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Posts posted by sanramonhunter

  1. I just got an Oregon 300 and want to get an Invisible Shield for it. By comparing the two on the Garmin website the display size seems to be the same. Zagg doesn't list an Oregon screen yet, so I was wondering if the Colorado screen protector would be the right size. I am guessing yes. Anyone put the Colorado invisible shield on the Oregon yet. g-o-cashers?

  2. I just bought an Explorist 500 "Travelers Bundle" at Walmart in Canada, for $175.00. It comes with the Explorist 500 GPS, rechargable battery, USB cable, charger, cigarette lighter adapter, vehicle mount, and software.


    I think it is a really good deal, maybe check your local Walmart.



    I already have the explorist 600 I just need the battery and wall charger.

  3. If you want rivers and such your also going to need topo 2008 about $100.


    City Navigator = turn by turn street navigation


    Topo 2008 = topographical data with rivers and such. Also has street data, but the info is not very accurate and you cannot get turn by turn directions from it.

  4. Garmin 60csx or vista HCx look at them both and see which one you like the feel of better.


    To get turn by turn directions your going to have to add $100 for City Navigator. Basemap will not route you, it only includes cities and MAJOR roads like highways. Plus your going to want an auto kit for around $50 so you can mount it on your dash while driving.

  5. I saw your post while researching a problem I had with my Explorist 600. As it turns out, I will be sending in my Explorist 600 in exchange for a Triton 500. The tech representative told me I can send in the unit without the battery door. So, I now have that part, a USB cable with power supply adapter, the seldom used original Magellan battery and 2 compatible Motorola batteries, and a motorola battery charger that charges these batteries so you don't have to tie-up the Explorist 600 charging the batteries. Let me know if you are interested.


    I sent you and email via gc.com

  6. Can anyone tell me where/who to call to try get get replacements for our explorists that died recently? We got a second-hand 500 in April, which died in June. Today, paul called to say that the 210 we got about a year ago died, too.


    All we have left is the 100 we got started with (no USB port!) and plans to go to the mega event in Quebec in three weeks!


    At this point, I'd gladly trade the two broken Explorists for anything they'd give me...

    If they are less than one year old they should be repaired or replaced by magellan at no cost. However they sometimes take up to 6 weeks to accomplish that task. Give them a call and get your stuff fixed.

  7. This is a used Explorist 600 I bought off ebay. It is in good shape. I used it for about 4 months before I got my Triton 500. I find this better for finding the actual cache than my triton, but I like the paperless feature of the Triton enough to sell this.


    I have installed a ZAGG invisibleshield put on immediately after I got the unit, however the previous owner didn't have any protector and the screen has many hairline scratches on it. Once I put on the invisibleshield as you can see the scratches are unoticeable, I just wanted you to know what was under the screen protector. The case itself is in good used condition, not great but by no means beat up. It has been updated to the european 2.57 firmware so this unit is WAAS capable. Included is the unit, the battery pack, Screen protector, charging cable and usb cable. Asking $160 Shipped via USPS priority mail. Will sell for $140 Shipped via USPS without the battery pack and charger. Please email me with any questions.









  8. This is a refurbished Explorist 500LE I got from magellan after they couldn't repair my unit. It is in great shape. I used it for about 2 months before I got my Explorist 600, which I will be selling in another thread because I have a triton 500. It's time for me to offload some of my excess GPS capability. I may also be listing my Rino 110's, but haven't decided on those yet.


    I have installed a ZAGG invisibleshield put on immediately after I got the unit and updated to the european 2.57 firmware so this unit is WAAS capable. Included is the unit, the AAA battery adaptor, Screen protector, and usb cable. Asking $100 Shipped via USPS priority mail. Please email me with any questions.









  9. Try http://billsgps.tripod.com/. I didn't mention before because I haven't purchased from him before. I just placed an order with him today for an explorist battery door and some USB cables. He seems like a nice guy and is very customer friendly. He is in canada and the shipping is pretty steep for some reason. He used to do warranty work for magellan, but they parted ways. Magellan probably treated him worse than the end user if that's possible. I got the feeling he had alot of magellan parts laying around from when he did repair work. Don't know if he has what you need at a decent price, but shoot him an email and find out.

  10. Will the screen work with a protector?


    Both my neighbor and my dad put Invisible shields on their Nuvi's and they work fine with them on. I have one on my 2200t and it works fine on that as well.

  11. Run the pocket query. Once you get the email download the zip file to your desktop. Unzip the file. Open up vantagepoint(VP). if it takes up the whole screen size it to take up half the screen. Click on the libraries tab on VP and then click on geocaches. Then drag and drop the GPX file into the left side of the program. All the geocaches will populate the area. Send them to your Triton and you are done.

  12. Run the pocket query. Once you get the email download the zip file to your desktop. Unzip the file. Open up vantagepoint(VP). if it takes up the whole screen size it to take up half the screen. Click on the libraries tab on VP and then click on geocaches. Then drag and drop the GPX file into the left side of the program. All the geocaches will populate the area. Send them to your Triton and you are done.

  13. I have a Rino 110 (2 actually) I used it for geocaching at Disneyland when I went on a trip there recently. Worked well, not spectacular though. I have never used the standard yellow etrex, but imaging it works just as well as that. Just as the 530 Hcx will probably work as well as a 60Csx for caching.

  14. I've got a 500 and it is stable. Only had one lockup, and that was while I was entering my personal info. For $150 it's a good price, but it's not the easiest GPSr to use. The controls are more complex then they need to be and some screens are a pain to get to. Hasn't Costco changed thier return policy on electronics (Not lifetime now)? If I were you I'd give it a shot and if you don't like it you will have at least 60 days to return it.

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