to accomodate our request.

    So will we be able to do this series and still make this event: Everybody is Welcome on Top of Double Peak?


    Looks like there would be time to find *some* of the caches and still make the event. Of course, this is purely speculation. B)

    From what I hear, it's gonna be an early release (if our wonderful and most gracious reviewers don't mind, of course).



  11. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...

    Don't tell me... The "Rusty Altoid Tin" series?!? :anibad:


    I hope it's early Sunday morning. 00020420.gif

    Yes, my cohorts and I will ask for an early morning release - we have not decided on a time, but hopefully, the reviewers will be able to accomodate our request.


    Yes, hopefully the best reviewers in all of geocaching will be able to accommodate your request. Do I need to tune up my Jeep? I know it's not a Toyota, but I'd like to stop and find the caches. :smile:

  12. Myself and some cohorts are working on a cache series of about 50 caches for release this Sunday morning (March 21st), stay tuned for additional info...

    Awesome! Where's it gonna be? Hike? Bike? Drive-ups? Huh? Huh?



    Good question there 00020367.gifHuh? Huh? We are leaving a 0600 to go Caching. Do we need to take our Bikes along????l



    When you find out, lemme know!



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