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Everything posted by bumblingbs

  1. Darn! I'm packing up. and almost forgot this item. Mine's the one at the top, purple with gold. It came from the scary ladder, and I earned it, being the first of the group to find the cache. We're off to see the northern lights tonight. It's 7 pm, I have a warm dinner in hand, my hair is braided tightly, and only Mr B and Shunra have heard of spirit quest. Mrs B is in need of purification. See ya. Criminal is going with me. In a fashion, a purple and gold fashion. KB
  2. OK, is it just me, or does "Brownie Fudge Sundaes at the Bloated Festering Head of My Last Victim" sound a little off?
  3. And the Pipeline is not good in the winter because it's drippy, and cold? This woman says she wants to hit 500 on January 1. That gives me plenty of time, but will I be able to get anyone off the couch, away from the Rose bowl? Let me go look up the original stash. That would be a good one. Sure hope Belleterre drives, her car is so much cooler than mine. Still open to suggestions. Is it fair to have her chest deep in putrid swamp water for # 500? Yeah, ok, maybe.
  4. Cleaning up? Are we supposed to do that? Edited to say that if cleaning up is a requirement, there goes 20 or 30 of my finds........
  5. So a dinner, not a landmark cache? She says she does not do events, but she lies. On the other hand, a really special cache, with people there to cheer, seems more appropriate, somehow. I haven't found the inspiritation to create one of my own, but I could make an event surrounding a very special cache. The calf event was lovely, but I think in general I don't do restaurants well. I'd rather see her slogging through the mud, but with company. Darn, my brain is empty, and I count her as a special friend. What muck can we throw her into, and who will be there? Brownie Fudge Sundaes at the bloated festering head of Mr Thomas? Heck, I know I've even got that wrong, but give me some help here. My brain is whirling with ideas for Spookfest '05. I was just a little late for this year. A special cache, 15 caches away, for a special person? I'm a slow thinker. Help! Personally, I think Pipeline, or the original stash might be OK, but we'd need company.
  6. My geo-friend Belleterre is coming up on 500 caches. She is a special person who needs to be celebrated in a special way. I thought the PT Romp was cool, the Calf event was do-able, but my brain gets emptier and emptier. Can somebody who knows her, or knows me, help? An event? A special cache with people who love her there to celebrate? Dang, I had trouble coming up with a single idea for the calving, I'm just not that smart. If anyone can help, or participate, please e-mail me privately, because she does once in a while look at the forums. She's the coolest chick on the planet, and deserves better than an empty-headed friend. bumbling@olypen.com Heck, I think that's right, I never write to myself. Is it bumblingbs@olypen.com? You can always go to my profile page. Yep., I'm an idiot, but my friend isn't, and she deserves to be celebrated. Belleterre, if you're reading this, shame on you, I told you not to.
  7. This is a family sport, an outlet for others who want to escape modern living for a moment or two. What is your motivation? Were you bullied on the playground, and want to strike back? I'm not trying to be flippant, I know that people harbor pain. But, we're a group of strangers who have decided to connect in a disconnected world. Having someone coming in as the last desperado is the antithesis of what we're loooking for. Destroy my caches if you must, but I would be happier if I could offer some healing, and take the edge off your anger. Dang, I'm going through an extremely rough time, myself, but reaching out, rather than lashing out seems to work for me. Destroy now if you must, but look for a higher power, or calling. Evil is NOT your final destination. MRS B Who has been struggling, but not destroying. We are all one. Target me, hear me, ask for help; I don't care. All roads lead to enlightenment. Eventually.
  8. My thoughts and condolences are with the family as well, and Fledermaus, I'm sorry you've lost a friend. If you have any thought of creating a memorial cache, or need swag or a new container to maintain any of the existing ones, I'd be happy to contribute.
  9. Alas, Belleterre will be in Portland on the night of the event. She is indeed worth meeting.
  10. Dang, you all get up early!
  11. Just a reminder that the baby shower for the lovely Bull Moose family is Sunday night at 6 at the Tony Roma's in Silverdale. Not quite sure we have enough people to rate the banquet room, and would be delighted to have a few more celebrants. Let's make it a party!
