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Everything posted by bumblingbs

  1. I'm having an Event Cache soon, and thought it would be cool to hand out specially made event buttons to the participants. I looked around at some different companies that custom make buttons, but in the end I knew I would have to order from Bumble Buttons. Bumble Buttons is Honeychile, a geocacher and volunteer cache reviewer for NC, SC, and Va. I wanted to support the business of a fellow geocacher. Good choice! She designed the button at no additional cost. They've just arrived, and I'm very happy with them! I ordered a mix of event buttons, and regular buttons for trade, and wasn't quite sure of the pricing. I just put in a certain dollar amount via Paypal, and asked her to send me however many I had bought. I got more buttons than I was expecting! Honeychile has been great to work with! I thought the best I could do in return was to spread the word--if you're looking for buttons, check it out! www.bumblebuttons.com OK, Bumble Buttons, Bumbling B's, I knew it was the right choice from the beginning!
  2. Darn! Well miss you guys! Best to Woody!
  3. Garmin rocks! They're going to send some prizes for the event cache! Whoopee! Don't know what we'll be getting, but he mentioned possibly hats, bags, t-shirts and coozies. Coozie? What's a coozie? I know a jacuzzi would feel good after a long day of caching!
  4. Plenty smart, just learning. And smart enough to ask a question when you weren't sure. And you brought doughnuts! Cool!
  5. If the first time to the cache you found it but couldn't reach it, then your first visit should have been a Note, or a DNF. The second visit, where you reached it and signed the log, should be the Found log. Pass the doughnuts, please.
  6. I very much enjoyed a local cache series, the Cemetery Quest. In fact, I hit most of them with my 77 year old mother, who has been contemplating her own mortality, and she enjoyed them as well. Headstones were used as waypoints, and we offered up blessings to the participants. When I was a child, we found several really old graveyards, and spent time in wonder at the lives that had been. That being said, the cemeteries on the quest ranged from abandoned to very infrequently used. I think I might pass up a cache in an active cemetery. I don't know if I could be comfortable playing a game in a place where fresh pain and grief were being experienced.
  7. Somebody left a baby's nasal aspirator in one of my caches. I thought it was an odd choice for a trade item.
  8. I was last to find on my own cache. I went to do maintenance, and was horrified that the cache was right out in the open, visible from 20 feet away. I covered it up really nicely. Nobody else was around. Boom! It's gone!
  9. Oh, yeah, here's the final result: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...a3-a3f30b0d49bd
  10. Very nice Criminal! I added a couple more <br>'s, and I'm using it! Thank you! In my copy and paste, I somehow managed to include "charter throbbing member" from your avatar. Puts a slightly different spin on the word "Romp", doesn't it?
  11. Wow, you're going beyond me. So I can shift my picture, huh? I have a lot to learn.
  12. YES!!!! It's up! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...a3-a3f30b0d49bd Now I just have to fix the rest of the page because of the HTML, but I think I can handle that. Thanks all!!
  13. Uh, feeling like I'm going to be embarrassed here, I actually wrote "your picture". OK, so the actual URL for my picture is: http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/743eb210-...ce7ad0b2b53.jpg Exactly what part of that do I put in, in place of the words "your picture"?
  14. I'm having trouble getting a picture onto my cache page. Can somebody talk me through it? I have uploaded the picture I want to my cache page, and I'm trying to insert it into the text. As I understood it, I need to write: <img src="http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/yourpicture.jpg"> Well, I did that, and checked the box that indicates I'm using HTML, but all I get is a small white box with a red X in it. Where am I going wrong? Thanks!
  15. Sounds like a great trip! Edited for~ Never mind, rant over. I think that a cross country trip where you seek out caches that have the ability to move you sounds wonderful.
  16. What do you think about these buttons? They haven't been ordered yet, so I'm open to suggestions. I'm getting them from, of course, the Bumble Button Company. The white part will wrap around and not show. http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/743eb210-...ce7ad0b2b53.jpg
  17. Hey, Wienerdog~ I'm going to answer for Shunra, because I don't know how much internet access he has this week. Shunra is going to hide an empty ammo can. Well, it'll have a logbook in it. Anybody who wants to go for a walk after dinner can go (as a group, or separately) to find the cache. It would be nice if everyone who visits it leaves a small trade item or signature item. The cache will likely be listed the day after the event, and it will remain as a permanent cache. Anyone who visits it on the day of the event will be able to log it as a found. Shunra will provide the coordinates at dinner. It won't be anything too hard or strenuous, just a nice after dinner stroll to finish off the day. I imagine it will be called something like the Port Townsend Romp Memorial cache, but that's entirely up to Shunra. That reminds me, I need to go poke Garmin again about prizes.
  18. I may not be the oldest cacher at the event, but, no worry, I find that I am deteriorating rapidly. (Uh, diet and exercise needed here) (Lord, help me get old and strong , and filled with peace!) For all those that are coming, PLEASE leave a note on the cache page, including how many will attend. Port Townsend is full of small restaurants, and it was hard to find a place that would accomodate a large group without coming to a grinding halt. ~Mrs. B.
  19. Yep, pretty much. You can independently cache 'til 4, then the Romp starts. (Don't be late!!!) I saw that a cache event somewhere else had gotten Garmin t-shirts to use as event prizes. I have written a begging letter to Garmin, asking for some goodies, but haven't heard back yet. If I get prizes, I would leave vouchers for them in various PT caches, to add some fun to the early caching.
  20. Thanks, Wienerdog, that was awfully nice. Sure hope you can make it!
  21. The Port Townsend Romp is scheduled for Saturday, June 19th. We'd be honored if you'd attend. Here's the link to the cache page~ http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...a3-a3f30b0d49bd Thanks! Bumbing B's
  22. BTW, (OT) I find that I often, if not always, agree with briansnat. I live in Washington State, but I'm a Jersey girl, born and bred. I like eggplant!, though, so let the debate begin!!!
  23. I think the diplomatic way would be to deal directly with the owner at first. I know I'd be annoyed if someone posted a SBA on one of my caches without first bringing the issue to my attention first. I think that's just a matter of courtesy. Maybe the owner isn't aware of the signs because he came in from a different direction. Maybe he actually has permission. Give the guy a chance to address it first. It's been less than 2 days since it was logged. I'm glad to log on and see this post. I'd been trying hard to think of a nice way to address my concerns. If I were perceive that there was a problem with a cache placement, I would ~first~ go directly to the owner with my concerns. In this case, the cache owner, while not terribly active, has been a geocacher for several years. I would give them the benefit of the doubt. I imagine the hider intended to show other cachers a beautiful area; not to discredit geocaching locally or destroy the natural area. If they have gone wrong, it would be kinder to first correct them gently, rather than making them feel totally reamed by the entire geocaching community. I would advocate that you give them a reasonable period to respond before taking any action at all. In the meantime, your well documented experience should encourage other cachers to just avoid the cache until the issue has been resolved.
  24. I've read your log from the cache in question, and it certainly detailed your concerns with the cache. Have you had a response from the cache owner?
  25. Both, and if someone misled me into thinking one was there and it wasn't, I'd be pretty pissed. If my nephew cries, someone is gonna pay. I gotta go with Briansnat on that point. Just curious, but does this really happen a lot? I have owned 21 caches. I do look at the logbooks, and ~nobody~ has ever signed the online log without signing the physical logbook. I have never gone looking for a missing cache that was likely last "found" by a cheater. I have seen geocachers do things I don't agree with, but never an out and out cheater. Is this really a common issue in other areas? Seems like around here, if someone was doing that they would become "known" quickly enough.
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