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Everything posted by bumblingbs
Belleterre, you've already done the scary ladder cache? Why are you going again? Just to catch me if I step off into space? (Uh, this woman has seen me in action and KNOWS). KB
Eraseek, I may have embarrased myself plenty during this thread, but you didn't embarrass me. I think you're terrific. KB
The numbers are from Eraseek's post last night. You already provided #1-5, so I just started where you left off..... Of course, strictly speaking, I guess I should have started at #500 - but who's counting anyway? To CG - yep, that looks like the ladder I remember. Oh! I get it. I think i'll be ready for scary ladder cache before tunnel cache. When CG said it rocked, ummm...do you think she meant literally? KB
Yep. i haven't been on a bike for 20 years, so off to the tunnel caches. i afraid of heights, and I have a tendency to do klutzy things, so off to the scary ladder cache. and clawing my way up Mt saint Helens sounds just about impossible. But if Belleterre is going, I am too. Come on arrow, make your way down to send. i seem to be losing computer priveledges. Bad mouse.
Yes, I'll go. Buts what's the 6, and 499? Jeez, I was a train wreck yesterday, wasn't I? Most of my caches are in pretty good shape. The fort Flagler micro MIGHT not be missing, it's a hard find guess I can let things sit for awhile. Belleterre, if you want Mt Zion, it's yours, and Bugel if you want Indian island walk, feel free. dang, now my mouse is dying. i can't even go back and turn those into capital letters. i can only go forward. True in life, as well. Working on it...... KB
Hey, it's morning. Can I re-write my secret list? 1. I have the sweetest 6 year old in the world, and first thing this morning kissed the back of his neck while he slept. He's priority #1. 2. My kitten who scratches is very cuddly in the morning. I'm allergic to cats, but she's worth a few sneezes. 3. Geocachers are great. I love you guys. People have been very nice about my implosion. 4. I'm still going to go caching sometimes, but not often. 5. I still don't know what to do about my caches. I'm not keeping up with maintenance. The sweet 16 series has had only 15 caches for months. There may be a micro missing at Fort Flagler. It's a 40 minute drive to Fort Flagler. People are saying don't archive, but I don't really want to deal with it. All this talk, and I still don't know what to do.
Secretly? Secretly? I spilled my guts for you and it was secretly? Dang, is it too late to edit? Oh, forget it. I'll be all right, my son is great, and anybody who wants to read through my pain and come out the other side can. If anybody has that pain, follow me. I'm moving in the right direction, and we will all be OK. Are you hurting? One step behind me? E-mail, All will be well. I'm living proof of it. Though I've been stripped bare (fortunately for all, this is not a physical thing) I have gotten nothing but love and support. So, you're right, people. geocachers are a fine group. I forget what the original question was, but I can sleep tonight. (Well, Ok, maybe, i'm a frigging insomniac maniac, but it sounded nice, and felt nice, and seemed maybe true........
2. I have an unusually kind and forgiving husband. 3. Everyone is surprised, but at the present moment, I am not dying. Uh, I've been commiting suicide for years. Can I really be real? Can I stop hurting? And, how could my lab tests come back clean? 4. What on earth else can there be? I hate myself. I have insomnia and anxiety and panic attacks and I can barely look myself in the mirror. Uh, what kind of mother have I been? Not worse than mediocre, but not what I intended. He's a real good kid, though, and I've done better than some. He deserves better, whatever I give him.
Runhills, I would sure like to meet you some day. And somebody said it, I don't remember who.....but geocachers as a group are kind and wonderful. You have all been kind and wonderful. no lie. Any one of you needs any kind of help, anytime, count on me. I've been huggled, and needed and loved it. Thank you! KB
And if anyone really wants the dirty details, I'm willing to spill. Would probably prefer not, but probably would, easily. I love my husband and son. Loving myself is tougher.
