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Everything posted by Surfoo

  1. I checked your geocode with their Swagger UI (https://api.Groundspeak.com/api-docs/index#!/Geocaches/Geocaches_GetGeocache) , and I have the same result : { "referenceCode": "GC99DTZ", "hasSolutionChecker": false }
  2. Hello, When I upload a PNG file for a new cache, it's converted in jpg (the extension is always png) and the transparency is lost. Example : https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/b5e27504-f091-413a-a52a-23837b863a63.png Type mime : b5e27504-f091-413a-a52a-23837b863a63.png: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01 Could you avoid to convert the file, and just put the same file on S3 ? Thanks.
  3. Hello, My app https://unpublished.vaguelibre.net/ just switch to the new API
  4. The thread about the issue and the last answer from a google engineer: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/79405933#comment335
  5. Hello, The list of images (for the description) open in the tab, and it's really annoying... (click, back, click, back, click, back,...) And the code is almost ready!! Actual code for an image: <a rel="lightbox" href="http://imgcdn.geocaching.com/cache/large/6d659200-b046-4db5-8fdf-xxxxx.jpg">Spoiler</a> rel="lightbox" is a reference to a jquery plugin, fancybox. And this plugin is already loaded for pictures in logs... So, the only code to add in your script is just: $('a[rel="lightbox"]').fancybox(); Please, can you fix the fancybox ? PS: Personally, I added this line of code in GC little helper, and it works like a charm.
  6. OMG! I wrote about this bug the 2nd july 2013! It's finally corrected... Now, can you escape specials characters? We can write texts with < and > for example... (It's stripped for the moment...)
  7. Why don't you write a release notes about changes in the API ? Or even on the API forum..
  8. Javascript Error From Firebug : It's on an unpublished cache. Error : TypeError: $(...).position(...) is null Line 1842 : logTop = $("#cache_logs_container").position().top;
  9. Oui le site est mis à jour automatiquement au moins une fois par jour il me semble.
  10. Le site mides.fr recense toutes les caches de type Challenge si c'est bien ce que tu cherches. Voilà le lien : http://www.mides.fr/geocaching-et-challenges
  11. +1 !! We don't need this "title". And in the "Personal Cache Note" Area, please add a break line before and in our notes... I don't want my notes after the ":". I often align informations with multiples lines but it's shifted now... Example:
  12. Yes, the app is in french, beacause my phone is in french. The app doesn't provide a way to change the language.. Personally, i prefer use the app in english and my phone in french. Can you add an option to change the language?
  13. I have a force close during the loading of my pockets queries... Device : Galaxy Nexus, with Android 4.1.2
  14. Hello, I found a bug with diacritics in spoiler's legend : http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC38F5E It should be "La Facel Vega accidentée"...
  15. Thanks! I don't see notifications for "posted a note", can you add this ? And also notifications for our actions (first post)
  16. in ScriptResource.axd : DateTime.isLeapYear = function (year) { if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) { alert("yes"); return true; } return false; }; This piece of code is executed only for leap years
  17. Same thing for Events cache (or MEGA, CITO), I don't see "will attend" or "attended"..
  18. I defined notifications for my county with all types of geocaches and all types to watch. And yes, I didn't received my found notifications.. Here for webcam cache :
  19. Hello, I created a notification with all types to watch (Found it, Retract Listing, Didn't find it, Temporarily Disable Listing, Archive, Enable Listing, Unarchive, Update Coordinates, Publish Listing, Needs Maintenance) and when I found a cache (or disable listing), I didn't received email notification... Why ? I think it's a bug, owners of notifications should receive their actions. Also, in webcam cache notification, "Webcam Photo Taken" doesn't exist in type to watch. Can you add this action in notifications ?
  20. There is a bug with this hint on http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=3e44a9c2-9161-4776-96e7-f793989d5d1e Decrypt/encrypt many times.
  21. Please, can you add the app2Sd feature for the next release ? Seriously, it's only few characters to add in AndroidManifest.xml : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html#install
  22. Ok, I don't have F, you can vote here : http://geocaching.pureftpd.org/polyglotte3/vote/F
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