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Posts posted by gpstrekkers

  1. I checked mine for reference. The power button is held down until it beeps. Sometimes mine would flicker in the display but there was no beep heard. Press and hold again and it would power up. Also, I think there was a loose batt compartment spring issue with these units. Make sure the springs are well seated. I'm trying to remember back, some users took their's apart and soldered the springs to the contacts. I might be wrong but I thought the springs just touched the contacts.


    As the other poster said, hook it up to external power power. If that works, you got it narrowed down.


    good luck with it. It's still a great unit for geocaching.

  2. Try here www.gpsinformation.org/perry/ if the web updater will not work. This is where garmin sent me to do a reinstall in my 60csx when the unit software blew out of it. You will be looking for type G then choose the version you need. I asked garmin why they didn't have something on their site pointing to this and was told "dunno". Webupdater just wouldn't reload it, even when the gps showed transfer successful.

  3. My 60cs has done that a few times. Mostly because of long periods with out batteries installed. I found that to enable sat lock is while holding in the enter button push and hold the power button until it turns on. You should see a diagnostics screen. Be sure it is receiving a siganal... something like 16xx or 17xx and showing elevation. After about 2 mins turn off the unit and back on normally. Should start picking up sats right away.

  4. Ditto the above responses. Flew down to Orlando two weeks ago on Continental. Went thru security with two gps's. I asked the flight attendants if I could use them during the flight. I was called a gadget geek on the flight down. :mad: On the flight back, the one attendant was a gadget geek. He asked if they showed speed and altitude. He loved the display on the the 60cs. :mad:

  5. I work for a utility company , so I actually get paid to walk around 8 hours a day. Hiking shoes is all I buy. Mail order is a good place to start. Cabela's has low end to high end hikers.The SportsmanGuide sometimes has great deals on hikers. I shop at a store in NW PA called the Boot Box. Many times I buy 3 pair of hikers at a time from there.


    Shoes are built so differently, support, traction, waterproofness etc. All leather support better and offer better protection in rocky areas. Whereas, leather canvas blends are cooler. Outer soles offer varying degrees of traction. thick firmer soles will wear longer but in my experience are less effective on slick stones and other similar surfaces. Even tread patterns will determine how well the shoes work.


    Generally speaking, shoes in the 80-150 dollar range will give you results that are needed to geocache. Although, I have bought those cheap bargains and have been surprised. Mostly, they see the garbage can in about 1-2 months.


    As for waterproofing, Goretex is in 98% of the shoes I wear. About 9-12 months of wear is max before they start to leak thru and thats using oil to beeswax to silicone sprays to help in waterproofing.


    This is simply my experience with hikers. Your mileage may vary.

  6. I would tend to agree with alot of the above. I don't care much for those caches hidden under tree branches with a bunch of dead leaves thrown over it. A big thing with us is,Originality, and location, location, location. Since the day I blundered into this thing called geocaching, my family and I have seen places a few hours from home that we didn't know existed. If only we could find more time to hunt.

  7. I was sitting at the computer one evening with gps in hand. I was muddling over different ideas for a screen name. I wanted to use "GPS" in the title. And since there are at least four to five of us in our family going on cache hunts, I wanted a name to include all of us. We are an outdoorsy type of family. So I tried different outdoor themes with gps... hunting ,camping, hiking etc. Nothing clicked, so I broadened my thoughts(I'm not very creative). :laughing:


    Anyhow, being a one time Star Trek fan, it jumped right out at me :lol: . So, seeing that we are a family, I just made trek plural, and added gps to it. I guess Star Trek is kinda like geocaching. The captain gives a heading to his helmsman, and off they go to find what lies at those coordinates.


    There, how's that?


    wanna these days, I'll find just the right avatar to post with our screen name.

  8. Warning, I'm going to ramble a bit. I feel that there should be no set time on a cache. The particular area in which we cache is not saturated. We've done caches that are a fairly long walks and somewhat rough terrain, but I've got to see places that I didn't know existed in my neck of the woods. I've checked back on some of them to read the logs after we have been there. What I sometimes see is a cache may go 2-3 months before someone else finds it and they go on about the view or something else unique about it. That is what I feel is important to the cache hider.


    Back when I first received a gps for buying an atv in '96 or '97(Magellan 2000) I just kinda tinkered around with it. Then I set it aside. When the Meridian series was introduced, I knew I had to have that Platinum model. With mall gift certf. in hand after christmas. I walked out of Radio shack with new toy in hand and wife just sighing. So after a month or so I was on the internet looking for info on this model and came across this site gpsinformation.net and at a link at the bottom was geocaching. After a couple of clicks on the mouse I yelled to my wife "we've got a new hobby".


    Time is our problem. There is always alot of family stuff going on. Kids in sports. And now more driving time is going to be a factor. I can see how an area with alot of caches could be redundant. But that may appeal to those who like numbers. I know I was starting to get envious of those with tons of finds and wondering, how do they find the time? For some folks hobbies come and go. But, I do think that there are enough good hiders out there to keep the sport fresh. We introduced a couple to geocaching. They now own a gpsr and loving the adventure it brings. I say, if its possibe, take someone along. They may really like doing it. Also, it's possible they may end up being good hiders or have access to good hiding areas.


    Anyhow, nuf said...tired of typing.

  9. I'm not going to comment on which is best. I do own a mag. platinum though. It gets me there, helps me to find it and then on to the next one. Ok, Thales is French. Isn't Garmin owned by a Japanese company? Anyhow, what burns me is that my unit was made in China :lol: What's french about that?

  10. Our group keeps at it until it is found. However, time constraints on some have been logged dnf. But, we get back to them as soon as possible. A dnf just bugs my wife to no end. Much more than me. Unless, it happened to be a cache that I know I was looking right at it but didn't see it :D

  11. My kids are the ones who are really thrilled about cache finds. When we first started a year ago they went for the McToys. Now it's pocket knives and things that they find cool. Myself, I just enjoy the hunt. I do understand what others are saying about the lack of interesting items in a cache find. We do try to trade up so to speak. It has seemed to me the more difficult the cache the better the trade. Unlike the cache and grab ones. The online logs are almost a treasure themselves. I just really enjoy the creative writing in some of the logs.

  12. I blundered onto geocaching from a link on gpsinformation.net. I just purchased a magellan platinum and I was doing some internet info searches on it... well, I said to my wife I just found something to do with my new toy. The rest is history. We're an outdoorsy family and this geocaching fits right into our lifestyle. We just lack more time to do it. Anyhow, every trip is an adventure.



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