Nope. sorry, I don't deserve all the love that is coming my way. I may have left out a fact or two. I SHOULD give up geocaching, at least on a temporary basis. I am screwing up , totally. Pretty sad, when I'm 46 years old ; there are at least two people, on this thread, who know exactly what's wrong. I'm ashamed. I have the sweetest 6 year old, and he deserves better. KB
Oh dear, now I have to cry again....... Hugs, KB
Oh, NO! Contributing to my geo-stress? Not at all. In fact, I might have been impulsive and archived everything today, except that I knew you were in hot pursuit. It will be there, waiting for you. And, your looking for it fills my heart. It's good. As I said, nothing will be archived if there is somebody looking for it. I'm pretty sure I can't keep up with cache maintenance, and I really don't want to be a BAD cache owner. I'm overextended, didn't mean to be, but life happens. I'm not quitting geocaching, either. The very day I read about it, I ordered myself a GPSr. I have loved it. All I'm saying, is that I have not been a good parent, or human being lately. Until I get that settled, geocaching takes a back seat. A very far back seat. I love it! Don't get me wrong. But, if I can't do it right, I ought not be doing it. My cache, Natural Beauty, has been archived. It has also been lying by the side of the trail for weeks. I should have gone to pick it up, and I never did. It was a cool cache, I thought. I bought a fake vine with big leaves from the craft store. Two of the leaves were exactly the same, so I sewed them together, put a log inside, and artfully arranged it on a hillside. So, the deer ate it. Life happens. Life is happening now. I'm not being a good cache owner. So, I shouldn't be one. Period. I'm a screw-up with integrity. How's that? But please, please find the cache you're looking for. I await your happy face log.
Hah! I have been thinking of you today. We have a kitten, and she gave me a bad scratch this morning. I randomly picked one of my son's tattoo bandages. There it is, every time I look down. PEACE, right on my wrist. KB
Oh Dang! i need to put your event on my watch list. I'm very interested to see what you'll do. I know it will be great. KB
Shunra, also known as Bugel, is taking a geo-break. So am I. Bad logs made me get worked into a mini frenzy, but are certainly not the reason for my break. I have a small child, who is homeschooling, and I need to actually homeschool him. I've been coasting, because he's a little sponge. But, he deserves more of my time and attention. Kitchen sink science projects, art projects, field trips. I haven't been doing quite right by him. And, he's important. I need both to get healthy, and have a good "mom" year. I don't see a lot of time left over. KB
Well, I've ordered one of the new Washington State geocoins for you, so there. Take that! (Frigging geo-has beens)
Simply--Thank you.
Oh yes, you may have Indian (Cedar) Island. I've actually turned it into a multi-cache, to make people actually walk the trail, but even though the micro has been in place for 3 months, nobody knows about it but me. And, uh, I could find it, but I don't have the cooordinates. Helpful?
What are YOU doing here? Guess anything is possible. I'll probably be back in a week, huh? Love you KB
Oh, Eraseek, I wish I'd met you. Maybe still will. Never say never. I don't know you, but reading your logs, and looking at your caches makes me want to bow before you. I honor you!
I think I've given the wrong impression here. I am thin skinned, but not so, that a bad log or two would make me quit. They are just icing on the cake. I'm quitting, kind of, because of personal problems, family dynamics, the end of my best geo-friend's caching days...lots of reasons. Not because the squirrels are munching a power bar. I could deal with that. KB
Oh, bloody well find it. I bought it , filled it, and carried it, but it was Belleterre that hid it. She even made ME go look for it. If she'll have it, it's hers. By the way, if you haven't met Belleterre, make an effort to do so. What a fine person! She says she's shy, and I say I'm shy, but one of us is wrong. She's wonderful! KB
Wow! I can't keep up with technology. I got something like a personal e-mail from Criminal, and fumbled it. Dang, if I was 20 years younger, and attractive, I'd be breathless. I almost sorta am, anyway. Whoo. I hadn't actually startted of thinking of caches to jettison, on an individual basis. There are a few I would find hard to part with. And, I originally had other names for the Mt. Townsend cache. Like, the Bumbling B's do Mt. Townsend. (Neither my husband nor my caching friend got the porno joke, and both looked down their noses at me) But shouldn't Mt Townsend belong to Port Townsend? I could give up everything, except for three. Larry Scott was my first. Mount Townsend has to stay. It's mine. My town. Too bad if the bears eat it. And, I'm fond of Haunted. Really fond. Otherwise, why not be toast? I'm tired. KB
Thank you, everyone. I am having a day without cheer. In fact, I'm hurting badly. and may not be sensible at the moment. F&8Ck, should anyone be in tears over geocaching?