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HappyFrog (& gang)

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Everything posted by HappyFrog (& gang)

  1. I got the normal message: Here are the Pocket Query search results in the formats you requested. 66228.gpx: GPX is an extended GPS exchange format that can be read by both EasyGPS and ExpertGPS, as well as various other software applications. The latest version of EasyGPS for Groundspeak can be downloaded from the links section of Geocaching.com. You will need the latest version to read this format. So I then went to download the file and was told that the file was not found What happened? I tried it three different times. What happened to my file, where did it go. All I got was the file name, but not file................................ Help.................................................................
  2. Good news! Racers have been placed in Frog Pond One cache: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...03-8e39a74924ef Travel Bugs have been seen in this cache - Triumph 600. My Lucky Day, 70 Charger, Grandpa Campbell's Cannonball Racer That is 4 of the 5 that was in the Reno cache.
  3. I got the following message by email from Saito - aka Orange Hippo:
  4. Is it summer yet? I wish, I only wish
  5. I am really racing myself and hoping that mine gets to the finish line. I really don't care if I win or lose. I just want mine to finish by next March 05. My son's racer is in 6th place and mine is in 28th. He states he could led now, but we need to see when the race gets closer to the end. I am traveling North on the I5 to Oregon in June, then I will be traveling east to Washington DC, in July. If anyone would like their TB hop a ride with me I will pick them up if they are easy to get to as I am passing near their bug. I will check and see what racers are in CA before I leave.
  6. Marky there are 12 racers that have not moved since the dinner. Of those 12, 2 (one being yours) have not been logged in. Maybe a new cacher came to the dinner and placed it in a cache within 100 miles of the dinner, of course you need to firgue out which cache. Don't give up hope. Just make sure you show up to May's dinner and ask everyone if they have seen it. It still could show up. I had a travel bug lost once for 3 months, a new cacher picked it up and took it to Montana. The travel bug is now sitting on top of a mountain at a 5/5 cache waiting for the snow to thaw. At least it isn't lost, just not moving. I'm sure that someone has it or dropped it somewhere.
  7. May they didn't take your racer, because it could not be moved east. Maybe they were going the wrong direction. You would be upset about that.
  8. Thank you Egnix for the update page, it is awesome. My racers are 18 & 28 places now, but they are really on the move as they have been picked up and moving into NV as we speak. PizzaBoy is laughing at me as his racer is ahead of me. He thinks he will win my racer. I tell him that the race is not over yet
  9. Anza Borrego Desert State Park had a lot of nice caches in it, planted by the good San Diego cachers. You can also get to LA from there on the back roads from Anza Borrego, I know because I had to take them during the fires in October. We had gone to an geocaching event at Anza Borrego and got detoured on the way home, because of the fires in San Diego County. Anza Borrego Desert State Park is a very interesting area also. Just thought you would like to know.
  10. Okay I just got it and it is 5:38 pm PST. I guess that it takes an hour to get one send after it says it is sent. But the good thing is I have it
  11. Okay, I put in a new Pocket Query. Geocaching.com states on my page that the Pocket Query was sent at 4:40 pm PST. It is now 5:35 pm PST and it hasn't gotten to my mailbox What should I do reput it in? Okay I'll do that, hope I get it this time.
  12. But Marky, you and Joni are to nice to be mean to. When Pizzaboy and I visited at event you were at, you were the first people to greet us. I hope your racer is around and hasn't been lost. Maybe it will end up on the other side of NV.
  13. I lost my cell phone in July 2003, while looking for "Gorak's Capsule" in "Fairview Regional Park" in Costa Mesa, CA. I never did find the cache and decided to go back another day. Never found my cell phone either. I might have lost it in a few caches that I had to crawl around in bushes that day. Those caches are no longer in the park either I can see. At least I was able to replace the phone for less cost then it would have to buy a new one.
  14. Go with the Vista, it can load up to 1000 waypoints (that's alot of caches) and it has memory for loading a lot of maps into it from Mapsource. You don't need to get Mapsource right away. I have a Vista and love it. I am waiting for the new Garmin GPS to come out though. Also a note is that the prices on all the Etex GPS units are dropping in the stores.
  15. Discombob, If my travel bug ever made it to South Africa. I would love for you to go find it, no matter where it was. Take some pictures, tell a story and let me know all about what is happening in that area. So keep picking up bugs, take their pictures, tell a story, and pass it on.
  16. I know I watch the caches that I have a travel bug in. This way I can keep track of if my travel bug got lost or not.
  17. Well, I am also racing my teenage son's 70 Charger, I have Sporty 5. We have a bet on it. If he wins he gets $100 from me . If I win I get him to weed and clean the whole yard (we have 2 1/2 acres) . Sooooooo, I'm a hoping that I win, that way I don't lose money and I have a clean yard
  18. If you let me know where in the Barstow area you drop it off. I can pick it up and take it to LA.
  19. I know how to slove it but I don't live there. O well, you guys need to more research and have a deeper thought process. Good job Dr Nellie Bad, I like the way you think.
  20. I had that trouble with my new laptop. My GPS did not connect with the serial port in my computer. I call Garmin, they said that maybe it is a mouse port and not an R40 something port and that I needed to get a USB to serial port connecter. I was also told that Keyspan makes the best one. So........... I got a USB to serial port connecter and plugged it into the USB port. I could not get it to find a COM cannel, because they were all going to Bluetooth (which I did not use). So I freed up COM 6. I have had no problems with it since. Hope this helps.
  21. This scenario is one of the reasons I DON'T log online, and keep track of my own finds myself.... Team 360 if you ever visit one of my caches, I promise to never delete it. I like hearing what people have to say about my cache, the state it is in and what they thought of it.
  22. Well, we have at least 14 more days before they are released or........... sooner. Waiting is so hard to do
  23. From Barstow take Hwy 247 to Lurence Valley. There are some interesting caches in the Apple Valley, Victorville area, then you could take Hwy 18 over Big Bear get some caches up there. then down to I 15 to San Diego. You can also check the Southern CA website, there was a run to Las Vegas and I know there are some lists of caches on the way to Las Vegas from Barstow. The zip code for Apple Valley is 92308 or 92307, and there are some interesting caches in this area.
  24. The big question is... Is that a good sign or a bad sign? It means alot of cachers are logging in with their caches they have found. It seems to happen every weekend, when I wish to log my caches in, soooooooooo........ it would seem that it happens to other people too, right?
  25. I was the Pool Manager at a City Park where I live for quite a few years. If the clocks and other things were visable and not nailed down they were taken. You might wish to think of that before placing it in a park.
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