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Posts posted by sanramonhunter
Been a while since I've had a 60csx. If I remember right you want to hit the "mark" button. this will give you your current lat/lon. then you have a choice to edit it right off the bat if I remember right. So just change the coordinates there and you should be good to go.
Make sure you download the newest firmware. The Magellan website has been down for the past 5 or so days for some conversion they are doing. Once it's back up and ready for downloads update the unit to 1.85. You might give the update a try in Vantage Point, but that's probably down as well.
There is no way to mark a geocache as found, one of the glaringly stupid problems with this device.
Battery life stinks, get rechargeables, then you won't care.
It let me add to the cart so maybe they are back in stock?
Just noticed they are out of stock at dell. At $250 no wonder.
The Tritons do not do turn by turn directions if that's what you're looking for.
Thats a bummer, does the garmin equivalent do turn by turn
Depends on what you consider the garmin equivelant. Most of the Garmins in the $200 range will do turn by turn AFTER you buy city navigator for $100 or so. If you go to the garmin site and compare the units one of the fields to compare is turn-by-turn.
I just saw that DELL has a smoking deal on the oregon 300 $250 and if you get city navigator with that it will definetely do turn by turn.
I'm thinking about buying one, but they're only $250 on Dell right now (through Thursday, 6/18). Trading for an iPhone might be difficult because I'd imagine most people are still locked in with their 3G.
WOW that is dirt cheap for an Oregon 300.
Just sold mine on ebay for $310.
Hey, black is a color.
Actually black is just the absence of light.
What should I go with? I am going to mount it on a mountain bike. I like the OEM, but does it work good?
The OEM works fine for me. Probably depends on what terrain your going on. I use mine on pretty level and smooth terrain. (street and smooth dirt trails.) So I can't speak to difficult terrain usability.
The Magellan Crossover is a good car unit, but pretty poor for geocaching. It quits directing you to the cache anywhere from 100 to 40 feet from the cache. It will just state "arrived".
So I'd say the nuvi. I've heard good things about the Lowrance XOG also.
The triton series in general is SO SO at best. They are usable, but not user friendly. They have some good features, but lack many others. The 200 specifically does not come with usb cable, so you would have to buy that in addition in order to connect to a computer. It also doesn't support SD cards. If they are REALLY cheap then get one otherwise spend your money elsewhere.
This is coming from someone who owns a triton 2000 and an Garmin oregon. I leave the triton literally in the box it came in and use the Garmin several times a week. I bring the triton out everytime they put out a update for it. Then when the unit still falls short of being easy to use I put it back in the box. I am giving them one more firmware update and if it still stinks, I'm selling it on ebay.
If the Meridian was not on during message udates for the WAAS satellite changes, the WAAS will no longer work. There is a thread in this forum regarding the fix.
So if you leave the receiver on for a period of time does it receive the timing updates?
No, the updated information was only broadcast for 3 months or so. After that without a firmware update you are out of luck.
What should I be looking for in the description of a GPS that will indicate high sensitivity? Is it WAAS?
In the Garmin lineup any unit with a H in the title is high sensitivity. Legend Hcx, Etrex H,......
You can communicate via a pc Serial port to the etrex. The serial cables go for $15 or so on ebay. For $100 you are not going to get anything with a larger screen. You need to hit about $300 to get a larger screen.
The Triton 1500 (I think) has a 2mp camera on the GPS.
It's the Triton 2000 and the camera is a junky one like in cell-phones. And I haven't seen even a used one for under $200. You can find used ones for $250-$300. Plus the camera has no flash.
One con for you is that there are no turn-by-turn directions for the triton series at this time. The interface isn't all that great either. You are also locked into using Vantage Point as the only way to get cache info to the unit, and Vantage Point isn't all that great.
On the plus side it is pretty accurate and gets a lock fairly quickly and holds it well. I would put my $199 elsewhere, until they get the interface and the turn-by turn directions worked out.
You could always get an old palm pilot for about $15 and downoad cachemate for $8 and have all the info you want. Back when I had my explorist 500 that's what I did.
You can use topo 3d. There are instructions on the magellan website on how to put them on a triton series unit. There are no turn by turn street maps for the triton.
I have a triton 2000 and an oregon 300. The triton sits in a box on a shelf and the oregon gets used. It's just harder to use the triton by comparison. Hardware wise the only plus for the garmin is the screen size. But using the interface on the garmin is heaven on earth compared to the triton. Given your situation I would either get another used explorist off ebay or go with another brand of GPSr.
I entered in my Home position and the position of a local cache, it shows the two points on the map and the distance, but no roads that are around. Do you think i will be ok without the roads? I have also been thinking about taking it back and getting a garmin Etrex legend cx. Would i be better of with that?
For ease of use yes you would be better off with the etrex legend cx. It has a usb interface, and the software should work on vista.
No description, but you should get the hint.
Looks like fun. I'd just worry about dropping it and the waterproof issue. Also wouldn't like to have the GPSr as a seperate unit. I guess you could double side tape it to the top.
I need to find the best/cheapest GPS
1.) What are you going to be using it for? 100% geocaching? 50/50 geocaching/hiking? Do you need turn by turn directions?
2.) Define Cheap. Is it $100 or less? $300 or less?
Oregon 300: Geocaching
Magellan 2200t : Driving directions in car and Scooter
Garmin Rino 110 (2): Use for trips to disneyland and parades etc.. with family
Magellan Triton 2000: Sits on shelf till software improves. Giving it 6 more months then it will reside on ebay.
Magellan Triton 400
in GPS technology and devices
Unless you can get a Triton VERY cheap, don't bother. They just updated the software on the unit and it's still missing several features. New updates are coming and maybe they will make the unit worth buying. But right now you would be better off going with another unit. It's not that the units not usable, It's just not an easy unit to use. I currently have a Triton 2000 and as soon as I can get a good price on the Oregon 550 I'll be putting the Triton on Ebay.