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Everything posted by sanramonhunter

  1. Who doesn't like easter egg hunts?
  2. What program are you using. I need to try this.
  3. Offer the guy $5 to cancel the transaction. That way he doesn't have to eat the posting fee's again. I've done that for people before.
  4. Insane: no Obsessive Compulsive: YES
  5. Reading from my power adaptor for the 500: Switching Adapter I.T.E. Power Supply Part No: 730536-01 Model No.: MU12-2050100-A1 Input: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 0.5A Output: 5.0V (straight line over 3 dashes) 1.0A Efficiency Level: (IV) Plug Diagram shows Outside Negative Inside Positive Oh yeah Made in China (go figure)
  6. Once you get let's say within .25 miles of a cache the Etrex H will work just as well as any other unit. Getting you from your house to within .25 miles of a cache is another story. The Etrex H will be pretty useless in that regard. You are going to have to use google earth or similar programs to get you within the general area of the cache. Once you are close to the cache just use the compass arrow to find it. I have a car unit and a handheld. once I get close with the car i basically just use the compass screen to find the cache.
  7. I did the same thing you did, sold my 60csx planned on buying a Colorado. Then after reading about the issues I decided to hold off. Got myself a used Magellan (just for a change) to tide me over till they get the Colorado bugs worked out. I figure sometime this summer I'll be purchasing my Colorado, and it might even be cheaper then. So my suggestion would be to get a "bridge" unit till the Colorado is a little more refined.
  8. Quick fix might be to download firefox and try it on that browser. Then you can email geocaching.com support and wait for an answer on IE7.
  9. Yes it will fix the WAAS issue. It also 3 or 4 screens that used to be on the meridians. Speedometer page, highway view, Large view numbers, and one other. I've turned off all the new pages except the speedometer.
  10. Go with the garmin. The explorist 500LE will be EOL'd by magellan within the year. Then you'll get even less support from magellan than you would now. There will be a few things you'll miss from the explorist, but all in all you'd be better off with the garmin. And the compass on the vista only helps when standing still. So with the legend you'll have to be in motion to get the direction of the cache with the vista you can stand still and the internal compass will point the way. Mapsource is just as good as Mapsend. As soon as Garmin gets the kinks worked out on the Colorado I will be selling my explorist 500 and getting a Colorado not a Triton.
  11. Also are you sending them as compressed (.zip)?
  12. I've only used .gpx files myself, but you can output the pocket query in .loc format. Have you given that a try. Doesn't solve the mystery of the .gpx file, but could work. Down at the bottom of the new pocket query page there is a box that asks what format you want. One of the choices is .loc.
  13. Have you tried Vantagepoint? It's free on the magellan website. I just got my explorist 500. Did a pocket query, dragged the .GPX file into the Geocaching area (click the Library Tab, then click on the treasure chest). Hooked up the explorist and sent file.
  14. Well one thing I can tell you, if your Gold has been off for 2 years WAAS will no longer work on it. It would have had to be on last summer to get the WAAS almanac update. So you may want to get a new unit just so you can get your accuracy from probably 30 feet down to the 9ft it should be at. If you buy a an explorist you will have to put the european firmware on it to get WAAS. If you did paperless caching before, you might want to look into the new Garmin Colorado, or wait a few months till magellan gets a few more of the kinks out of the tritons and get one of those.
  15. I noticed that as well. I talked to Magellan about when units with the new maps would be available and they as usual were less then informative. They basically told me there was no way to tell. I think instead of plopping down another $96 for the update I'll wait for awhile and try to sell my 2200t for $100 and buy from costco.com if the new maps get put on internally. In the meantime I'll just route close with the 2200t and use the explorist 500 to get to the cache. I can now answer #3 for myself. Just installed the Invisible Shield and the touchscreen works fine.
  16. Well after going through several technical support people they finally just gave up and sent me to customer service to send my unit in for repair. I just loaded the european version of the firmware instead. WAAS is back and kicking plus I like the speedometer screen. I backed up my basemap, but the upgrade didn't effect it so I didn't need to reload. The tech support people have NO clue what is going on with these explorist 500's. They kept insisting that if I have the green W on the sat page that I was getting WAAS. Then I asked them if I was getting the WAAS signal why did service menu 03 not show it. They concluded that my unit was not interpreting the signal correctly. Anyways I can 100% now say that Magellan has the absolute worste customer support that I have ever encountered bar none. Magellan should just put a link to this forum for customer support everyone here was more informative and more helpful than anybody I talked to. So thanks everyone for the information and help.
  17. Can someone that has WAAS working on an explorist 500 with firmware 2.03 confirm something for me? On your screen with the location, time accuracy, elevation, and battery info (sorry don't know what that screen is called) does WAAS show up in the accuracy box? I'm having a fun conversation with magellan on the phone right now and need to confirm this.
  18. The 60csx has the Sirf III High sensitivity reciever chip the 60cs is the older model. Both look identical on the outside and the screens are the same I believe. The 60csx also comes with an microSD slot for adding memory where the 60cs only has the small amount of built in memory. Can't say for sure on the tracks or the poi, but I imagine you could import them into GSAK or similar program then upload to the garmin.
  19. I can't speak to the vista being compatible with mapsource, but if it is you can do everything you need within mapsource and no other program will be needed. Some of the cool geocaching features of the 500 won't be there by just using mapsource, but if you wanted the custom Icons, and hint description on the 60csx it would be possible, you'd just have to use garmins POI editor and something like GSAK to parse your .gpx file. If you just want cache locations and names just drop the gpx file from geocaching.com into the waypoints section on Mapsource and voila. I can't think of any issues. I believe there are versions of topo canada where the streets are routable, so you just need to get a copy of that and all your map needs for canada are done. The pc cable is a standard mini usb jack, much easier than that screw on adaptor for the explorist. You just need to pop off a rubber cover and plug it in, it is really easy. I can easily say you will be very pleased with the 60csx It is a great unit. It is however quite a bit larger than your explorist. The explorist is more along the lines of an etrex as far as size goes. So all in all there are a few niceties that you might miss from the explorist, but as far as hassle free goes you'll be light years ahead of the explorist with the 60csx.
  20. My friend uses a Nuvi for geocaching. It's ok but not waterproof or shockproof in anyway. There is no compass screen he basically has the lat and long written down and he goes to the sattelite page that shows his current position. Then he walks around a little N or S, or E or W till the coordinates match up. If I were you I'd just get a nuvi that you like then get a used etrex yellow. They can be had for $50 or less. use the nuvi to get you close and the handheld outside of the car to get you to the exact spot.
  21. Just sent in the meridian, They didn't want the cigarette adaptor or the data cable or the original manual So I'll throw those in for $10 more.
  22. Bought this 2 weeks ago. I got rid of the meridian not knowing this software wouldn't work with the explorist. So I loaded it tonight and when it didn't work did my research. So $25 shipped anywhere in the us. Disk used once about an hour ago. Please be aware will only work on Meridians, Sportrack, and map 330.
  23. As soon as you start driving on the correct side of the road, we will start spelling meter correctly.
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