  12. Uhh... Those sentences together don't make any sense. Despite the Kerryesque word dance, "$10 special use permit to place a cache" = "cache tax." I do appreciate the work WSGA is doing with the State Parks, though. If a cache costs $10 to place, so be it. Whoo! You guys are moving too fast for me. TMG is right, Bull Moose is right. Nobody wants to pay to play; on the other hand Fort Worden has had some bad experiences with geocaching. Have I said this before? An ammo can with a skull and crossbones painted on the outside? A cache in a paper bag? First, we have to establish trust. I've been trying to do this. Miss Mainstream America with her cute kid wants to put a good face on geocaching. Done. I've played by the rules, established trust. Maybe, since that's been done, we can talk about the rules. It would be easier to do so now, as opposed to when confrontational geocachers were refusing to maintain their caches. KB
  13. I'm hurrying to get ready for a playdate. (6 year old son) Can somebody Markwell this? I've paid the tax, twice, with misgivings. Went to a party this summer, and was astonished to see that Steve Shively was one of the guests. I'm not a people person, and froze when I saw him. Had only thought of him as an obstacle to go 'round, not a human being. Wish I'd had the sense to talk to him. Fort Worden has had some bad experiences with geocaching in the past. Nonetheless, the management has agreed to let it continue. When I placed a cache, the management was very involved, and I used up a significant amount of office time with the highest ranking officials of the park. They felt that a $10 special use permit was compensation. Don't know how to make it better, but I'm not oblivious to their point of view. Anybody want to help form a delegation to propose different options? Oh, and by the way, on the other hand...the city (town?) of Port Townsend has been pretty cool. PT coughed up a lot of money, so Fort Worden is, to the best of my knowledge, the only State Park that you can go to for free. And, look at the police department. They loaned me a police car for the Romp. A real police car! And an officer. Not too bad. I'm willing to take the bad with the good, and I'd be willing, with help, to redefine Fort Worden's geocaching policy. Gotta go, KB
  14. Not only does Project Ape have a DNF as the last log, so does Lighthouse Point. Oh, please, let it be there! At the event, I found it and was the last one to have a hand on it. Please, please, please be there. KB
  15. Hah! Jersey girls / women can do anything! I know you're tough. The tunnel would be a unique experience, but there are so many wonderful hikes around. Hope you're staying a month. Or forever. KB (and yeah, claustrophobia in a tunnel) It's so far to get out. But I'm a Jersey girl, too, and I'm not scared of anything. I've got a Criminal signature tag to prove it. (or remind me, in weak moments) Happy traveling and STUFF! KB
  16. Well thanks, and thanks. It's no more "men" and "girls" than it is "women" and "boys". We're all grown up here. OK, Woman Power, Man power, New Jersey power, all line up at the tunnel. Somebody can help me deal with "claustrorphobia power". (Yes, name a phobia, Mrs B has got it)
  17. Ick, I hadn't seen that. Guess we'll have a definitive answer Saturday. We don't give up easily. (Well, we did once, but there was a ferry to catch. Haven't even logged that one yet.)
  18. Are you talking about US girls? That would be so cool. E-mail, or call. 360-531-1553 Girl Power! New Jersey power! Whatever! It's all good.
  19. You don't need to carry 16 pounds of dry ice again. A la Mopar would be good enough. KB
  20. Belleterre! There you are! Uh, yeah, but it might be cold up there. Could you bring some warm treats? Hot apple pie and cocoa? KB
  21. Yeah, well, ~if~ you choose that option, we'll be part of the welcoming commitee. Post, or e-mail, we'll firm up when and where. I'm coming from Port Townsend, so it won't be an outrageously early start. Bloody Fingers, Dirty Diapers is on the menu. KB
  22. Hey! Bring them to the tunnel! Belleterre and I are going on Saturday, walking. It's not everywhere you can get a Project Ape icon. Plus, I'm from new Jersey, so it would be like like old home week. The tunnel and the scary ladder make a good one-two punch. KB
  23. RWW, you did the scary ladder cache once, the second time will be easier. Do it enough times, it'll be like climbing into bed. (not falling out of bed, OK?) Give a hey! to Mopar and Geoho for me. I'm a Jersey girl, born and bred. Montclair...well, actually (getting all snooty) Upper Montclair. (Darned thankful to not be living there still, but you don't have to mention that!) KB
  24. I don't have a dog, so I just bring the TP and the bag. People keep looking at me wierd though. Oh, dear, I've just sprayed coffee everywhere.
  25. Well, good. If there should ever be any more trouble 'round here, we'll enter this thread as proof of your complete innocense. I can see us all swearing in at court. Name please? Uh, Bumbling B's, sir. (Oh, yeah, that would carry some weight, wouldn't it?)
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