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Everything posted by MattTracker

  1. MattTracker

    D/T Chart

    I have found that since I am monitering my chart regularly that occasionally a number will decrease or in the case where I have only found one in that square, I lose credit for it. I know it's not because of a deleted logs. Are these numbers effected by archived caches or is it because an owner changes the rating on the cache? After doing a little investigative math I discovered that it is definitely because of owners changing the rating on the cache. I can the need to do this but it sure messes with my fizzy challange efforts.
  2. I used a masonry bit as well making the hole just the right size so that the bison tube didn't fall out but could be completely removed. I use a short fishing tackle leader attached to the tube lid with the other end epoxied to the rock. I drilled a small hole for that end to put the cable in with the epoxy so it would hold. It's held together great so far. See "Roll in Rock" GC1B1KB. Sorry no picture, I didn't want to spoil it.
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