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Everything posted by rockymtn8iv

  1. Yeah, so were the people drivin' by as this fountain is on a fairly busy corner here in town and right across the street from a park that is usually PACKED with soccer players. One person drivin' by even honked! It was a HOOT!! We've got more pics. pretty much the same. When Mrs. rockymtn8iv tried to get a better shot of the POG coin (which she did), she cut me legs off! Anyone got a spare peg leg???
  2. 'Ell shi'ver me Timbers! Paul E. Parrot wa'nt nay na ca'optatives but we still gots 'er done! T'at be rockymtn8iv (aka: Cap'n Ron) wi' t'e booty! T'ere be a Pirates O' T'e Geacache coin and Map in t'e starboard han'! Harrr, harrr, harrrrs!!!
  3. and can GET YOU INJURED or KILLED! As a sparky, Just sayin'!
  4. I enjoy making the cache page "colorful" as well and like "colorful" pages personally. At a recent event I attended though I caught a lot of flack from a couple of cachers who admonished me because when they try to read the cache discription on their GPS units they have to wade through all the HTML. I'm hopin' that Garmin (and others) will eventually make a patch (terminology??) for this so that the page will display in the unit like it does on a computer. Personally, I like what you do. Just sayin'................
  5. THANX! For everything!!! Good luck to ya!
  6. One question: What do those look like? Maybe I would want one Here's a GR8 place to see almost all of them, including the 10 Years! Koeln Germany Bo.T.L.'s 10 Years of Geocaching Multi Event Geocoins Collection Compliments of Bo.T.L.
  7. I knew the "Rhine" wouldn't last too long! But Gee Whiz, that was quick! The "Rhine" is now spoken for. I still have a "Camo" if anyone is interested.
  8. I knew the "Rhine" wouldn't last too long! But Gee Whiz, that was quick! The "Rhine" is now spoken for. I still have a "Camo" if anyone is interested.
  9. I still have one extra Rhine and Camo version of the 10 Years coin I wouldn't mind trading. I have (in my collection) already: A Rhine, Camo, Colorado, and Mardi Gras I am especially interested in: Germany, Koeln and Ontario, Kitchener But would consider trading for any others.
  10. I still have one extra Rhine and Camo version of the 10 Years coin I wouldn't mind trading. I have (in my collection) already: A Rhine, Camo, Colorado, and Mardi Gras I am especially interested in: Germany, Koeln and Ontario, Kitchener But would consider trading for any others.
  11. Did anyone check under the flowerpot?? Just wonderin'! After a second look..........never mind!
  12. We've been lucky enough to get a FTF prize or three. And enjoyed the surprise, and we've returned the favors. We've put unactivated geocoins in a couple of caches and on one occasion a newbie found one of my caches (a micro) and his log read, "Nobody else has signed the log yet???". When I checked his profile and saw his low numbers we emailed him and asked if it was his first ever FTF. He said, "I guess." We told him that deserved a FTF prize and gave him his first ever geocoin. We met up with him (as you can imagine he was slightly skeptical) gave it to him, and taught him about trackables. Turns out we've a lot in common, not just geocaching, and we have become real good friends. (The real prize!!!) That is also how we happened to meet another good geobud, only the shoe was on the other foot and we met up with them after scorin' FTF on one of their caches. FTF prizes are not mandatory, and don't break yourself. But if it feels good....................DO IT!
  13. I won't turn 30 since I was born in '63 but it will be 8 days after the event as well So that makes you 30....................with 17 years experience!
  14. Just a question, if a 5 pointed star has 10 points, how many points on a ten pointed star?? We would like to host a 10/10/10 event in Northern Colorado, as long as it doesn't mess up Mike's plans.
  15. BTW: I believe this one was sold at an event in Colorado as well!
  16. CQQL! We had a fantastic surprise in our mailbox as well!! Like everyone else, we and Cap'n Ron would like to thank Oak Coins and everyone involved! THANX A BUNCH!!!
  17. WOW! That is interesting. We've had lots of interesting experiences over the years but nothin' like that. Perhaps you could get the CO some information to include on the ole Kings Crown. Looks like they'ld be happy to include it in the description. Congrats and HAPPY CACHIN' to you!
  18. Yes. Go Here If you need any help let me know.
  19. We get that a lot too at INATN. We have had much better luck with Cache Stats and My Geocaching Profile Both are free and work real well. Good luck!
  20. I'd say that sums it up pretty well!
  21. YES!!!
  22. BTW What was wrong with sending them in an email???
  23. Wished I'd have know that sooner. I just did the same thing. Sometimes I wish when things worked, somebody wouldn't come along and fix it!
  24. Woo Hoo!!!! We found the TB's owner! They'll be activatin' it and we'll send it packin'! Thanx BlueDeuce, for all your help!
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